BOOK REVIEW: The One Night Stand Before Christmas (Reindeer Falls #3) by Jana Aston

BOOK REVIEW: The One Night Stand Before Christmas (Reindeer Falls #3) by Jana AstonThe One Night Stand Before Christmas (Reindeer Falls #3)
by Jana Aston
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Dear Santa,

Please stop by my house and pick up your suit. If you thought I was going to run it to the dry cleaners for you after you left it on my bedroom floor, you’ve got another think coming.

Noel Winter

Reindeer Falls is more naughty than nice. They’re over-the-top Christmas with merrily-ever-afters guaranteed. These stories are novella length for quick holiday binging. Enjoy!


“Sometimes I secretly pretend I still believe in Santa.”
“Pfft.” He smiles softly. “Who doesn’t?”

With snow falling, Christmas music, hot cocoa, and Santa, The One Night Stand Before Christmas had everything I love in a holiday book. The characters pulled me in, the story line was addictive and the heat was absolutely sizzling! Plus I loved how much I laughed. This was the perfect ending to the Reindeer Falls trilogy and I can’t recommend these books enough!

All I had was an overabundance of hot cocoa.
And Santa. I had him too.
I just had a one-night stand with Santa Claus.
That’s one hell of a way to get on the naughty list.

Noel’s co-worker, Jillian, left her to oversee pictures with Santa. Santa was to be Jillian’s brother and Noel had been warned that he was a huge flirt. So when Noel met Teddy, their meeting felt a little bit different, but there was instant chemistry. And after one thing lead to another, Noel slept with Santa. What’s a girl to do.

“We’ll have to bring the Santa costume,” I say in place of yes.
“Kinky.” He winks, but playfully. Smiling as he steps through the office door and starts unbuttoning the Santa jacket.

I loved Noel. She was determined, kind and absolutely hilarious! Hearing the story unfold from her point of view cracked me up. And watching her interact with Teddy, had me falling so hard for him. Teddy was a fabulous book boyfriend! He rolled with the punches, was beyond intoxicating and I loved how thoughtful he could be. I’d gladly accept cookies from him too, ha!

“That’s quite the package you’ve got there, Santa.” I roll my hips against him, hoping we can move this into my bedroom. Or we can just stay here and take off our pants. I’m not picky.
“Did you really just make a dirty Santa joke?” His tone is incredulous but he’s laughing.

From the moment they met each other, their chemistry was off the charts hot. Who knew I’d be melting into a pile of goo while Noel was putting on Santa’s beard?! Um yeah, I didn’t think that was possible until this book lol. And on top of that, their banter was irresistible. I would easily go from squealing to sighing out loud. It was so effortless to fall madly in love with them.

“You’re so beautiful,” he tells me when his lips have moved back to mine.

With charm, humor and romance, The One Night Stand Before Christmas became an instant favorite. And while I guessed how something was going to play out, it definitely didn’t take away from my enjoyment of this story. I just loved it so much! And those who love epilogues will be oh so happy. We got to jump one year into the future, and see where Noel, Holly and Ginger are in their lives. It was incredible! So if you love happily ever afters and Christmas stories then definitely give this trilogy a try!

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  1. Sophie

    That seems another amazing and charming one Jen! It reminds me of Faking Under the Mistletoe that I finished a few days ago.
    Sophie recently posted…#BestReadsOf2020 Day 9: Best fictional world of 2020My Profile

    • Jen

      I need to read that one, but yes this one was so much fun! I can’t recommend these books enough ♥.

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