BOOK REVIEW: Sherwood by Meagan Spooner

BOOK REVIEW: Sherwood by Meagan SpoonerSherwood by Meagan Spooner
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When news comes that he's fallen in battle at the King's side in the Holy Land, Maid Marian doesn’t know how she’ll go on. Betrothed to Robin, she was free to be herself, to flout the stifling rules of traditional society and share an equal voice with her beloved when it came to caring for the people of her land.

Now Marian is alone, with no voice of her own. The people of Locksley, persecuted by the Sheriff of Nottingham, are doomed to live in poverty or else face death by hanging. The dreadful Guy of Gisborne, the Sherriff’s right hand, wishes to step into Robin’s shoes as Lord of Locksley, and Marian’s fiancé. Society demands that she accept her fate, and watch helplessly as her people starve.

When Marian dons Robin's green cloak, and takes up his sword and bow, she never intended that anyone should mistake her for Robin, returned from the Holy Land as a vigilante. She never intended that the masked, cloaked figure she created should stand as a beacon of hope and justice to peasant and noble alike. She never intended to become a legend.

But all of Nottingham is crying out for a savior. So Marian must choose to make her own fate and become her own hero...

Robin Hood.

Thank you to Edelweiss and Harper Collins for my ARC. Sherwood will be released on March 19, 2019.

I am the Lady Marian. I am a free woman and I am loved by Robin of Locksley. I don’t shatter for someone like Guy of Gisborne.

Sherwood was another very good book from Meagan Spooner. I previously enjoyed Hunted, Spooner’s take on “Beauty and the Beast.” This time it is the legend of Robin Hood, with Marian stepping up to take Robin of Locksley’s place after he is killed in battle.

Marian is an excellent main character. She takes her grief and sorrow over losing Robin and channels it into doing good for the people of Sherwood. Along the way, a fantastic cast of side characters help her steal from the rich to help the poor. She is strong and unwavering in her belief in right and wrong, yet is not immune from pain and sadness for those she cares for. She constantly goes out of her way to spare anyone unnecessary and pain and even when it is necessary, she feels guilty for what she has done. Marian is not morally grey–she does what she believes is right and doesn’t second guess herself.

Madness, then, she thought with a grin. And then, missing the feel of wool on her fingertips, she thought, Robin would have loved it.

We are introduced to Robin with a series of flashbacks and his voice in her heard. I loved Robin’s character. He is funny and sweet and charming. View Spoiler » Robin’s voice is constantly in Marian’s head, guiding her through her foray into becoming Robin Hood.

Robin’s voice in her thoughts was gentle. Will you take away their hope because you have none?

As I mentioned before, I thought the side characters of Alan, Will, John and Elana were all quite likeable and well-written. And in usual Meagan Spooner fashion, it was written quite beautifully and the world building was excellent.

You must be wondering, if all of this is good, why only 4 stars, Cassie? Well, unfortunately for me, I didn’t love the romance angle of this. Spoilers hidden for those who haven’t read/don’t want to know:

View Spoiler »

Overall, this was another wonderful book by Spooner. I really enjoyed it and if you were a fan of Hunted or the Scarlet series, you will likely enjoy this as well. I’m sure there will be plenty of people who disagree with me regarding the romance, but I’m ok with that. I’m looking forward to whatever Spooner writes next.

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  1. Lindsi

    I haven’t read anything by this author, but now I feel like I should! I believe this one is already on my TBR, but I’ll double check! I love the idea of Marian taking over for Robin, and I like that there are flashbacks so we can get to know him as well. It sounds like a lovely, well-rounded read. Thanks for sharing!

    Lindsi @ Do You Dog-ear? 💬
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  2. Jennrnee

    I am so excited for this one. I too loved hunted. I am glad you loved it. I didn’t read the spoiler. I hope the romance is okay for me. Great review

    • Cassie

      I hope you enjoy it! And yes, overall, I really did enjoy it. I’m glad you didn’t read the spoiler – it’s better to go in blind and see how you feel about certain developments yourself. I’m sure some will agree, but I imagine I’ll end up being in the minority on this one. Happy reading!
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  3. Raven

    I’m looking forward to read this book because I enjoyed her Beauty the beast retelling. I’m sorry you didn’t love the romance in it! I really hope it works out for me! Great honest review btw! 🙂
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    • Cassie

      Thanks, Raven! I hope you enjoy it! I’m sure I will be in the minority about the romance angle of this book, but I couldn’t help how I ultimately ended up feeling. I definitely will keep reading Spooner’s future books, as I definitely loved the romance in Hunted.
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