BOOK REVIEW: Chase the Dark (Steel & Stone #1) by Annette Marie

BOOK REVIEW: Chase the Dark (Steel & Stone #1) by Annette MarieChase the Dark (Steel & Stone #1)
by Annette Marie
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When everyone wants you dead, good help is really hard to find.

Piper Griffiths wants one thing in life: to become a Consul, a keeper of the peace between humans and daemons. There are three obstacles in her way.

The first is Lyre. Incubus. Hotter than hell and with a wicked streak to match. His greatest mission in life is to annoy the crap out of her, but he isn't as harmless as he seems. The second is Ash. Draconian. Powerful. Dangerous. He knows too much and reveals nothing. Also, disturbingly attractive--and scary. Did she mention scary?

The third is the Sahar Stone. Top secret magical weapon of mass destruction. Previously hidden in her Consulate until thieves broke in, went on a murder spree, and disappeared with the weapon.

And they left Piper to take the fall for their crimes.

Now she's on the run, her dreams of becoming a Consul shattered and every daemon in the city gunning to kill her. She's dead on her own, but there's no one she can trust--no one except two entirely untrustworthy daemons ... See problems one and two.


Buddy Read with Sophie at Beware of the Reader and Raven at Dreamy Addictions

Chase The Dark was an action packed ride that had me completely obsessed.  With magic, secrets, friendship, betrayal, lust and the beginnings of something more in the pages, I fell madly in love with this book.  The characters became my friends and not only did I deeply feel everything they did, but I was terrified with what was to come next.  There was a richness to the world they lived in, and I felt like I was with them every step of the way.  If you love urban fantasy, friendships, action or slow burn romance then definitely add this one to your tbr!

The only two people in the world she could trust right now were sitting on either side of her and she couldn’t trust them at all. They were daemons.

By that second page, I already loved Piper Griffiths’ thoughts.  She was an Apprentice Consul and worked and lived at the Consulate, which was like an embassy to the daemons.  Our world had been opened to the Underworld and Overworld years ago and the Consuls helped keep the peace and protected humans from daemons.  Right from the beginning we got to see Piper’s fighting skills.  She was fierce, deadly and totally kicked ass. Piper was a haemon, part human and daemon, but she possessed no magic like the other haemons and daemons around her.  And that was a huge issue, since all Consul’s had magic to help keep the peace.

Some nights she wondered if she was looking for goodness in him that wasn’t there. Other nights, she imagined a thousand ways to tell him thank you and none seemed good enough.

While daemons stayed at the Consulate, there were two she’d seen around before.  Lyre and Ash.  Lyre was an incubus, who was sexy, playful, intoxicating and fun.  He had a heart of gold underneath it all and I loved watching how much he cared for his friends.  And then there was Ash.  He was a draconian who was extremely powerful and had a dangerous reputation.  Others feared and respected him, so I was leery of him, just like Piper.  But when Piper got framed for taking the Sahar Stone, a magical weapon of mass destruction, she found herself running for her life.  With Lyre and Ash right by her side.

The world was spinning but Ash’s arms were steady and strong. Always strong. He was her only rock in the ocean of adversity that had flooded her life since the night of the attack on the Consulate. He was the only one who showed up again and again, his strength offered, nothing asked in return.

While I loved Lyre, I found myself becoming obsessed with Ash.  Ash was a huge mystery who was sarcastic, smart, and quick on his feet.  He was so subtle and mysterious that he pulled me right into his dark web.  Especially since he helped defend and protect Piper’s life every step of the way, even if they struggled or butted heads with each other.  And the moments where he would show his emotions, oh, Ash stole my breath away.

She clamped her fingers over the back of his head and pulled him closer still, demanding even more. His hand tightened in her hair and she tilted her head farther back as their kiss deepened into something even wilder.

Ash, Lyre and Piper were running for their lives, while trying to prove their innocence.  Being thrown into life and death situations made them quickly form a bond and I loved how much they trusted each other.  Moments between them made me smile and laugh, which was needed with all of the action that surrounded them.  It felt like I always had sweaty palms lol.  On top of that, I had no clue what was going to happen next.  Just like that moment with the hottest kiss ever *fans face*.  Yup I was obsessed.

Black irises met hers. Terror sucked out the breath she’d just taken. She clenched her teeth and fought to remember his careful touch on her cheek. He wouldn’t hurt her. He wouldn’t. He’d promised.

Chase the Dark was impossible to put down!  And while I figured out one thing, there were quite a few twists I didn’t see coming.  So with betrayal, secrets, friendship, lies, and trust, you can count on this book pulling your emotions every which way.  Plus I have so much hope for a certain two characters.  If they move forward, their love for each other is going to be beyond powerful *fingers crossed*!

“Is he alive, Zwi?” she whispered. She gathered the little creature against her chest and hugged her gently. “Please let him be alive.”

PS I don’t want to say how she’s connected to the story, but I loved Zwi with my whole heart.  She was a little dragonet, and I wanted to steal her out of this book!

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  1. Sophie @BewareOfTheReader

    I am in for book 4 this weekend if you want!

    • Jen

      I’m sorry I’m the slowest reader ever lately *hides face*. I can’t wait to see how this series ends, woohoo!!

  2. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    This sounds like such a great start to the series! I love the way you describe the Consulate as a kind of embassy to daemons. That’s awesome. 🙂 It’s been quite a while since I read any urban fantasy and this sounds like a fun one.
    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books recently posted…WWW Wednesday #89 | May 27, 2020My Profile

    • Jen

      This series is such a blast! It’s action packed, well thought out and the characters stand out so brightly. If you’re looking for an Urban Fantasy book, I definitely recommend giving this one a try. Just keep in mind that the romance is light.

  3. Raven @ Dreamy Addictions

    Fantastic review, Jen! Well, we both love broody and mysterious guys! 😉 Yesterday, I finished the fourth book and I loved it! The ending was pretty intense! If you haven’t read it yet, then you need to pick it up ASAP!
    Raven @ Dreamy Addictions recently posted…Mini Reviews: The Shadows Between Us | Seven Deadly Shadows | Night SpinnerMy Profile

    • Jen

      Yes we do LOL!! Every. Single. Time. I fall for them. I shouldn’t even be shocked by now, but I still am ha! That ending gave me life, I can’t wait to see how it all wraps up ♥!

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