BOOK REVIEW: Always Be My Baby by Mary Ting

BOOK REVIEW: Always Be My Baby by Mary TingAlways Be My Baby by Mary Ting
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Cammy is so furious when she catches her boyfriend kissing another girl at a frat party that she storms out of her own apartment. Letting go of your first love is not an easy thing to do, and he makes it harder by swearing he’s innocent and trying to win her back. But when Cammy meets Grayson Parker, he shows her how different some guys can be. Can Cammy trust her boyfriend and give him another chance? Or will she allow Grayson to heal her wounds and erase the scars?


Always Be My Baby was absolutely adorable and an enjoyable quick read!   This story took place in the 90s and from dating, to first love, to waiting for someone to page you lol, I felt like I was back in time!  Even the songs had me humming while reading.  I kept finding myself smiling with all of the nostalgia and charming story line.  So if you’re looking for a cute, quick romance then definitely add this one on your list!

I suddenly forgot his name. I forgot how to breathe. I forgot who and where I was. – Cammy

Right away I liked Cammy and felt all the sympathy in the world for her.  The story started in college with Cammy breaking up with her boyfriend, Lucas.  She had walked into a party and saw him kissing another girl.  But there was so much more to her then a girl with a wounded heart.  As we got to know her, I loved that she was kind, smart, unsure at times, stumbled over her words and even made silly little mistakes.  She was so relatable and I could easily see myself doing those things when I was her age.

He left, leaving me breathless and my heart soaring to the sky.

On top of hearing Cammy’s thoughts, we also got two different POVs.  To say I didn’t expect to get Lucas’ POV would be the hugest understatement ever lol.  My mind was shocked and I was so nervous.  Lucas swore he didn’t kiss her back, and the girl had kissed him first.  Were we supposed to believe him?  Like him?  Forgive him?  I didn’t know what to feel.  But we also got another POV, Grayson.  And Grayson was such a surprise.  He could be so cold and cocky.  But he seemed to know exactly what he wanted.  And that was Cammie.  So of course my heart was nervous with how this was all going to unfold.

“I-I tend to bite my pencil during tests or when I get nervous,” I confessed.
His eyebrows lifted and his lips spread wickedly. Leaning closer, his shoulder touched mine and his leg brushed my knee, and he whispered, “I think we’d go well together. I like to bite, too. I’d like to see what else you can do with your teeth.”

I loved how the romance played out in this story!  I can’t say much, but it was about finding confidence in yourself and figuring out what you truly want.  Learning to trust your instincts and relying on those that have your back and heart’s best interest.  From first kisses, to figuring out people’s feelings, to being nervous of the unknown, I enjoyed every minute of this story!

You deserve someone that cares about you when you’re sick. You deserve someone that walks you home.
Leah’s words echoed in my mind.

And I just have to say that this is the second Mary Ting book where female relationships were such a gem!  I loved the friendship between Cammy and Leah. They were the truest of beasties who loved each other with their whole hearts.  They took care of each other and were thoughtful and loving to one another.  They reminded me of the type of relationship I have with my bestest of friends.  It was such a breath of fresh air seeing this type of relationship portrayed in a college aged story!

“…I’m just a guy hoping maybe one day we can be more than friends.” I should have punched myself, or I should have let her punch me. I was an ass. She was hurting and I sprung my words on her as if she didn’t have anything else to worry about. – Grayson

Always Be My Baby warmed my heart!  And I saw so many parallels to my college experience – the chicken noodle soup, walking me places, someone showing you how people can truly be, having your heart on the line and being nervous to take a step, I saw my college years in Cammy’s life!  I even found myself clapping out loud for something Cammy did later on in the story.  While this was a novella, it sure didn’t feel like one.  I had become attached to her and was proud of what she had done!  So with 90s nostalgia, feelings of first love, and friendship, this book was so much fun to read! 

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  1. ShootingStarsMag

    Ooh I’m definitely curious about Lucas’ POV. I love that this one takes place in the 90’s too!

    ShootingStarsMag recently posted…Put Creativity in a Stocking: Mini Painting Kit Giveaway from LavenderChaiMy Profile

    • Jen

      The 90s was such a fun time ♥!

  2. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    This sounds like such a sweet new adult story! And the 90’s setting is perfect for the nostalgia factor. 🙂
    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books recently posted…Review: Wild at Heart by K.A. TuckerMy Profile

    • Jen

      It was a super sweet NA story ♥. And there aren’t a lot of books that have that 90’s nostalgia, or at least I haven’t seen many lol, so it was a much welcomed surprise.

  3. T.H. Hernandez

    Awesome!! I can use a fun, quick read!

    • Jen

      YAY! This and The Kissing Challenge by Cookie O’Gorman are such fun, quick reads♥.

      • T.H. Hernandez

        I need to get The Kissing Challenge! Like now!

  4. Sam@wlabb

    I have been slowly reading more NA again, and this sounds like a gem. I don’t think I have read anything by Ting either. I think I would enjoy this.
    Sam@wlabb recently posted…#AmReading YA – Beyond the US EditionMy Profile

    • Jen

      YAY! Ohhh my favorite, favorite, favorite by her is ISAN. Oh my gosh, if you’re in the mood for YA Dystopian that book is beyond amazing and one of my top favorites in that genre!

  5. Sophie @BewareOfTheReader

    Oooh this is one that I would enjoy Jen! Great review!

    • Jen

      Thank you so much, Sophie!

  6. Raven @ Dreamy Addictions

    Great review, Jen! This sounds amazing! I’m glad you enjoyed it so much! Is this a triangle love story?

    • Jen

      Thank you so much, Raven! Yes and no lol. Her heart is definitely pulled in both directions but it’s not like a typical love triangle where we see one vacillate or go back and forth with their feelings for a while. The picture is quite clear towards the beginning where she’ll end up ♥.

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