BOOK REVIEW + GIVEAWAY – Enigma (Schrodinger’s Consortium #2) by Tonya Kuper

BOOK REVIEW + GIVEAWAY - Enigma (Schrodinger's Consortium #2) by Tonya Kuper

I’m so excited to be on the Enigma Blog Tour. This was a wonderful duology, so definitely check out my 4 Star review and enter the giveaway below! Enjoy!

BOOK REVIEW + GIVEAWAY – Enigma (Schrodinger’s Consortium #2) by Tonya KuperEnigma (Schrodinger's Consortium #2)
by Tonya Kuper
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Worst. Road Trip. Ever.

Escaping with Reid Wentworth should have been fun, but how can I enjoy it when I just (accidentally) killed someone, my mom and brother are in danger, and the Consortium is trying to enslave humanity? (Yeah, they aren't fooling around.) So feeling something for Reid Wentworth was not part of the plan. Trying to help unite the Resistance against the Consortium means I can’t be distracted by hot boys.

The Resistance secret hideout isn’t exactly Hoth's Echo Base. A traitor there wants me dead, but we have no idea who it is. And with both the Resistance and the Consortium trying to control me, the only one I can trust is Reid. If we’re going to have any chance of protecting my family, controlling my unstable powers, and surviving the clash between the Oculi factions, I’m going to have to catch this traitor. By using myself as bait.


*Spoilers for Anomaly*

Enigma was an entertaining conclusion to the Schrodinger’s Consortium duology.  It was fast paced, had an adorable romance, fun superpowers, and I couldn’t help but like some of the new characters.  I’m so glad I gave this duology a try, and I will definitely be picking up Tonya Kuper’s future releases!  Here are some of my thoughts on Enigma –

A strong yet realistic heroine –

Anger seethed in my stomach as I watched thunderhead clouds billow from behind the mountain peaks. Energy buzzed in my fingers. This mole, this accomplice to my attempted murder, this orchestrator of the deaths of innocent people, didn’t know what was coming for him. – Josie

It’s been three days since Anomaly ended, and my heart was saddened to see how much Josie was suffering.  She was struggling emotionally from the fight she was in, along with the fact that she took someone’s life.  Someone who she thought she trusted, and was even a friend.  But I had faith that Josie would pull herself together.  And till then, I loved watching how she trained.  She was was beyond fierce and brave.  Yet her fears were always there too.  See, that’s one of the many reasons I liked her.  She was someone who was not only realistic, but easy to like!

Book boyfriend material –

The thought of Josie putting her life on the line split me into pieces. Part of me, the part that respected her decision to do this and knew she was capable of making her own decisions, ballooned with pride. But the other part of me, the part that wanted a future with her, the selfish part of me, ached from the terror of possibly losing her. – Reid

Probably my favorite thing about this whole book was Reid.  I know.  I’m hopeless.  I loved that his top priority was keeping Josie safe.  I loved that he was her biggest champion.  And I absolutely loved when he was authoritative to others.  He was amazing when he took charge!  You’ll see what I mean when they arrive in the Hub.  Reid was still sexy as ever, such a good guy, and someone I could easily obsess about.

Unique abilities and powers –

Reid slid his hands off my waist and one corner of his mouth curved upward. “Time to kick ass.”

I know I said this in my first review, but I have to mention it again.  The powers and abilities in this book, I’ve never read about them before.  It was fascinating to learn about, and I loved that they were entirely different from everything else out there.  It made reading about their training, fighting or even every day moments SO much fun!  And I loved seeing how Josie’s powers manifested *she was fierce!!*!

My only two wishes –

This moment mattered. This moment was all those other kisses, and touches, and years of watching each other rolled into one. He felt it, too. – Josie

I wish that some moments between Josie and Reid were expanded, because I’m greedy like that.  Especially in the beginning when they were traveling around and staying in motel rooms.  And had to share a bed.  I wanted those good night moments.  Whether they were sweet,  awkward or even if it showed Josie waking up from her nightmares in the middle of the night.  I couldn’t have had enough of Josie and Reid time (I was a little obsessed about them).  And I also wish there was more expansion on the Consortium.  I wanted to know why they were the way they were and learn more about them.

His hand wrapped around mine as I watched the sky and my chest suddenly seemed full. Reid was like quicksand— all consuming, sifting into parts of me I didn’t even know needed filling. – Josie

So while I guessed how a few things would turn out, there were some twists and turns that were wonderful and surprising.  I love when that happens!  But but but, there was mention of a thing in the future *yes I’m being vague here haha*.  So while it wrapped up beautifully, it also left room for a future book or even a spin-off?  Maybe it’s wishful thinking on my part, but I’d love to read more about these characters.  I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to them just yet, so fingers crossed!

*ARC kindly provided by Entangled Publishing via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*


Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)

Anomaly #1


Enigma #2


a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Author:

Tonya Kuper is the author of ANOMALY, the first in the Schrodinger’s Consortium Series, a young adult science fiction trilogy, released November 4, 2014 by Entangled Teen. She fell for Young Adult lit while earning her Masters degree in Reading Education. She’s a mom to two awesome boys, an alt music junkie, a Star Wars nerd, and in love with Sherlock.


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  1. Kim

    Spot on review Jen! I wasn’t quite ready to say goodbye to these characters so I’m keeping my fingers crossed there will be a spinoff.💁🏻

    • Jen

      I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to them either. And that mention towards the end….it sets it up perfectly for a spinoff with leaving us happy about the ending. I hope there is a future book too!! 🙂

  2. Theresa Hernandez

    I’ve had this series on my list for awhile now. Might be time to move it up.

    • Jen

      Here’s hoping you have a lot of fun in this world when you pick it up! 🙂

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