Author: Chelsea (Page 52 of 111)

BOOK REVIEW: The Holders (Holders #1) by Julianna Scott

BOOK REVIEW: The Holders (Holders #1) by Julianna ScottThe Holders (Holders #1)
by Julianna Scott
Purchase on: AmazoniBooks
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17-year-old Becca spent her whole life protecting her brother from, well, everything. The abandonment of their father, the so called 'experts' who insist that voices in his head are unnatural and must be dealt with, and the constant threat of being taken away to some hospital and studied like an animal. When two representatives appear claiming to have the answers to Ryland's perceived problem, Becca doesn't buy it for one second. That is until they seem to know things about Ryland and about Becca and Ryland's family, that forces Becca to concede that there may be more to these people than meets the eye. Though still highly skeptical, Becca agrees to do what's best for Ryland.

What they find at St. Brigid's is a world beyond their imagination. Little by little they piece together the information of their family's heritage, their estranged Father, and the legend of the Holder race that decrees Ryland is the one they've been waiting for. However, they are all--especially Becca--in for a surprise that will change what they thought they knew about themselves and their kind.

She meets Alex, a Holder who is fiercely loyal to their race, and for some reason, Becca and Ryland. There's an attraction between Becca and Alex that can't be denied, but her true nature seems destined to keep them apart. However, certain destinies may not be as clear cut as everyone has always believed them to be.

Becca is lost, but found at the same time. Can she bring herself to leave Ryland now that he's settled and can clearly see his future? Will she be able to put the the feelings she has for Alex aside and head back to the US? And can Becca and Ryland ever forgive their father for what he's done?


I look forward to it,” I laughed. “Then maybe I’ll get the chance to do something for you, for a change.”

“Ah, Becca,” he sighed, lowering his face so his nose brushed against mine, raising the hairs on my arms. “You have no idea how much you do for me.”

Awww this was just too cute. If ever there was a need for a lighthearted and sweet book, this would be it. It’s never too over-the-top and it doesn’t try to be something it’s not-it just is. I am horrible with my rules and expectations and what I will and will not read-but when my great friend, followed by my other great friend loved it, I knew I had to give it a try.

I can’t say it was perfect-Obviously it wasn’t because I didn’t rate it a 5-but it was great, all the same. I think a large part of enjoyment in stories stems from just falling in love with the characters. In this case, where the story didn’t quite reach my standards, the characters overshadowed that. I really really liked the plot-really. But I have these little…hmm…annoying quirks? Tiny things in a story can make me cringe and cause minor annoyance where annoyance doesn’t quite belong. I was never once not into this story, but minute things here and there would suddenly make me think, why? Why did this have to happen, why is it going this way, why can’t it just do what I want it to, damn it….and that’s just a personal hang up.

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I just have to say this up front-I adored this book. I gave it four stars without batting an eye. My enjoyment was never ending and I couldn’t wait to read it when I couldn’t be sitting on my ass and had to do normal human things, like, say, work. But it also doesn’t mean I didn’t want more.

He shrugged with a smile. “I’m used to the idea, I guess.”
“Wait, OK, so now I have to know, how old are you?” I asked, bracing for the answer.
“How old do you think I am?” he countered, his smile turning wry.
“I don’t know, one hundred and four?”
“One hundred and four! What about me screams ‘old man’, may I ask?”
“I don’t know, so younger?”
“Yes, younger!”

I think it’s safe to say that I was completely obsessed with Alex-he was absolutely adorable. Loyal, funny, brave, kind-he really was a knight in shining armor. Right when we meet him we can see that he is going to be a very addicting character. From his personality, to his upbringing, all the way to his voice (whispering, quiet, kind, reassuring, supportive), Alex is the complete package. I adored everything he was willing to do for Becca and her little brother, Ryland. He was a self-sacrificing type, and we see that from beginning to end-I have always fallen hard for these types of male leads.

As I watched him now, staring off into the falling snow, for the first time I could see how lonely he was. He didn’t have what he truly wanted, what he needed. Even with all the people around him every day, when it came to the ways that mattered most, he was alone.

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But the real obsession begins when we see something deeper forming between Becca and Alex. He is always there for her, always around, always doing something that makes my heart melt-it’s ridiculous. But then we get to see his pained side, his tortured side….and it made me heart ache in a totally different way. I think this is when I well and truly fell for him (not that that was ever in danger of not happening). It broke my heart to see him in pain, but more than that, it helped me to connect with him on an even deeper level…and I love that.

But with all that, this is one of the biggest things that bothered me. If you don’t want to see my biggest problem with the whole story (no, for real, it’s not Alex, seriously), then don’t read the spoiler. It is, indeed, a rather large spoiler and I can’t talk about this without everyone knowing what happened. So…proceed with caution. View Spoiler » And I feel like such a bitch, but I’m sorry, I’ve always hated this direction in books, and it just made me so sad that this story did it, too. It’s not bad AT ALL….and it’s done wonderfully, beautifully, even mixing in with my favorite parts of the story….but I wish it could have went a different direction, somehow. View Spoiler » but in the back of my cynical witchy mind I was like…sigh. Ugh.

And then the writing-while edited well (big pet peeve of mine) and not bad at all, it was written in one of my least favorite writing styles of all time. Which means all my gripes, all my problems with this story (it seems like a ton, but there were very few) are literally speculation and only personal problems, not actual issues with the book itself, because it’s actually wonderful and deserves more attention than it has gotten. I just don’t like when there are bits of cheese sprinkled in with the writing and self-assurances and…like I said, I’m being petty, because it was wonderful and addicting.

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I know I sounded negative-sometimes I do this, and I don’t know why. I love a book, I read it within 24 hours because it’s just that good, and then I bitch and complain more than I try to impress. It’s not right, because everyone wants to know why I gave it a four, and here I am pushing what’s wrong with it. But here, I can make it simple-

-Creative story-line
-Beautiful setting
-Amazing male lead with whom I am obsessed with
-Wonderful cast of characters
-Quick and fast-paced plot

I was addicted from page one, and these reasons are exactly why. A book doesn’t have to be perfect to be exactly what you need and are looking for. I cannot wait to start the second book this weekend, and I only hope it’s as good as the first. These are amazing, fun, and alluring characters, I hope anyone who gives this a try will like it as much as I did.

INTERVIEW+GIVEAWAY-The Veil (Devil’s Isle #1) by Chloe Neill



Here at Star-Crossed Blog we are so excited to be a part of The Veil blog tour! Many of you know Chloe Neill from her fantastic Chicagoland Vampire series centering around Ethan and Merit-Now we are introduced to a whole new world centered around Wraiths, Sensitives, and so much more, set in New Orleans! We all know what that means, don’t we?? Anything can happen.  Continue on to find out more about The Veil, check out my interview with Chloe Neill and enter TWO amazing giveaways that contain prizes that you will definitely want!  Enjoy! 



Seven years ago, the Veil that separates us from what lies beyond was torn apart, and New Orleans was engulfed in a supernatural war. Now, those with paranormal powers have been confined in a walled community that humans call the District. Those who live there call it Devil’s Isle.

Claire Connolly is a good girl with a dangerous secret: she’s a Sensitive, a human endowed with magic that seeped through the Veil. Claire knows that revealing her skills would mean being confined to Devil’s Isle. Unfortunately, hiding her power has left her untrained and unfocused…

Liam Quinn knows from experience that magic makes monsters of the weak, and he has no time for a Sensitive with no control of her own strength. But when he sees Claire using her powers to save a human under attack — in full view of the French Quarter — Liam decides to bring her to Devil’s Isle and the teacher she needs—even though getting her out of his way isn’t the same as keeping her out of his head.

As more and more Sensitives fall prey to their magic, and unleash their hunger on the city, Claire and Liam must work together to save New Orleans, or else the city will burn…

Here are the links where you can click to purchase The Veil, AVAILABLE NOW! 

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Powells | Books-A-Million | Kobo | Indiebound | Audible



I was given the opportunity to interview Chloe about her new and exciting series, so I tried to get a deeper grasp on where she comes up with all these wonderful ideas:

  1. What inspired you to write a story centered in New Orleans?

    As a former Arkansas resident, I visited Louisiana and New Orleans several times. I’ve always liked the strong sense of
    place–the music, the food, the very unique influences.  And like Chicago, it’s very easy for me to imagine supernaturals
    living there and being an important part of the community.
  2. If you had to choose your favorite quote from The Veil, what would it be?I really like this: “Something settled low in my gut, like my soul had rearranged itself, changed and shifted to account for
    him. For this man I’d never seen before.”
  3. We’re huge fans of your Chicagoland Vampires series, which is also paranormal. What draws you to this genre?Thanks! I really like thinking about magic and supernatural creatures, and how humans would react to their existence. I’d
    rather research and read things like that than anything else, and I think people really enjoy the escape of the
    supernatural. I know I do!
  4. What’s something we would be surprised to learn about Liam and Claire?Nothing that I can tell you about yet. 😉
  5. What is your favorite thing about this new series?The fact that I get to keep writing it, and learning more about New Orleans!Thanks so much for having me today!
Two Giveaways:

The fun doesn’t stop here. Want more chances to win? You can also enter THE VEIL Grand Prize Giveaway, which runs July 27 through August 7 on Chloe’s web site.

What is the Grand Prize Giveaway prize?

  • Fleur de Lis Amulet Pendant Necklace from New Orleans jewelry designer Mignon Faget
  • $50 Amazon Gift Card
  • THE VEIL 5″x5″ cloth screenwipe
  • THE VEIL tote bag
  • THE VEIL bookmark, sticker, and pen
  • Chicagoland Vampires bookmark, sticker, pen, keychain, and lanyard



And on top of all that, we also have a personal giveaway for everyone here on our site!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The packet will include:

  • THE VEIL tote bag
  • THE VEIL 5″x5″ cloth screenwipe
  • THE VEIL bookmark, sticker, and pen
  • Chicagoland Vampires swag, including bookmark, pen or sticker (while supplies last) and lanyard


Check out these other great blogs featured on THE VEIL Blog Tour Schedule!

Week One

Monday, July 27 – SassyCat’s Book Review | Paranormally Yours
Tuesday, July 28 – Fantasy Is More Fun | Reaffirming My Bookworm Status
Wednesday, July 29 – YA Book Nerd | Happiness is a Book
Thursday, July 30 – Star Crossed Book Blog | Dandelionn Wine Book Blog | The Book Swarm
Friday, July 31 – Parajunkee | All Books Considered | Wild Wordy Women |Professional Fan Girls

Week Two

Monday, August 3 – Dark Faerie Tales (Deadly Destinations Event) | Creative House Blog | True Bookies Review | Andrea Heltsley
Tuesday, August 4 – Reed’s Reads & Review | The Saucy Wenches | My Lifes, Loves and Passion
Wednesday, August 5 – Bad Bird Reads
Thursday, August 6 – Booklovers for Life | Spines & Covers
Friday, August 7 – The Book Nympho (Stomp v. Romp)



BOOK REVIEW: Red Queen (Red Queen #1) by Victoria Aveyard

BOOK REVIEW: Red Queen (Red Queen #1) by Victoria AveyardRed Queen (Red Queen #1)
by Victoria Aveyard
Purchase on: AmazoniBooks
Add to: Goodreads


The poverty stricken Reds are commoners, living under the rule of the Silvers, elite warriors with god-like powers.

To Mare Barrow, a 17-year-old Red girl from The Stilts, it looks like nothing will ever change.

Mare finds herself working in the Silver Palace, at the centre of
those she hates the most. She quickly discovers that, despite her red blood, she possesses a deadly power of her own. One that threatens to destroy Silver control.

But power is a dangerous game. And in this world divided by blood, who will win?

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Anyone can betray anyone 
As I sit here and stew over what I should rate this, I am faced with many indisputable facts: I can’t say it’s original, because it isn’t. I don’t know what it’s comparable to and I don’t even know if it’s truly that great of a book. In all reality, I didn’t fall for this book for quite a while. I can’t even decide what an appropriate rating is. Hell, I didn’t even like Mare that much-at least until the end, that is. But even faced with all these convoluted facts, one thing was consistent from the beginning:


Cal Cal Cal Cal Callllll….Every time, even from the beginning, when he was around I had so many feels I was choking on them-Okay, okay-the choking feels began around the middle of the book (You’ll see why) and then near the end they consumed me. So….I’m torn. And this doesn’t happen often. The end was explosive and Cal stole my heart-but I didn’t become fully engrossed until the middle. So I am faced with my fickle ways-shaky beginning (though, I was in a dark place for the first 30%, so maybe that effected my enjoyment?), heart-stopping boy, and a truly astonishing and epic end, leaving me to focus on what made me the happiest-the end and a boy…doesn’t it always begin and end with a boy?

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The world is Silver, but it is also gray. There is no black-and-white.

So, I guess it’s time to talk about the bad. I’d rather get the nasty out of the way first…if you please. As I started this story, I had a hard time, hmm, connecting? And it wasn’t because it was boring, nor was it slow…it was more that I had a hard time seeing why this was so popular. I think the biggest fault in highly anticipated books is the hype. Hype can be a magnificent thing-creating excitement and nervous energy about a big up and coming author/book. But there’s also a darker side to hype-I like to not so subtly call that twisted, evil twin the ‘hype monster’. Soooo original, yeah? But it’s also true: Had no one said a word about this story to me, and I had found it all on my own or through word of mouth by a close friend, I wouldn’t have thought twice about the unoriginal beginning of this book-because there was also that. I felt like I was reading another book, and I’m not sure what, but it put a not-often-found sour taste in my mouth at the beginning of the story. Near 30%, after my aforementioned dour mood (Hmmmm ironic), I started to find more and more enjoyment with each passing page. Oooh, orrrr, errrrr, hmm…that might be because we started seeing more and more of Cal…but that’s neither here nor there!

“You better hide that heart of yours, [Mare] Lady Titanos. It won’t lead you anywhere you want to go.”

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And Mare. I think she’s a two-part explanation. I like her….and I also disliked her, quite a lot. It came and went in spurts. In the beginning, she was pretty uninteresting and a lot repetitive-side note-she stays repetitive-but I never….hated her. Near the end? I wanted to PUNCH her at one point-ACT SMARTER, BE SMARTER, SHOW THOSE DECEPTIVE SKILLS YOU THINK YOU SO HEARTILY POSSESS-but then she surprised me with her ferocity, in the end, and I felt a sort of awe and respect blossoming. In short? I have high hopes for Mare. And Maven…I won’t even go there…because…no. Not worth it. He will never be as good as Cal. End. Of. Story.

They’ve pulled me inside out, swapping Mare for Mareena, a thief for a crown, rags for silk, Red for Silver. This morning I was a servant, tonight I’m a princess. How much more will change? What else will I lose?

But here we are-there was just so much good. I really can’t say I saw it at the beginning, but I had hope, and I was never once negative. Like with many dystopians, it was building up to something greater, something bigger, something life-altering….and that leaves me with the same question it always does when a dystopian doesn’t start as fast as I’d like-Was it worth it?

Silvers are different, I remind myself. Their scars don’t last. They don’t remember pain. With skin healers waiting in the wings, violence has taken on a new meaning for them. A broken spine, a split stomach, it doesn’t matter. Someone will always come to fix you. They don’t know the meaning of danger or fear or pain. It’s only their pride that can truly be hurt.

It’s an easy answer: The end justified the means. And it’s as simple as that. I had to get through some things. I had to deal with my uncertainty and everything leading up to it, but, in the end, I loved it. And I just decided that. I loved this book. If I were to go back and re-read this, knowing what I know, I would love it even more the second time around. There would be no uncertainty, no doubts-just a good book laying groundwork for something greater. No, it wasn’t what I expected and no, I can’t help my initial doubts, but it became something I can love and admire-And I am so so happy for that…I hate rating poorly. Oh, and PS, people touting there’s a ‘huge twist’ and ‘OMG THAT ENDING’ almost always ruin a book for me. See, I have high expectations, perilistically speaking, and I am one that likes to just enjoy, not know that there’s something coming-It’s much more shocking when you don’t know…right? It pisses me off when this shock is taken from me. And with that, people took my shock away-I guessed every twist from the beginning-Thank you, guys, really.

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But here is where my praise really comes in-it takes a truly astonishing author to make me sick to my stomach, to gasp, to beg for mercy, to plead and fangirl…even though I saw everything coming a mile away. Yet, that’s exactly what I was doing….I was wholly invested when the shit hit the fan, and no one could burst my bubble once we hit the point of no return. That, my friends, is the reason I have upped my rating…it deserves every star for blind-siding me like that-rarely am I so happy with an ending people have played up and that I have guessed. Kudos…really.

As much as I want to stand still, to stop time and let this moment last forever, I know it’s not possible. Whatever I might feel or think, Cal is not the prince I’m promised to. More important, he’s on the wrong side. He’s my enemy. Cal is forbidden.

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AND CAL. Ahhhhhhh my lovely Callll! I have found something out recently…not only do I love my dark, brooding, tortured heroes….I also have a thing for soldier boys. So let’s just say I was in heaven. But it wasn’t just that, naturally. It was his kindness, his big heart, his willingness to help Mare even though he didn’t know her from Adam…and then it was his slow fall for his brother’s betrothed. Can anyone say forbidden romance?! Not only was she betrothed, to his brother, no less, but he was betrothed, as well. Oh, and did I mention he was a high class silver and she a lowly red??? Just…yum. I love love LOVE this. AGHHHHH. And it never mattered to him-he was always there for her, always saving her, always her warmth….and when it mattered most…he never let her burn (wink wink). His beautiful soul and soft-heart where Mare was concerned touched something deep and fangirlish inside me, and I never want it to end. I just, I could go on and on and on for him. He would do anything for her, and let’s just leave it at that. Even though I have much much much much more I could say.

His lips are on mine, hard and warm and pressing. The touch is electrifying, but not like I’m used to. This isn’t a spark of destruction but a spark of life.
As much as I want to pull away, I just can’t do it. Cal is a cliff, and I throw myself over the edge, not bothering to think of what it could do to us both. One day he’ll realize I’m his enemy, and all this will be a far-gone memory. But not yet.

So, you know, this book wasn’t without it’s faults, but I’ve never been that type of reader. Yeah, I’m human, I have my rules and things that annoy me. But no matter what, the ultimate question and what matters most, at the end of everything, was if I enjoyed it. And enjoy it, I did. There were faults, there were parts I wish I could have skipped, but I loved it…and that’s the only thing that matters in my book. I cannot wait for book two…I’m waiting for you, my fiery Cal. Just…ugh…OBSESSION. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be.

BOOK REVIEW: Frisk Me (New York’s Finest #1) by Lauren Layne

BOOK REVIEW: Frisk Me (New York’s Finest #1) by Lauren LayneFrisk Me (New York's Finest #1)
by Lauren Layne
Purchase on: AmazoniBooks
Add to: Goodreads


Officer Luc Moretti had no idea that his dive into the East River would have him drowning in a media frenzy. No matter how many times he tells reporters he was just doing his job, they're determined to make him into NYC's newest hero. Coming from a long line of NYPD's finest, Luc knows that being a cop has nothing to do with headlines and viral videos, and he's more than ready to get back to life away from the cameras—until he meets the gorgeous but jaded journalist assigned to film a TV special on him.

Ava Sims may be the only woman in NYC who isn't in love with Officer Moretti. That's why she's going after the real story—to find out about the man behind the badge. Ava's determined to keep things strictly professional, but the more time she spends around Luc, even she has to admit there's something about a man in uniform . . . and she can't wait to get him out of his.

*ARC provided by Publisher in exchange for an honest review*


“I love being a cop, but I love you more. I’d give up being everybody else’s hero, if you’ll just let me be yours.”

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It doesn’t take much for a book to make me happy these days-I’m much pickier and have fifty times the rules I used to. But, in doing so, I’ve found what works. It’s not enough to have a cute boy and a lonely girl and some raunchy love scenes-I need essence. I need a beating heart between each and every page and I want that pulse to continue all the way through the end….Okay, maybe it does take a lot for me to be happy.

But the point in all of this is simple: I am much pickier-therefore, I find more books I enjoy because I sift past the bullshit that used to please me. My tastes have evolved and I have learned what makes a true author. Again, it’s not about making lovable characters, though that is tantamount to the essence of a great plot, but making them come alive-making you live and breathe with them, become them, feel each heart break and quarrel as if you are right there living it with them. Just as I mentioned above-the author has to be able to give the characters a pulse-and Lauren Layne is the QUEEN of all these things.

Luc’s eyebrows lifted. “Old? You’re what, twenty-five?”
“Twenty-eight. And don’t start in on me about how I’m a spring chicken with my whole life ahead of me, because time and age work differently in TV.”
“If I look like the type of guy that would use the phrase ‘spring chicken,’ I need to do some serious reevaluating of my manliness.”

I had mentioned earlier that I skip over tons of books these days, but not once have I thought to evade a Layne novel. It’s not often you find a favorite author who, despite the odds, never disappoints you. Many times you wait and wait and wait for that third book in a trilogy, only to be disappointed when your high expectations are crushed after such a long journey. I’m not going to lie-I have a ‘phobia’ (I say this loosely) of third books in my fantasy/dystopian/sci-fi series-I am so picky and they almost never hold up to my standards and I walk away with a heavy heart. But my favorite author here, she never lets me down. I don’t sit and stew about whether it will work, won’t work, will disappoint me…I just wait.

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I sit and wait for netgalley, or whomever, to release the request for a LL novel and I immediately click that beautiful green ‘request’ button. Haven’t read the blurb yet? Who cares. I know, without a doubt, she could write about towelie and the return of Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo, and I wouldn’t bat an eyelash before I requested/read it (though, that would certainly create a lot of trademark problems, I would imagine).

“Not really,” Sawyer said, giving her an apologetic pat on the hand. “So. Who wants to tell me? Are we talking accidental boob brush?”
Ava gave him a glare.
Sawyer’s eyebrow lifted. “Full on cop-a-feel? Duuude.” He reached over to fist-bump Luc, who batted his hand out of the way.
Luc’s partner grinned and drained his beer. “This is nice. Me, Superman, Lois Lane, and unfilled lust.”

I always fangirl over Ms. Layne, but until she gives me a reason not to, I won’t stop. I was skeptical, I’ll admit, about this story. It might be the cover (sorry sorrryyyy!!!! (hides face)), seeing as I am a cover whore, but I dunno, I just always wonder how she will tackle a new story line. In this new series we have Luc Moretti, officer in NYC, and Ava Sims, reporter (AKA his worst nightmare).

But hey, bright side…at least now she knew what an ID was in cop-speak: Indecent exposure.
It also explained why Luc Moretti had changed his mind about letting her tag along. He thought she’d be scared off.
Please. It would take a hell of a lot more than a flaccid penis on a disorderly drunk to scare her off the story.

As the blurb touts, Luc isn’t a cop for the fame, the viral videos, the glory…he just wants to help others-to save and protect them at any cost. But one day his need to be anonymous is obliterated when a video of him risking his life to save a little girl goes viral and CBC sends a reporter to do an ‘American Hero’ story on him.

“Nope.” He moved closer, shifting so that his upper body leaned into hers. “We start with interrogations.”
“And then?” Her voice was flirty and light, but her eyes were pure heat.
His gaze dropped to his hand, which had found its way to her knee somehow.
“Depends. If the cop’s skilled at interrogation, things generally progress to handcuffs…and other things. If the cop’s unsuccessful…”
Luc broke off and shrugged.
Ava looked at him over the top of her wineglass. “Which one are you? The skilled interrogator or the other?”
He leaned in and pressed his lips to her ear. “Whether or not you like handcuffs.”

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The animosity that ensues when sexy reporter Ava Sims steps on the scene is palpable, even as officer Luc Moretti pleads to his boss not to let this happen. But, more than that, not only does Luc and Ava’s hateful banter ring somewhat false, there are sparks, there is heat, there is chemistry, there is….recognition?

He would do his duty. He always did his duty. With pride.

Luc was absolute perfection (see my profile, section 3, BBF list, seventh down), but aren’t her male leads ALWAYS? His inner turmoil and broken torment are hid beneath a thin veil of sarcastic remarks and well-placed smirks that keep people content and distracted from what’s really there. His mind and soul aren’t at peace and his heart is heavy-there are darker sides to being a cop, but he is still the sweetest and kindest of his brothers-always the peace maker, always the one people want to talk to….Enter Ava.

“Sims, we’ve spent every day of the past week together. You’re practically my second partner on the job, even if you’re in the way more often than not.”
He held up a hand to stop the protest. “No. You are, and you know it.”
She huffed. “I just wanted to turn on the siren once. Just to try it.”
“Uh huh. You’re telling me it had nothing to do with the fact that it was rush hour and you had to pee?”

Ava Sims gets on every last one of Luc’s nerves-history has them bickering constantly and snarky towards one another every chance they get. But then we get to see little bits and pieces of Ava that the world doesn’t get to see-her slightly skewed, too large glasses, her yoga pants, her damp ponytail and general lack of productiveness on the weekends-and that’s when I started to warm up to her. There was never anything wrong with her per se, but I also didn’t connect with her much at first. Then we began to see this sloppy Ava who, for all of the above reasons, reminds me of my little sister-slop extraordinaire. I swear to god, that is my sister down to a tee, and I LOVED THAT about Ava. I felt this tiny little connection that made me smile as I imagined my sister like this every Friday night after a long work week of dressing up and playing a part.

“Did I mention Miss Sims and I have a history?” he said, knowing it would be exactly the kind of topic change that she would latch on to.
Nonna’s gray eyebrows lifted. “Did you fornicate?”
Luc choked on his beer. “Jesus, no. And there should be a ban against that word.”
“Don’t be prudish, Luca.”

So, yeah, this isn’t my favorite LL novel (I think Blurred Lines might be (maybe?) There are too many-maybe After the Kiss or Broken or The Trouble with Love), but that doesn’t mean I didn’t reach my happy place-because I did. And with a Grandma like Nonna-Oh my GAHD did I laugh out loud with this woman when she and Luc had their hilarious conversations-how could you not laugh and smile constantly? I swear, even if you aren’t prone to laughing out loud like myself, you will-It’s an inevitability because….yoga. Anyway, I can only hope that everyone finds as much happiness out of this book as I did. The tears were falling and my heart was soaring-I was in heaven.

Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)
***Each book can be read as a standalone, but best enjoyed in order.***
frisk me lauren layne
Frisk Me #1

steal me lauren layne
Steal Me #2

cuff me lauren layne
Cuff Me #3



“I love being a cop, but I love you more. I’d give up being everybody else’s hero, if you’ll just let me be yours.”

I mean…how could I not give it 5 stars? Come on.

Review to come

ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review 😀 😀

BOOK REVIEW: Turning Point (Kathleen Turner #3) by Tiffany Snow

BOOK REVIEW: Turning Point (Kathleen Turner #3) by Tiffany SnowTurning Point (Kathleen Turner #3)
by Tiffany Snow
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After her promotion from law firm Runner to Investigator, Kathleen Turner is learning the ropes of her new job from none other than assassin-for-hire Kade Dennon, a situation her boyfriend Blane Kirk is none too happy about. But the lessons with Kathleen take a back seat when Kade becomes a target. Previously untouchable, his enemies now know of the chink in his armor – his brother’s girlfriend.

And Kade’s not the only thing coming between Kathleen and Blane. From Blane's inexplicable defense of a man guilty of a horrible crime, to a mysterious stranger from Kathleen's past, to Kathleen' risky investigation into human traffickers, the obstacles mount against a relationship that's just begun to find trust again.

While Blane considers a job offer that would take him back to the front lines in the war on terror, Kathleen is determined to pursue her new career, with or without his approval. Unfortunately, her current case is far more dangerous than anyone knows. Someone close to Blane will go to extreme lengths to split them up, lengths that may prove worse than death for Kathleen.

Kathleen, Blane and Kade must atone for the sins of the past and the present. The fallout will force Kathleen to a turning her career, and her life.


His body blocked mine where I stood. Tipping my head back, I looked up at him. His eyes burned a path down my body.
“Fuck bullets,” he rasped. “You’re going to be the death of me.”

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Well, well, well….here we are at that beautiful four solid star rating….but it’s still not enough to be above a true 3.5. I’m not sure it will ever be above that, seeing as I hear it only becomes worse (The love traingle, the unbelievable action, the solution to aforementioned triangle..). But, as I’ve said many times before, this series is a release. I’m not rushing to the next books to immediately move on and I’m only reading it during the week when I’m a little busier-This series is an escape-a moronic, albeit addicting, escape.

“Tell me you don’t want me,” he demanded. “Look at me in the eye and say you don’t feel the heat between us. Do that, and I’ll stop.”

Maybe since I’m not reading them in a row I won’t become as disillusioned as many readers did, and not rushing through them makes them a getaway, of sorts, when I do come back into this wonderful world of 9 lives for Kat and crazy, out of this world situations.

“Neither Blane nor I are your happily-ever-after, princess. Blane will break your heart, and I’m the guy your mom warned you about. Don’t kid yourself about that.”

I won’t say much, seeing as this is a long series and I’m sure I will just be repeating myself, but I will say that with each passing book, I feel worse and worse for the boys. For one? They are in love with a total fruitcake. I don’t hate Kathleen, per se, but I also don’t admire her. She is strong in her convictions to not hurt Blane, and she does love him, but she sure is all up on Kade a lot….which then makes me feel bad for Kade…who does it to himself

“You make me want things,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper. “Impossible things.”

I mean, holy fuck, boys, she’s not a siren. She’s just a ditz that fell into the lap of someone who has forever changed her world.

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I understand it’s a romance…but there is no reason this chick is worth ruining a brother relationship over. I just…Okay, I’ll stop. Secondly, they obviously both want a future with a girl who can’t think past dinner. Thirdly, I feel a tad like she’s a bit self-righteous when she has no right to be (And then a lot of times she does have the right-I’m not kidding-there are a ton of scenarios zipping through here). And lastly, they continually risk their lives for her. That shit ain’t easy.

I snorted in derision. I was so not worth coming between them. Not that I thought I wasn’t a decent catch-I was pretty enough, and intelligent.

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But most troublesome, for me, is the look of torment on Kade’s face when he sees her and Blane schmoozing it up. Just…wow. It hurts, but I love it. Sick, I know, blah blah. I hate rooting against a relationship, and I hate even more knowing whom she ends up with (yes yes, bad Chelsea, BAD!), but I can’t help it-I love both boys and I am not ashamed of it. If I had to choose right now, though, just had to, it would be Kade. Ugh. I feel bad.

He glanced at me. I was already shaking my head. “But I know you won’t go. So someone needs to keep an eye on you tonight.”
“I volunteer,” Kade piped in. “Especially if she’s going to wear that.”
I shot him a glare. The last thing I needed, or wanted, was him antagonizing Blane.
Kade feigned innocence. “What? Hey, it’s better than what you wore in Denver.”
In my peripheral vision, I saw Blane’s hands tighten on the steering wheel. If I could have climbed over the seat and strangled Kade, I gladly would have.

I’m still waiting, though. I’m waiting for this dark knight that breaks even more out of his shell, because, at the moment, Kade isn’t being what I need him to be….but I’m hoping book four will rectify this. I hope hope hope we get to see a different side of Kade we’re only seeing in bits and pieces-because now? Blane is the only fully developed male lead, in my opinion.

“Don’t get your panties in a twist,” Kade said. “Oh wait, I forgot.” He leaned across the table. “You’re not wearing any.”
He took another swallow of his beer, his eyes glittering with mischief as he watched me.
“Thought I wasn’t supposed to remind you about that,” I said archly.
Kade shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. It’s all I can think about anyway.”

So eh. I dunno. Definitely an improvement on the boys in this one, but Kathleen continues to not shock me lol. I swear, with all this fighting over her, you’d think she had…hmm…no…I won’t say it lest you all become disgusted. I am still waiting for something to really wow me with this series…and I’m hoping it’s book four because I have NOT heard great things about five. Sigh. Guess we’ll see.

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