Monthly Wrap-Up – August


School has started, and we’re already in the 3rd week (how did that even happen?!).  My oldest is in 1st grade and my youngest started Pre-K.  And confession time….. I cried on both of their first days back to school.   Is it horrible that I’m still not ready for them to grow up?  It doesn’t help that I had come to love our summer schedule……every week was filled with beach days, pool days, and lots of days with my Grandma.  It was perfect.  It’s taking a little while to get use to our new schedule of school, soccer, swim lessons, play dates and Grandma time.  Though I always feel like I’m driving somewhere.  Anyone else feel like that too?

Ohhhh in case you missed it on Twitter, I had a huge disaster in my kitchen.  You can see it here.  I was in a rush and had to be at my oldest son’s school in 45 minutes to volunteer, then we had was swim lessons, and then I was hosting a party at my house.  Whoops.  I guess there’s a first for everything lol.  Here’s hoping you have never had a disaster like that!

During our Monthly Wrap-Up we’ll take a look at what has happened around here in the last month.  That’ll include what we read, any other posts we may have had, giveaways still going and books that I’ve added to my ever-growing TBR.

♥ Enjoy!


What We Read:

5 Stars:
The Invasion (The Union #4) by T.H. Hernandez
Warcross by Marie Lu (Warcross #1)
The King of Attolia (The Queen’s Thief #3) by Megan Whalen Turner
Ready to Run (I Do, I Don’t #1) by Lauren Layne

4.5 Stars:
Infinity (The Infinity Division #1) by Jus Accardo
The Queen of Attolia (The Queen’s Thief #2) by Megan Whalen Turner
The Great Hunt (Eurona Duology #1) by Wendy Higgins

4 Stars:
Good Girl (Love Unexpectedly #2) by Lauren Layne
The Thief (The Queen’s Thief #1) by Megan Whalen Turner
Omega (The Infinity Division #2) by Jus Accardo
A Conspiracy of Kings (The Queen’s Thief #4) by Megan Whalen Turner

3 Stars:
Inferno (Blood for Blood #2) by Catherine Doyle
Things I Should Have Known by Claire LaZebnik

2.5 Stars:
Mafiosa (Blood for Blood #3) by Catherine Doyle

2 Stars:
Vendetta (Blood for Blood #1) by Catherine Doyle

1 Star:
The Game of King (The Lymond Chronicles #1) by Dorothy Dunnett


Favorite Books of the Month:

The Invasion (The Union #4) by T.H. Hernandez (Jen’s Choice)
The Union Series continues to be one of my top favorites!  Especially since romance, action, torture, twists, friendship and political intrigue filled the pages!  So it was impossible for me to put this book down.


 Warcross by Marie Lu (Warcross #1) (Brittney’s Choice)
You guys, I enjoyed EVERY. SINGLE. PAGE. The whole book is so well written and holy crap, I think I jumped out of my bed a few times. Oh man. I wish I could say more, but there are some FUN plot twists.

Other Posts:

Our Most Anticipated Releases For August





Win a $25.00 Starbucks Gift Card for the release of Ready to Run by Lauren Layne

Win Ebooks of lluminae (The Illuminae Files #1) by Amie Kaufman, Six of Crows (Six of Crows #1) by Leigh Bardugo, The Fill-In Boyfriend by Kasie West, Adorkable by Cookie O’Gormgan, Good Girl by Lauren Layne and Broken Skies by Theresa Kay to celebrate our 3rd Blogiversary


Added To My TBR:

Here are some of the books I added to my TBR in August.  I’ve realized that I always tend to add more books to my TBR than I’m able to read in a month lol.  And just a heads up – I don’t include books that don’t have a cover yet.


Did you read any of the same books we did?  Or did we share the same favorite book?  If not, what was your favorite?  Or have you read any of the books I just added to my TBR?

Here’s hoping you all had a wonderful August and cheers to September being just as fabulous!

**Linked this post to the August Round-Up Link-Up at Feed Your Fiction Addiction**







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  1. Raven

    You guys had read some wonderful books this month! The Union sounds like a great series. Adding it to my tbr! I’m so excited for Warcross! I really can’t wait to get my hands on this book. The Last Magician is one of my favorite reads and I really hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I haven’t heard of Fantasy Of Frost but it sounds pretty interesting. I’ll look forward to hear your thoughts on it. I’m so looking forward to read Everything Under the Sun. Let’s hope we both love it! *fingers crossed*
    Hope you guys have a great September and Happy reading! 🙂
    Raven recently posted…Monthly Wrap-Up | August 2017My Profile

    • Jen

      Yay, I’m so happy to hear that you’re adding The Union to your tbr! I’m SO addicted to that series! And The Last Magician sounded amazing, and I’m so glad you made me aware of that book! Fingers crossed I love it as much as you! And yes, here’s hoping we both love Everything Under the Sun!! 🙂

  2. Kim

    I apologize Jen, but I had to laugh at your kitchen disaster pic. I’ve had all too many of those!😁

    • Jen

      Oh no worries lol! My WHOLE family laughed at me that night, and then as my friends here in Nevada found out, they laughed at me all over again. Sigh lol. I had just cleaned my mixer…..because I got some of the cupcake batter on the speed switch. And then I dumped all of the frosting ingredients into my mixer and plugged it in, forgetting I had just cleaned it and moved the switch to high to get some little pieces of cupcake batter off. Doh! I will NEVER make that mistake again. Awww, I’m glad I’m not alone in the what in the world just happened to my kitchen lol. 🙂

  3. Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    I think it’s sweet that you’re sad to see your little ones go off to school—it just goes to show how much you love hanging out with them! I need to go read that review of Warcross now. I’m definitely looking forward to that book!
    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Sunday Post & Giveaways Galore – 9/3/17My Profile

    • Jen

      Aw, thank you! I so enjoy our time together, and it seems like each year goes by faster and faster. They’re going to be in High School before I know it *covers eyes*. Ohhh I hope you love Warcross as much as Brittney did! 🙂

  4. Annemieke

    Aaaw I haven’t experienced the first day at school yet. Merijn just turned one, but I can empathize. I’ve been hearing great things about Warcross. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to read it since I am not a fan of The Young Elites but I did like the Legend trilogy.
    Annemieke recently posted…Dancing Out of August 2017My Profile

    • Jen

      One is such a fun age! Enjoy every single precious moment, it all flies by so fast! I still can’t believe mine are already 4 & 6 *sobs*. I still have to read The Legend Trilogy and The Young Elites….I’m so far behind eeks! Here’s hoping you enjoy Warcross if you pick it up. 🙂

  5. Aj @ Read All The Things!

    Sorry about your kitchen disaster. My mom made that exact same disaster when I was a kid, and I still remember it. So much cleaning. I hope your September is disaster free!
    Aj @ Read All The Things! recently posted…August Wrap-UpMy Profile

    • Jen

      Oh my gosh, that’s hilarious that you still remember it! My youngest was sitting at the table, eating a snack and watching me bake and his eyes were HUGE when the disaster happened lol. I wonder if he’ll remember it too years down the road. Aww thank you, I hope it’s disaster free too! 🙂

  6. Lisa Richards

    I had a kitchen disaster similar to that back when I had kiddies at home and was running crazy trying to get it all done. Did you know that if if let boiled eggs boil dry in a pot that they explode? Oh, yeah! Into a million tiny, tiny pieces. And the smell! OMG! It was horrific.

    • Jen

      Ohhhhhhh nooooooooo lol!!!!!! I had NO clue that they would explode. Ugh. I can’t even imagine the smell or the mess…….oh my goodness, that’s awful, I’m sorry! I guess we only make mistakes like that once right? Cause I can assure you that I will always look at my mixers speed before I plug it in in the futre haha!

  7. John Smith

    I looked up the link to “The King Of Attolia.” Boy, that corrupt Attolian court, with its capricious and contemptuous king–they need to learn a lesson!

  8. Evelina

    It’s the 14th of September, and look at me catching up with the August wrap up linkup only now! Way to go, huh 😀 but hey! At least I DID turn up, right? 🙂
    I am slightly jealous of Warcross! I totally missed my chance for an ARC. Everyone seems to love it!
    And also, lol for the kitchen fail, happens to us all xD you sure read a lot of books during August though!
    I hope September is going great 🙂
    Evelina recently posted…Oops, I Don’t Like A Famous BookMy Profile

    • Jen

      Brittney loved Warcross sooooo much! And I still have yet to read a book from that author *hides face*. I definitely need to fix that though! 🙂 Hope you have a great September too! 🙂

  9. danielle hammelef

    The best moms are like you who don’t want summer to end. It sounds like you had the same kind of summers I used to have and loved with my kids. I’m reading through your reviews listed above and I love your style. You make me want to read everything! I’m in the middle of Warcross now, so I’m avoiding any spoilers, though I did see there is going to be a second book. So far Emika Chen is my hero.

    • Jen

      Aw, thank you, that’s so sweet of you to say. ♥ The summers are the best because we get to spend so much time together. Tomorrow my oldest has a day off of school for a teacher work day and I’m so happy! We’re getting donuts in the morning and bringing them to my Grandma to have breakfast with her, and then around lunch time we’re meeting up with friends at the park for a lunch-play date. I love days like that!

      Ohhhh I need to read Warcross too, although I really want to read her previous books first since they’re sitting in my kindle eeks. I hope you have a lot of fun reading it!

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