Tag: Paranormal (Page 40 of 51)

BOOK REVIEW – Come Alive (Experiment in Terror #7) by Karina Halle

BOOK REVIEW – Come Alive (Experiment in Terror #7) by Karina HalleCome Alive (Experiment in Terror #7)
by Karina Halle
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Come Alive didn’t seem to have the effect on me that it did on everyone else. While the beginning was adorable and Pex was in an ignorant bliss, the rest of the story closed up and swallowed most of the preconceived warm and fuzzies evoked from the beginning of the story and left me feeling bored and somewhat reminiscent of the times where Perry was our narrator.

As I said above, the beginning started off somewhat strong-Dex and Perry are happy and starting fresh after all their earlier mishaps, hoping for a bright future…together. Neither of these characters ever believed they would be where they are now, and they are basking in the unbelievability of their tentative relationship. I really enjoyed seeing their feelings show for each other at the same time for once. There was only one glitch (well, actually many glitches, but that’s beside the point) that really bothered me about their new relationship.

The fact that we had, YES I said had, to hear it from Dex’s POV, really didn’t work for me.

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BOOK REVIEW – Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna #1) by Kendare Blake

BOOK REVIEW – Anna Dressed in Blood (Anna #1) by Kendare BlakeAnna Dressed in Blood (Anna #1)
by Kendare Blake
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5 Unexpected Stars!!!

Thunder Bay, Ontario, is our destination. I’m going there to kill her. Anna. Anna Korlov. Anna dressed in blood.

Scary books have never been something I find easy to read, so when I started reading the reviews for Anna, I became super nervous. A creepy ghost who kills anyone that enters the house she is bound to? Yeah…not good for someone prone to nightmares. But what I soon learned as I delved deeper into the story was that this book had nothing on Karina Halle’s EIT series, and for that I was grateful. I love the EIT series, but Anna was so refreshing, light, and easy to read. So for those of you who don’t like scary books, this would be a great beginner-while there’s a spine-tingling undertone to the story, it never reaches over the top and terrifies you….just gives you glimpses of mangled ghosts and eerie settings.

Over the course of my life I’ve been to lots of places. Shadowed places where things have gone wrong. Sinister places where things still are. I always hate the sunlit towns, full of newly built developments with double-car garages in shades of pale-eggshell, surrounded by green lawns and dotted with laughing children. Those towns aren’t any less haunted than the others. They’re just better liars. I like it more to come to a place like this, where the scent of death is carried to you on every seventh breath.

By far my favorite thing (okay…one of my favorite things) about this story was the mood with which everything was set up. I wasn’t merely a bystander left to coast through pages with which there was no connection whatsoever, I was in the story, playing out the scene alongside Cas- Making the story come alive and even scarier as it became increasingly darker in the deep recesses of Blake’s gloomy fantasy. The author painted a vivid picture with each and every instance, choosing to invite us to be a part of the story instead of just letting us ‘see’ what happens. That is my biggest gripe with certain authors, so I was beside myself when I realized just how well Blake delivered each fighting scene-It brought me a sense of satisfaction I have missed long since finishing my other favorite scary parnormal series.

It’s a funny thing about ghosts. They might have been normal, or relatively normal when they were still breathing, but once they die they’re your typical obsessives. They become fixated on what happened to them and trap themselves in the worst moment. Nothing else exists in their world except the edge of the knife, the feel of those hands around their throat. They have a habit of showing you these things, usually by demonstration. If you know their story, it isn’t hard to predict what they’ll do.

With each new book, there is a different identity and reasons why I fall in love with it. Not always is the main character a reason I can relate to the story, but in Anna, I completely gravitated towards Cas, our lead male character. He was funny, quirky, cocky, but not overly so, and as loyal as a constant mover and shaker can be. The narrative voice was so fun and refreshing, I continually laughed out loud. A serious moment became light as air as soon as Cas would make a flippant remark or mentally knock on other characters. And once he met Anna, he became unbearably sweet and hooked his claws into me.

But somewhere out there is one that matters. Somewhere out there is the one that I came for, one who is strong enough to squeeze the breaths out of living throats.


I wonder how she’ll try to kill me?

A tragic love story where hunter meets his prey, inevitably feeling drawn to this unseen force that tugs on him even away from the unidentified source of obsession. Knowing he has to do what is right, what he was born to do, he struggles internally with the idea of banishing this tortured soul to the depths of…well, wherever the souls go after he ‘kills’ them. As more people get involved, it becomes harder and harder to protect Anna, to stall what must be done, and it all leads to an epic showdown that lead me to plead for more.

This isn’t right. Now that they’re here and afraid, they’re laughing at her, trying to turn her into a joke. Crushing their full beer cans against their heads feels like a great idea, and yes, I feel the hypocrisy in my wanting to defend something that I’m trying to kill.

Overall, a totally fun and unexpected ride that I couldn’t separate from, making for a quick weekend read. The most unexpected aspect was the connection to each character. While in most reviews for Anna the downfall was the lack of connection to the characters, I felt the exact opposite. They weren’t necessarily deep and meaningful per se, but more quirky and down to earth. For instance-the popular ‘queen bee’ wasn’t snooty or trapped in a stereotype at all. She became a main character that meshed with the ghost hunting duo and ultimately made it a ghost hunting trio. Many times the protagonist is the character that shines above the rest, but in this story I never felt like the only person I cared about was Cas. There were so many more characters I didn’t want to die, I was invested in them all.

…I can feel the newspaper clipping in my pocket like it weighs a thousand pounds. I can feel that photo of Anna, staring out from sixty years ago, and I can’t help myself from wanting to protect her, wanting to save her from becoming what she already is.

Adrenaline pumping, pulse pounding and a race to the finish ending, I was in my element. I didn’t know what would happen to Anna or Cas, just that I didn’t want anything catastrophic to happen to them. Many people will love this story, others won’t be able to identify with it. I tend to just take a book for what it is-fun and carefree. If you want a deep-rooted and mind-altering story, this probably isn’t it. It’s an accomplished escape from reality that will keep you entertained for hours and unable to switch back into ‘real life’ mode. An insta-favorite for me, and I am already half-way through book 2….and I’m still completely enthralled.

“Don’t be afraid of the dark, Cas. But don’t let them tell you that everything that’s there in the dark is also there in the light. It isn’t.”

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BOOK REVIEW – Inescapable (The Premonition #1) by Amy A. Bartol

BOOK REVIEW – Inescapable (The Premonition #1) by Amy A. BartolInescapable (The Premonition #1)
by Amy A. Bartol
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Throughout the course of my Goodreads experience, I’ve read many angel and paranormal books that have ranged from extremely corny to the most excellent and well thought out stories I have ever read. While this angel book didn’t stand out as excellent, I still thoroughly enjoyed it and had fun reading it all the same.

Evie is actually a pretty funny heroine. She says what is on her mind and doesn’t let anyone tell her what to do-namely…Reed. Reed is a brooding enigma from the very beginning, starting their relationship off to a rocky start at best. The minute she steps foot on campus and meets Reed at orientation, she is both immediately drawn to him and creeped out by the sudden intensity with which he wants her to leave Crestwood.

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BOOK REVIEW – Under the Never Sky (Under the Never Sky #1) by Veronica Rossi

BOOK REVIEW – Under the Never Sky (Under the Never Sky #1) by Veronica RossiUnder the Never Sky (Under the Never Sky #1)
by Veronica Rossi
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*4.5 Amazing Stars*

Thank God. Thank God I have found another dystopian worthy of falling in love with. I found out this year that while I love most genres with romance, dystopian makes my blood pump the most and makes me the happiest. There is just something so appealing about finding love while a world is crumbling around you-having to fight for your survival everyday and protect this person that you are slowly falling in love with. I don’t know why this scenario resonates with me, seeing as how I’ve never had to live this way, but it just pulls me in so completely and excites me more than I could ever explain. I love it.

In his glinting eyes, she saw tears of gratitude and trust. She also saw the shadow of what neither of them would dare say to each other, with only days left together. But for now, for tonight, they were done with words.

What appeals to me the most about UTNS, though, is the lack of ‘like’ for one another from the very beginning. No, this is no friends to lovers romance, nor is it an insta-love connection-they practically hate one another upon first sight. Yes, it’s hate at first sight.

She looked up. “A world of nevers under a never sky.”
She fit in well then, he thought. A girl who never shut up.

Born into totally different worlds, one a Mole, one dubbed savage, they have lived completely different lives; Aria, a child of privileges, Perry born in the outside world. Aria’s lavish, Not so real life is set in Reverie, a world of virtual realms where you never feel pain and being in the woods is merely sitting in your own living room, being transported virtually to the place you desire-in other words, you aren’t really in the woods, you are practically imagining it until you decide you’re done with that ‘realm’. Then, on one fateful day, Aria and a group of friends break into the Agriculture room where food is grown and pain CAN be felt, and everything changes forever.

For days he’d had a shifty, anxious feeling in his gut. A feeling like the instant after a cut, before the pain came. He knew when the hurt would hit him. Three more days and they’d reach Bliss. And she’d go back to her mother. He didn’t know what he’d do if they didn’t find Lumina. Bring her to the Tides? Take her back to Marron’s? He couldn’t imagine doing either. He tightened his arms around her. Brought in her scent, breathing deep, letting it mellow him. She was here now.

Kicked out of Reverie after breaking into the Ag 6 room, Aria is left to defend herself in the outside world where death for a ‘Mole’ or ‘Dweller’ is inevitable. There is so much more that happens that I could never possibly explain without giving you a play by play and eventually ruining the story, so I will make it simple: Perry and Aria HAD met before when he broke into Reverie. He HAD saved her life in her earlier altercation in the Ag 6 room. And this whole altercation WAS the catalyst that got the ball rolling on everything negative that happens to Perry’s tribe and family immediately after (or were we just led to believe that?). So when Perry and Aria meet again, tensions are high.

One of the most unique things about this story/series is the abilities of outsiders….Perry for instance. He can, like, smell your emotions and see better and farther than just a normal person like you and me. Okay, okay, I know that sounds so, so stupid, and I thought so too when I initially read the reviews. And, hey, if I’m being completely truthful here, it’s the reason I’ve waited two months to read this series. But, and I can’t stress this enough, OH MY GOSH it is what made Perry so sweet, vulnerable, and caring. I kid you not. This guy is the sweetest thing, and he is always doing for others. He cares immensely and would do anything for the people he loves-he is never insincere in his actions and never puts himself first. This sense is what makes Perry, Perry. Sweet, endearing Perry.

“I’ve been watching you with Roar. Wanting it to be me training with you.” His shoulders came up. “I don’t want to do it now.”
“Why?” Aria’s voice was high and thin.
He smiled, a flash of shyness, before he leaned close. “There are other things I’d rather do when I’m alone with you.”

The journey that Aria and Perry take is so fun, risky, and addicting. They grow from being stubborn, weak allies to people who would die to protect one another without a second thought. Unsure of where it can lead, being from different worlds, they try to make the most of their time together as the time winds down on their journey and the realization that they might never see one another again becomes a likely outcome. I absolutely loved the progression of the story and there was never a dull moment. If you have any qualms about this story and the out-there elements that revolve around the book, I suggest you forget them and give it a chance. It’s dangerously addictive and obsessively appealing-I finished both books in a matter of three days without even trying, and with Christmas this week, that’s a HUGE feat. ‘Nuff said.

Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)
under the never sky veronica rossi
Under the Never Sky #1

Roar and Liv #0.1
through the ever night veronica rossi
Through the Ever Night #2

Brooke #2.5
into the still blue veronica rossi
Into the Still Blue #3


BOOK REVIEW – Dangerous Creatures (Dangerous Creatures #1) by Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl

BOOK REVIEW – Dangerous Creatures (Dangerous Creatures #1) by Kami Garcia & Margaret StohlDangerous Creatures (Dangerous Creatures #1)
by Kami Garcia, Margaret Stohl
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Let’s get something straight. I’m supposed to be the bad guy. I will always disappoint you. Your parents will hate me. You should not root for me. I am not your role model.
I don’t know why everyone seems to forget that. I never do.

This is both an easy and hard book to review. Easy because, of course I loved being back into Ridley, Link, Ethan and Lena’s world. Hard because, well, again I did not have time to fully immerse myself into the story. I would get a good bit to read, and I would totally get into the story and become very excited, and then I would lose time again. It was a vicious cycle and I was very unhappy that this book I’ve waited forever on had no time to fully develop for me.

Instead, she slept on, dreaming of things that were far eerier than a ring. Even eerier than an unknown cast-forever binding a Siren, a Natural, a Keeper, a Wayward, and two Incubuses-under a full summer moon in a Caster county.
A full moon was for making magic.
Magic and memories.

The subjects of the book, Ridley and Link, were always favorite characters of mine. They were great side kicks and I loved seeing what all they were willing to do for their friends (In Ridley’s case, her cousin and friend). But, admittedly, it scared the shit out of me that they were getting their own story. What could they possibly do for a whole book? Or whole spin-off series, for that matter? But, rest assured, they got themselves into trouble all on their own even without Ethan and Lena around.

He looked at Necro. “What’s up, Gaga?”
Ridley snorted. “Link. Don’t be rude. It’s not Gaga. I’m not even sure it’s a lady.”
“It? are you talking about me?” Necro examined her fist like she was examining her options. “Ouch, Barbie. Where’d you learn your manners?”

Ridley has screwed up-she lost a deadly hand at a club named Suffer and she now owes 3 markers. One of those, coincidentally, is that this guy needs a drummer for his new club in New York. Hmmm…where does Ridley know a drummer? The other marker…well…let’s just say that one could cost her her life.

“Did I say Link Floyd?” Ridley shook her head. “I meant Supertramp.”
She glared meaningfully at the blond chick staring at her boyfriend.
Back off.
Floyd bumped fists with Link and added, “Or Superhot.”
Excuse me?
Ridley frowned. This wasn’t what she was expecting. “Did I say Supertramp? I meant bitch.”
Link’s eyes flickered over to her, surprised. Even Floyd looked at her like she was psycho.
Rid shrugged. “What? It’s a band. Look it up.” She stifled the urge to kick the coffee table to pieces. It would be bad for her boots.

One of my only complaints would have to be the cast of characters. I didn’t like the new crew. I missed Rid and Link and Ethan and Lena and Olivia and John…and Amma…and Ethan’s old aunts. I just missed them. I know this is Rid and Link’s journey, but I just kind of hated the band Link got with. Necro and, I think it was Floyd (which, is a GIRL, btw) just bored me to tears and they drove me insane. That isn’t to say I didn’t like other additions-like Lucille Ball’s reappearance (the Aunts’ awesome cat) and Lennox Gates-he was a cool character. But because I missed those other characters so much, I wanted their shoes to be filled and to not miss them much. But, as it was, I did.

“Why don’t you ever believe me when I say I’m sorry?” Ridley attempted to appear sorry, but she was having trouble remembering how that particular expression looked. She went with sick instead, because she’d faked that one enough times growing up that it was almost second nature.

The writing was, as always, great. I’ve always loved the way these authors have composed their works together, but, I didn’t connect quite like I did with Ethan. Ethan just was one of my favorite voices ever, so Ridley had a lot to compete with. Also, part of my resistance was probably the beginning where I was trying to get used to the switch of characters and POV and also, I really didn’t like when the writing referred to Ridley as ‘Rid.’ I just felt like when it wasn’t Link talking or someone who might call her that, it was a tad juvenile. But maybe that’s just me. I just didn’t connect with that abbreviation in reference to our strong, witty, and hilarious main character.

Then, as quickly as Ridley had caught him, she threw him back, breathless and stammering. When she pulled away, Link looked like he was going to pass out.
“Bye, then,” Rid said sweetly.
Link stumbled toward his car. His mother came after him with two open arms, then let them drop, disgusted.
“Well, Wesley Lincoln, are you happy now? What kind a mother could kiss her own son after a sordid display like that?” Mrs. Lincoln snapped. “You’d better go in the house and wash your mouth out or I’ll never be able to kiss you again.”
“Aww now, wouldn’t that be a shame,” Ridley purred.

As I think it on it, though, Ridley’s inner dialogue broke my heart. She was good but she got dealt a bad stick-I mean she’s a Siren for Chrissakes. What’s she supposed to do? Not EVER use her mojo? (By that I mean persuasion with the help of cherry red suckers-LOVE that) She fights her nature everyday-she fights the urge to compel people and make them bend to her will. She fights persuading Link to be one way when they are arguing, and she hates when he thinks she is doing it to him anyway. She is very hard on herself, and we never knew that before. She has a sassy snark to her that I hope she never loses-it makes her her, and while it leans her towards the dark caster she is, it only proves one thing: she is putting on a front. Oh, and she does have a ‘tude anyway. She is hilarious. I found myself more than once smiling when I didn’t realize and laughing when she bantered with Link or his evil mother. I really did enjoy her POV-it was definitely not what I was expecting.

What can I say? Payback’s a bitch.
But here’s the thing:
So am I.

So, all in all I really loved being back in this world again. I love the way Ridley can call someone “Darlin'” and it doesn’t come off cheesy or out of place. It fits with her tone and the way she is either being sweet to someone (Link) or putting them down (Floyd). And Link-all his zaney words and pet names for Ridley have always been out there, but, oddly, they worked in this story. Nothing was overdone and he was just the right amount of jealous (which I love). I hated when he would get mad at her when all she was trying to do was make things right, but I guess that angst is necessary for a story to have a little substance. So. Anyway. Loved the story, loved the world and trouble they created, and loved them. Who’d a thunk it??

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