Tag: Contemporary Romance (Page 50 of 88)

BOOK REVIEW – Heart’s Blood by Juliet Marillier

BOOK REVIEW – Heart’s Blood by Juliet MarillierHeart's Blood by Juliet Marillier
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Whistling Tor is a place of secrets and mystery. Surrounded by a wooded hill, and unknown presences, the crumbling fortress is owned by a chieftain whose name is spoken throughout the district in tones of revulsion and bitterness. A curse lies over Anluan's family and his people; those woods hold a perilous force whose every whisper threatens doom.

For young scribe Caitrin it is a safe haven. This place where nobody else is prepared to go seems exactly what she needs, for Caitrin is fleeing her own demons. As Caitrin comes to know Anluan and his home in more depth she realizes that it is only through her love and determination that the curse can be broken and Anluan and his people set free.

Trust me, I wanted to love this book so, so much. But if Heart’s Blood casted a spell on me, captivating me, I encountered the same problems I had with Shadowfell, making it hard to entirely connect with the story, especially in the second half.

Fascinating settings : Think about an ominous forest, a mysterious castle, whose inhabitants have been suffering from a curse for years. What not to love?

If I wasn’t completely won by the writing (I’ll come back to that), I can’t deny that the descriptions were beautifully crafted and so vivid, it felt as if I was there.

An intriguing plot : Beauty and the Beast is (shockingly, lol) one of my favorite fairytales of all times, yet its retellings rarely manage to capture the magical enthrallment I felt the first time I read Beaumont’s tale, and I’ve grown to resent and avoid them, to be honest. The fact is, either they’re too close to the original (but boring) or they’re so twisted that I can’t recognize anything. None of this here. If the story turns let me bewildered (in a good way), Juliet Marillier included several aspects as winks to the fairytale reader and I loved that.

From the underlying darkness threatening every turn, to the longing oozing from every page, I flew through the first half, enchanted.

A well-developed and complex cast of characters :

Caitrin is a wonderful and relatable heroine : after having been abused by her family after her father’s death, she finds the courage to flee and is constantly testing her strength. She’s by no means our kickass/soul eating warrior, yet she is strong, in her not so flashy way.

Anluan is a crippled, cursed man whose anger issues would have infuriated me if his character wasn’t so multi-layered, so complex. Please don’t judge him too fast : he can be maddening, but he’s not violent and so, so loyal. The despair of this awkward, self-loathing man who hides behind his grumpiness moved me. So burdened and tortured, unable to see that life can be more.

As for the other inhabitants of Whistling Tor, what can I say except that I loved them all? From Magnus the kind soldier to Eirith the crazy monk, they all add something magical to the story and I couldn’t help but draw parallels with the Beast hilarious and endearing companions.

✔ The romance is believable, light and straights-on wonderful. They made me squeal. I know! GAH. They gradually learn to trust each others’, to overlook the appearances and their fears.

Unfortunately there was a counter spell. Sigh.

✘ Trust me, I don’t mind a little predictability… Until I reach the point when it influences (in a bad way) what I think about a MC. Sadly, it was the case here. It took Caitrin so much time before solving the mystery (IN SPITE OF ALL THESE EVIDENCES EVERYWHERE), it drove me nuts. See, I understand that she’s willing to trust, but come on. This is too-much. From the moment I figured it all (way too fast) I grew restless, then annoyed, even if I didn’t want to be. I was constantly making excuses for her lack of judgment, until the moment I COULDN’T.

✘ While I realize that it’s a prevalent trope in fairytales, in my opinion the hope talk grew old pretty fast. Hope will prevail. Because Hope is the key. Don’t you believe that? Have you understood how important hope is? Do you? Do you? Are you sure? Because I’m going to repeat it over and over again. Oh. My. GOSH.

✘ As I said earlier, if I appreciated how beautiful the descriptions were, it remains that the writing was often too wordy for me. I’m by no means an action lover, but it was so frustrating sometimes that I had a hard time not to skim. Indeed some parts…. dragged….so much…that I couldn’t help but be bored, unfortunately, and yes, I wanted the author to go to the freaking point.

► That’s why it sort of lost its magic by the end. Way too long in my opinion, and yet I’ll still keep a fond memory of Whistling Tor and its unusual inhabitants.

BOOK REVIEW: With Every Heartbeat (Forbidden Men #4) by Linda Kage

BOOK REVIEW: With Every Heartbeat (Forbidden Men #4) by Linda KageWith Every Heartbeat (Forbidden Men #4)
by Linda Kage
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I used to think everything was black and white, truth or lie, easy or hard, that if I could just escape my strict, overbearing, abusive father, my life would be perfect. But since I’ve found a reason to risk his wrath and leave, to help a friend in need, I’ve come to realize everything I thought I knew is wrong.

Friends have their own agenda, honesty comes with a dosage of lie, easy doesn’t even exist, keeping secrets sucks, and love...love is the most painful thing of all.

Maybe if Quinn Hamilton hadn’t asked me to skip classes for the day and help him pick out an engagement ring for my best friend, I wouldn’t have fallen for him so completely on that sunny Tuesday afternoon and I wouldn’t feel so conflicted. But I did, and I can’t take it back, no matter how hard I try. So I have to deal with the fact that even I’m not as good, or honest, or caring as I’d always thought I was, and no matter what I do next, someone’s going to get hurt. Probably me.

-Zoey Blakeland

Sooo..I’m just going to say it: FAIL. Just…major fail. And, seriously, how can such a pretty cover contain such utter bullshit on the inside??? I was so sure that this was going to be another win in the series and that someday I could cherish it on my bookshelf but…how could anyone display this piece of shit-there, I said it-and not feel like a total betrayer to all of your morals and everything you believe in? You can’t. I’m sorry-you just fucking can’t.

With a sigh, he slumped his shoulders. “Okay, fine. You’re quiet. You’re introverted. You’re too nice to be rude to anyone. You open yourself up and are willing to trust more than just about anyone I know. Being as sensitive as you are means you have a bigger heart. And if I ever see you try to change and harden that heart of yours, I’m going to throat punch you. Don’t be ashamed of being a big, soft teddy bear, Ham. The world needs more people like you, otherwise it’d just go to shit.”

–Aww Ten is so sweet this whole book

And besides the major letdown after cherishing every other book in this series and having such a pretty cover, which was, in fact, the worst part about this story (the letdown after such build-up), there was the total shit for brains story that left our beautiful, amazing, selfless hero in a story that was better left in Linda Kage’s wet dreams.

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Sigh…sorry. Just very disappointed. I mean….how in the fuck did Kage think that, after Mason and Noel and their lovely counterparts’ stories, this was a good way to go????? A virgin heroine

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who, again, sorry, is a total putz who didn’t get a backbone until about 60% into the story, has never even been kissed (okay, that could have been hot, but wasn’t so) and was a total innocent little lamb, moves in with her stupid whore of a cousin who is a total bitch that uses her every other day?? I didn’t know how long I could stand to be in this timid girl’s head.

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Not to mention throwing in an amazing male lead who would do anything for said whore even after being treated like a piece of meat and being lied to 24/7?? I just, I can’t even…UGH

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Oh, and Quinn?? He is Zoey’s soulmate (oh, and totally had to look up her name-I DIDN’T EVEN REMEMBER IT) in the form of Satan’s lover. Yeah, he’s the one dating the tool she lives with. But when they see each other, sparks fly.

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They are kindred spirits, broken souls who were innocent and naive and were beaten within an inch of their lives as children… they see each other in themselves and they know they are meant to be together, but they try to fight the attraction.


Hamilton grabbed her arm to steady her. “I know,” he slurred and glanced my way. “This shit is potent. I feel…” He nodded slowly. “Yeah.”
I lifted my eyebrows, wondering if he was drunk or high.
Blondie giggled again and pointed at him. “I’ve never heard you cuss before.”
“I don’t,” Hamilton said blankly before Blondie charged, “But you just said shit.”
He laughed and pointed back at her. “So did you.”
As they giggled together, I rolled my eyes to the ceiling. Oh, dear God. Someone shoot me now.

-Ten talking about Quinn and Zoey


They are the watchers, the quiet ones, the sensitive and kind ones-there’s no doubt they belong together. But that stupid Cora bitch just won’t go away. BACK THE FUCK UP BITCH-YOU ARE A MANIPULATIVE WHORE

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(and a total plot device-her character merely existed to cause problems in this and other books, I mean really Kage-you can do better than that).


She murmured, “Thank you,” and stared at him with a pair of longing green eyes that made me want to reach across the table and thump Hamilton on the back of the head. Hard.
Prime opportunity to kiss her, I wanted to tell him.
Kiss her already.
Why wasn’t he kissing her?
God, what a pansy.
Instead of kissing, they just kept staring until Ham blinked and then grinned. “Staring contest?” he offered.
Dear fuck. Really?

-Ten, again lol

So ends the perfect Forbidden Men series run-and I hate it-I hate that Quinn got such a pathetic, fucked up story. Every little issue I had with the other two books was magnified ten fold, like all the shit that bothered me existed only to create this book, and that pisses me off. The cheesiness, the horrid villain in the form of a best friend/psychotic girlfriend, the lack of a reason for this fucking story, I just HATE it, because even Zoey, in the end, became more likable.

“You won’t die,” I growled. “Roaches always find a way to survive.”


But it was just So. Damn. Unrealistic. The only saving grace, the only damn thing I was giggling and swooning and laughing and smiling about (Well Quinn but that’s beside the point)????


“Hey.” Ten wormed his way between us, scowling. “Where’s my golden invitation to eat pizza with you?”
Noel sniffed and sent him a short frown, throwing Ten’s arm off his shoulder.
“I didn’t see you bringing anyone around to befriend my sister.”
“Well…I could befriend her,” Ten started, putting on an offended front as he pressed his hand to his chest.
Noel threw back his head and laughed.
“What?” Ten muttered, folding his arms over his chest and glaring. “I make a fucking awesome friend.”
Noel’s chuckle settled before he seemed to realize Ten was serious. His smile dropped flat. Pointing at Ten’s nose, he growled. “Stay the fuck away from my sister.”

Mason, Noel, Ten, Reese, Aspen, Caroline-their stories were alive and expanding in this one. My heart swelled when one of my beautiful men entered the story and we got to see them with their respective sweethearts, fiances, friends. It was just…UGH. It made all the bullshit worth it. Really. I would have smacked myself if I knew I missed proposals and banter and friendships and just the utter adoration these men have for their girls had I skipped/DNF this one. It made this piece of shit one star worth the extra star just to know I got to see them every other page.


“Motherfucker,” he groaned. “No Gamble, and I’m stuck in a class with not one, or even two, but three untouchables. This is going to suck…ass.”
“I’m sorry, what?” Reese lifted a curious eyebrow. “Do I even want to ask what an untouchable is?”
“You know…” He twirled his finger to encompass Reese, Caroline and me. “You’re Lowe’s woman. Can’t flirt with you. You’re Noel’s little sister.” He scowled at Caroline. “Can’t fucking go there. And you…” He flicked his attention to me, “…belong to Hamilton.” Then he made a sweeping gesture over all three of us. “Ergo I can’t touch any of you. Untouchables. And to make it worse, you all will probably be watching me with your judgey little eyes so I’ll have to behave and can’t hit on any other woman in this class either.”

My final parting words: No. This story was not for me and it sucked. This story has been done before by authors who handled it wonderfully and made me choke on my angst while swallowing butterflies. I expected the same, I’ll admit it, but did not get it one bit. Quinn and Zoey’s story is worth reading, it really is, but all the bullshit surrounding it (ie Cora, Cora, Cora and their relationship) was unnecessary and, frankly, totally unbelievable-notice I didn’t say unrealistic, because I know these GD stories are cheesy as shit, so that point is null and void. I said unbelievable because even I have a limit. I may have known how stupid the other two books were, but I fell hard and believed in them-or I made myself do so. So, yeah. This lacked passion. It lacked drive. And, most importantly, it lacked the heart I’m used to seeing from this author. So, disappointed and a little scared of what comes next, I tuck my tail between my legs and remain optimistic that Quinn and Zoey’s story will flourish as all the other people’s did in the next books. They deserve their love story untarnished by that cunt. Oh, and Cora, just because I feel like it:

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BOOK REVIEW: Irresistibly Yours (Oxford #1) by Lauren Layne

BOOK REVIEW: Irresistibly Yours (Oxford #1) by Lauren LayneIrresistibly Yours (Oxford #1)
by Lauren Layne
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Meet the men of Oxford magazine! In the first captivating spin-off of Lauren Layne’s Sex, Love & Stiletto series, a not-so-friendly battle of the sexes turns into a scorching office romance.

Hotshot sports editor Cole Sharpe has been freelancing for Oxford for years, so when he hears about a staff position opening up, he figures he’s got the inside track. Then his boss drops a bombshell: Cole has competition. Female competition, in the form of a fresh-faced tomboy who can hang with the dudes—and write circles around them, too. Cole usually likes his women flirty and curvy, but he takes a special interest in his skinny, sassy rival, if only to keep an eye on her. And soon, he can’t take his eyes off her.

Penelope Pope knows all too well that she comes off as just one of the guys. Since she’s learned that wanting more usually leads to disappointment, Penelope’s resigned to sitting on the sidelines when it comes to love. So why does Cole make her want to get back in the game? The man is as arrogant as he is handsome. He probably sees her as nothing more than a barrier to his dream job. But when an unexpected kiss turns into a night of irresistible passion, Penelope has to figure out whether they’re just fooling around—or starting something real.


Cole frowned, his eyes moving around the room until they met Penelope’s. He lifted an eyebrow as though to ask Do you know what’s going on here?

Julie leaned toward Penelope with a knowing look on her face.
“Betcha Cole’s kisses are better than nice,” she said quietly.
“I wouldn’t know,” Penelope responded.
“Oh, but you will,” Julie said confidently, as she sat back and sipped her wine. “You will.”


What a fool I am. A total moron. A real Magoo. It’s no surprise to anyone, apparently only me, that I loved yet another LL. Oh, hey, let’s play a game. I know for a fact that, even while I am trying to keep this review short and simple since I wrote a long, gushing review last week for her amazing Steal Me book, that I am going to be saying my favorite author’s name, like, fifty times. So, I propose that I should exchange her name for a different word. That way, for those people who consistently read my reviews, no one will have to damage their eye sockets as they roll their eyes repeatedly at the constant mention of LL’s name. Sooooo…..what word should I use?? Hmm. I think I’ll go with puppy. I don’t know why. *cough I totally know why *cough. Dogs sitting next to me *cough Phew. Had something in my throat. Anywaaaaaaay…my point?? As if this wasn’t yet another win:

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“Ah, the cute brunette who’s gunning for your job.”
“Not my job yet,” Cole grumbled. “Unless you two know something….”
Lincoln held up his hands. “Dude, believe me, I’ve tried. Cassidy’s tight-lipped on this one.”
“Tight-lipped about what?”
Cole didn’t even have to turn around to know that Cassidy was standing in the doorway.
“Is this what you guys do all day?” Cole asked the group. “Just loom around other people’s office doorways and eavesdrop?”

I think my biggest fear with these stories is the continuance of character worlds. I know. Weird. But I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I don’t continue series if they aren’t about the same person/couple. I can’t commit to that type of relationship, if you will. I’m like… *light bulb goes off I’m just like Cole!! I don’t ‘do’ commitment for series that change hands every book. But, for whatever reason, my girl, puppy, gets me. The stories puppy writes are out of this world addicting, even if we’ve seen such stories done before. And, as I’ve mentioned in many of my past reviews concerning puppy books, even if it’s the most cliché storyline, she manages to make it…not…cliché. Oh shut up-like you’re all wordsmiths.



“Thanks for the kiss,” Penelope called playfully after Lincoln. “I think head-holding is definitely-“
She broke off when she saw Alex Cassidy standing in the doorway. His expression gave away nothing, but there was no way he hadn’t heard her loudly thanking her colleague for a kiss.
Penelope felt a blush rise to her cheek as their boss looked around at the four of them.
“We were, ah, doing some research,” Lincoln said, scooting by Cassidy.
Jake followed Lincoln, holding up his left hand innocently as he did so. “Didn’t touch her. I’m married.”
Cassidy narrowed his eyes at the two men before shifting his attention back to Penelope, then to Cole.
Then he merely rolled his eyes and walked away.

-okay, can you tell I’m obsessed with Cassidy? Lmao Because I so am.

And, just for clarity’s sake, I will say this again, because obviously not everyone will read all of my reviews or even remember what I said: Even if you are in the mood to be in one of her other worlds, or are obsessed with a certain hero in a previous work (hey…that’s totes me at all times) of hers, she makes you straight up forget. Or, rather, she makes you not care. And I won’t elaborate further, just know that even if you doubt her…don’t. Just….don’t. She-who-will-not-be-named is amazing. And I am always in awe of her.
Cassidy sighed. “Would you just sit down so we can do this damn interview?”
Cole eyed the door. “Do we have to do it now? You seem like you’re in a shitty mood.”
“Of course I’m in a shitty mood,” Cassidy said, running a hand through his hair. “You just interrupted that woman’s interview. She could sue us.”
“Please,” Cole said with a scoff. “She wanted to go to coffee with me.”
“Only because she doesn’t know you,” Cassidy muttered.
“Yup, you’re definitely in a shitty mood. Maybe we should reschedule-“
“Sit,” Cassidy commanded.



Now, Cole is not a character I ever gave much thought to. Sure, he always made me laugh, and he was always a great friend, but I always had trouble imagining him with his own book. Yeah…I know. I’m weird like that. *sighs But, anyway, my point is: I wasn’t that….optimistic about what would come from this book. But, alas, puppy took my doubts and turned them to dust. As she usually does. Not only did I fall in love with Cole, laugh with Cole, swoon for Cole, bite my damn lip for Cole….he became one of my absolute favorite puppy male leads.

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He held fast, refusing to move. “The thing is, Tiny….When it comes to you, I don’t have to decide. I don’t have to stop and think about if I want to kiss you. I know. I know every damn day when I see you put on mascara in the reflection of your computer moniter because you forgot to do it at home. I know when we go get coffee together and you can recite every single thing that happened on ESPN the night before. I know when I share my French fries with you at lunch and you eat all of them. I know-“



And, more than that, he fit so seamlessly into the Stiletto/Oxford world with those characters that I couldn’t have imagined him without a story intertwined with all my past favorites: Alex Cassidy, Mitchell, Jake, Sam, Julie, Grace, Emma, and Riley. See? I didn’t even falter. Those names??? Engrained in my mind 4-eva. This series is dear to me, so seeing a spin-off makes me…queasy, to say the least. But like usual, I’m eating crow and adding yet another puppy favorite to my list. It’s getting sickening. Really. All these feathers in my teeth are starting to make me gag.
He tilted his head and kissed her, and then lingered. And tried very hard to ignore the sudden, forbidden thought that he wished every day could be exactly like this one.

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Penelope, while adorable and actually pretty relatable, wasn’t my favorite heroine. She had serious self-image issues and would degrade herself in front of people repeatedly.



“You are so out of my league,” she said, scraping her nails over his bare chest.
His eyes slitted. “Not from where I’m sitting,” he said, his voice husky.



I can’t say it bothered me that much, but I have to say this so that my friends who might (will) find this annoying (you know who you are) can avoid this or start it with eyes wide open. In fact, I actually find that I’ve always been that way. So, to me, this was relatable. But that doesn’t necessarily make that a good thing-I remember the looks on people’s faces as I would down myself openly or when I would downplay a compliment they paid me. It’s not cute, but I still can’t find it in myself to be annoyed by Penelope in this manner-it’s just too like myself to bash. She was sweet, innocent, cute, quirky, and utterly kind at all times…and I found it truly refreshing. This is what I’m talking about, though: Each character puppy creates is individual and so different than the last and I never once find myself saying, ‘Hasn’t she written this character before?’ And believe me, I’ve read all her works.



“But I am in an extra good mood,” she was saying. “Edgar’s alive.”
“Come again?” he said, following her into the living room where the TV blared the Boston/Toronto game. The Yankees were away, on the West Coast, so their game wouldn’t be on for another hour.
“Edgar,” she said, gesturing at the fishbowl. “My fish. I thought he was dead, because he didn’t eat his breakfast, and was just sort of floating there, but maybe he was only resting, because now he’s moving again.”
Penelope was staring down at the fish with an adoring look on her face, and Cole could have sworn that his heart squeezed.
So much damn affection for a fish.



Cole and Penelope were absolutely adorable together, creating a fun banter that had me giggling on every other page, begging for them to just figure it out already. Their friendship and work companionship was compelling and engaging, making the fact that they weren’t together all the harder to bear. And I LOVED that they were both sports nuts…that’s something you don’t get to see that often. And, even more importantly, I loved his nickname for her-‘Tiny’. I mean….come on. How cute. My husband always called me that, and it brought back so many warm and cherished memories. So…yeah. LOVED that.
Whether it was because he sensed the death glare from Cole or because of ingrained manners, Todd left Penelope’s side to shake Cole’s hand.
Cole might have shaken it harder than necessary. It was a clichéd move. Totally pathetic.
And absolutely unavoidable.
Cole did not like this man. He’d just now decided. Didn’t like his reddish hair. Didn’t like the preppy glasses. And his tie was the color of shit.
Penelope wouldn’t really date a man wearing a shit tie.
Would she?



So…all in all, I would say this is a story that, again, suited my mood. I need light, fun, and flirty. I need angst, jealousy, and longing. Not once is there ever a lack of any of these things when reading a puppy novel. In fact…I’d say that’s why she’s my favorite. I know, without a doubt, that whenever I pick up a Lauren Layne book (whoops) that I will find all of these things paired with easy banter, light-hearted friendship, and meaningful relationships. And, to me, that’s worth everything.

*Sorry if this was repetitive. Hubbs was watching a show that involved the killing of animals and I was in a humming frenzy trying to not ‘hear’ the dialogue about murdering innocent (okay, maybe not, I don’t know, I was humming) animals. I refuse to name the type of animal-the wound is still too fresh.

**ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review**

Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers) & iBooks (click on titles)
***Each book can be read as a standalone, but best enjoyed in order.***
irresistibly yours lauren layne
Irresistibly Yours #1

i wish you were mine lauren layne
I Wish You Were Mine #2


Someone Like You #3
I Knew You Were Trouble #4

I Think I Love You #5

BOOK REVIEW – Just Visiting by Dahlia Adler

BOOK REVIEW – Just Visiting by Dahlia AdlerJust Visiting by Dahlia Adler
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Reagan Forrester wants out—out of her trailer park, out of reach of her freeloading mother, and out of the shadow of the relationship that made her the pariah of Charytan, Kansas.

Victoria Reyes wants in—in to a fashion design program, in to the arms of a cute guy who doesn't go to Charytan High, and in to a city where she won't stand out for being Mexican.

One thing the polar-opposite best friends do agree on is that wherever they go, they’re staying together. But when they set off on a series of college visits at the start of their senior year, they quickly see that the future doesn’t look quite like they expected. After two years of near-solitude following the betrayal of the ex-boyfriend who broke her heart, Reagan falls hard and fast for a Battlestar Galactica-loving, brilliant smile-sporting pre-med prospective... only to learn she's set herself up for heartbreak all over again. Meanwhile, Victoria runs full-speed toward all the things she thinks she wants… only to realize everything she’s looking for might be in the very place they've sworn to leave.

As both Reagan and Victoria struggle to learn who they are and what they want in the present, they discover just how much they don't know about each other's pasts. And when each learns what the other’s been hiding, they'll have to decide whether their friendship has a future.

“Duh.” He reaches out and flips up the one white curl that hangs in my face.
“Rogue, obviously.”
“Oh, yes. Her. Obviously.”
He gives me a you must be kidding look. “Please tell me you know who Rogue is.”
“Hey, I knew ‘Frak.'” That has to count for something.”

I’m not gonna lie : I spent the first percents bitching about the clichés in Reagan’s life. Let’s see…
✔ She’s a straight-As student (of course she is)
✔ Her parents don’t give a damn about her (of course they don’t) and she’s the one acting like a reasonable adult when it comes to bills, food, well, everything.
✔ She lives in the trailer park of a nowhere town that she can’t wait to leave (with reasons)
✔ She works her ass off at a dinner (I’m beginning to think that every teenager works in a dinner)

Perhaps all these facts don’t scream clichés for you, but after having read many coming of age stories these past months I can’t say that I got an original vibe at first.

But then enters Victoria, the second MC. Victoria, whose parents … Are you ready? Really? Sure? Okay. You’ve been warned. They care about her education and about her in general *GASP* I knoooow. Crazy stuff right? I absolutely loved witnessing Vic’s close relationship with her mum and the way they communicated every day (using ASL, by the way, because her mum is deaf).

Not to mention the original use of alternative POV between the 2 friends, Reagan and Victoria. It’s a nice change from the boy/girl POV we get 99,99% of the time. I say yes to that.

This is probably where Just Visiting stands out from many other young adult novels : indeed Dahlia Adler offers us girl friendship done well : look, Vic and Rae are different in a lot of ways (family, hobbies, boys) but they don’t judge each other and the rare times they do, it feels realistic and natural. They don’t NEED boys to enjoy their time together and they SUPPORT each other whatever happens. Thank you so much for that, Dahlia.

It’s no surprise to me that when Dahlia Adler creates cute boys, they’re really adorable, not the “I’m supposed to be cute but in fact I am a stalker/controlling asshole/prick” we often find.

I mean, Dave Dev : How in the world am I supposed to resist that guy, huh?
✔ He’s a (cute) dork and attends parties with a Battlestar Galactica T-shirt.
✔ His dialogues with Reagan often show a oh-my-god-this-is-awkward-but-funny quality I can’t help but find incredibly appealing.
✔ He doesn’t sugar-coat Reagan’s problems and despite being smitten, he’s still able to call her on her shit when needed.
✔ His shyness doesn’t prevent him for being… driven, let’s say. God. He made me smile so much.

He’s just so freaking cute, I swear! As for the other one…. I won’t say who he is, but awww good guys definitely make for a good change 😀

In my opinion Just Visiting handles several issues in a positive way :
✔ First of all, yay to diversity! I really appreciated how Dahlia Adler dealt with Victoria’s Mexican origins and what it means to be a minority when living in nowhere town, without never belittling her roots but showing pride over them. Plus, Dev is Indian, what I found really refreshing in all this ocean of golden boys we call YA fiction.
Poverty isn’t sugar-coated and all the details in Reagan’s life felt realistic to me.
✔ The sex issues brought real and positive vibes to me : there are talks about protection, consent, and not a once of slut-shaming.

Okay, so at this point you’re probably wondering why my rating isn’t higher. WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED, ANNA? The fact is, I rarely give 3s to books, because most of the time I end despising or loving a story. Truth being told, I kind of hate giving 3s. Is that a thing?

For me, what will draw the line between a book I liked and a book I loved is so personal and linked to my feelings that it’s really difficult to assess the exact reasons. What I can say is this : something was missing for me to be truly involved in the characters’ life.

It could be the characters’ voices that I found pretty juvenile, to be honest, but we’re dealing with teenagers, so perhaps I’m not being fair.

It could be the way the characters keep holding back events from their pasts INCLUDING TO THE READER which has a tendency to annoy me. We’re in their head, dammit! I always fail to understand how people actually manage to censure themselves. Do you ? Because I definitely don’t.

But… To be frank, if this story contains a lot of details that I genuinely liked, I never really cared about the characters, as if they lacked this extra layer to make me interested : in the end, I’m still not sure if I know them enough to understand them and it’s a deal breaker for me. This story, how good it is, won’t stand out in my mind, and in the end, that’s why I can’t rate it higher.

This being said, it could be different for you, so don’t hesitate to try it^^

*The book was given to me by the author in exchange for an honest review (thank you so much!). It did not, in any case, influence my opinion.*

BOOK REVIEW – Puddle Jumping by Amber L. Johnson

BOOK REVIEW – Puddle Jumping by Amber L. JohnsonPuddle Jumping by Amber L. Johnson
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When it comes to love there’s no such thing as conventional.

Everyone thinks Colton Neely is special.

Lilly Evans just thinks he’s fascinating.

Once friends when they were younger, their bond is cut short due to her accident prone nature and they go their separate ways. Years later, they meet again and Lilly learns that there is something special about the boy she once knew, but she has no idea what it all means. And she’s not sure if she’s ready to find out.

When he walks through the corridor of her school the first day of her senior year, she knows that it’s time to get to know the real Colton Neely. The more she learns, the deeper she falls.

Their friendship grows into love, even as Colton does not express it in words. But one decision threatens to break down the world that Lilly has tried so hard to integrate into and she must figure out if the relationship can survive if they are apart.


Puddle Jumping was adorably sweet and had humor and heartfelt moments sprinkled throughout.  It was the perfect book to make me feel all wonderful and cozy inside.  Because Lily and Colton’s story was incredibly heartwarming and I hope all of my friends will give this book a try.

Words he’s been branded with could never describe him. He’s not special. He’s extraordinary. To me.

Lily Grace Evans was a breath of fresh air.  We met her in the first chapter as a headstrong ten year old little girl who tasked to babysit Colton Neely, who was just one year younger than her.  While Colton just wanted to color, Lily had crazy wild ideas, and I still crack up thinking about their first interactions.  But then the story progressed as they grew up into teenagers.  And I loved how I got to watch them interact here and there as the years passed.  What evolved from their brief childhood moments to their teen years was pure, beautiful and believable.

I would do whatever it took to be what he needed me to be. He was worth it even after only one day.

As a teenager, Lily continued to be a kind and thoughtful person.  She tried her hardest to make life easier for Colton.  Not only because she cared for him, but so he could experience life like her.  She never saw Colton as different, he was always just Colton to her.  And she wanted the rest of the world to see that too.  I loved everything about Lily!

With a small sigh he squeezed my hand tighter. “I wish you were like me.”
The breath in my body just rushed out all at once as I asked him why.
His gaze traveled my face again before he focused on my hair, saying exactly what he had on his mind. “Because then you would understand.”

Colton Neely was innocent, trusting, beautiful and heartbreaking.  And while he looked just like any other boy , his mind worked a little differently.  But when words would fail him, he had an astonishing way to express his thoughts and feelings through his paintings.  Each time he painted his emotions, it would melt my heart.  Because those thoughts and feelings spoke volumes to the extraordinary person he was.  It was impossible not to fall for Colton.

But you know what shocked me the most?  That Puddle Jumping was only a little over 100 pages long. How was that even possible?  Because the feelings that were invoked in me and the attachments I formed with the characters is something that should have only happened with a full length story.  So it was a wonderful surprise.  Another wonderful surprise was that I loved the relationship between Lily and Colton’s mom.  It was honest, embarrassing and made me have tears in my eyes while I wished I still had that type of relationship in my life too.

He kissed me.
Warm and soft. Gentle at first until his lips had acclimated to mine. It wasn’t like any kiss I’d ever experienced before because my knees felt nonexistent and I wanted to fall, taking him with me in a pile on the ground so I could curl into him and never let go.

This is a story to pick up when you need a smile, for when you want your heart to be happy, or you just need to feel ok with the world for a while.  It’s that heartwarming.  Puddle Jumping was everything that my heart was looking for and more.

P.S. Thank you to my amazing friend, Chelsea, for sending me this book and introducing me to Colton & Lily!  You knew I’d love them just as much as you did, and you were so right! ♥

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