BLOGIVERSARY + GIVEAWAYS – Our Favorite Female Leads

female leads

Since we’ve already had two posts talking about our Fiercest BBFs and Kindest BBFs, today we’re going to talk about some of Our Favorite Female Heroines.  These are the women we look up to, respect and absolutely love!  So have fun meeting our favorite heroines and we’re wishing you lots of luck on our giveaways below!



Ryen from Punk 57 by Penelope Douglas
* Review  * Amazon * Goodreads *

Fat tears spill over, and I feel a weight on my shoulders. It’s not Trey. It’s not Lyla. It’s me. I don’t know who I’m supposed to be.

Ryen wasn’t perfect-but maybe that’s why I loved her so much. She made mistakes and wasn’t exactly who she portrayed herself to be…but she isn’t half as oblivious as they all think she is-Total underdog. I love her. 


Catherine from Heartless by Marissa Meyer
  * Review * Amazon * Goodreads *

“I do not want his generosity, or his kindness, or any other favors!” 
Her mother sneered. “Then you are a fool.” 
“Good. I’ve become rather fond of fools.”

Ever wonder what a woman scorned looks like? Look no further. This book will break your heart….but Cath and Jest are worth reading about. Cath was a sweet girl who wanted nothing more than to bake…it just wasn’t in the cards. *Tee hee* I really loved her personality throughout the whole book-I just wish it had a better ending! PS. Jest was a book boyfriend-I just didn’t have enough room!


Aerity from The Great Hunt (Eurona Duology #1) by Wendy Higgins
  * Review * Amazon * Goodreads *

Determination rang out inside her, clearing away all doubts and fears before they had a chance to surface. She had no time for any of that.

Princess Aerity was brave, strong, honorable, and underneath it all she was compassionate and humbling. She was everything that would make a fair Queen one day!  The challenges and hardships she faced seemed all consuming at times. And I easily found my heart breaking and struggling right along with hers.   Aerity will always be one of my favorites!

Aria from Under the Never Sky (Under the Never Sky #1) by Veronica Rossi
  * Review * Amazon * Goodreads *

Her life was in danger. Her mission was in danger. She drew a breath and stood. She wouldn’t let herself fail.

Aria made me so proud with not only how far she had grown throughout this trilogy, but also with her strategizing.  I was actually clapping out loud at certain moments lol!  And I loved that she was a fighter through and through and never gave in easily!  I had so much respect for her!



Deleina from The Queen of Blood (The Queens of Renthia #1) by Sarah Beth Durst

  * Amazon * Goodreads *



Essun from The Obelisk Gate (The Broken Earth #2) by N.K. Jemisin
  * Amazon * Goodreads *



  * Amazon * Goodreads *

I absolutely adore Cress from the Lunar Chronicles. She’s hilarious but so sweet and I couldn’t help but fall in love with her.



*There will be 6 winners, and prizes will be sent via Amazon Kindle. The first winner drawn will get to chose which book they want first, and so on.  Prizes are ebooks of Adorkable, Illuminae, Six of Crows, The Fill-In Boyfriend, Adorkable, Good Girl & Broken Skies.*

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  1. danielle hammelef

    I don’t share your favorite female leads. Mine is Alosa from Daughter of a Pirate King.

    • Jen

      Ohhhh I have that book on my TBR! Now I’m even more excited to meet Alosa! 🙂

      • Danielle Hammelef

        I highly recommend it. So much fun to read. And it has a sequel coming next year.

  2. Raven

    Great choices! I’m so glad to see Aria in this list! She’s one of my favorite female leads from one of my favorite series! Ryen was pretty amazing in Punk 57 and I absolutely loved her character. Aerity is a good choice too but she’s not one of my favorites.
    Raven recently posted…Diary of a Teenage Jewel Thief By Rosie Somers [ARC Review]My Profile

    • Jen

      I couldn’t not include Aria, she is SO amazing! I ♥ that series, her and Perry so much! Do you have any recs for series that have a similar feel to Under the Never Sky?

  3. Marilyn

    I do not share any of your female leads. Mine is “Molly Murphy”.

    • Jen


  4. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)

    I thought I’d already wished you a happy blogoversary, I even know that I read this post before! Guess maybe I did that at work and then didn’t get the time to comment or something. So, happy blogoversary! This post is a fun way to celebrate! I can only agree with Jen’s choices since those are the only books on this post that I’ve read yet.
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…Book Tour with Giveaway: Keeper (Harris Brothers #3) by Amy DawsMy Profile

    • Jen

      Oh my gosh, I’ve done that before LOL! We aren’t alone in doing that!! YAY!! 🙂

  5. JLynn

    I adore Rhysand from acomaf.

    • Jen

      ♥ I still need to meet him. ♥

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