Monthly Wrap-Up – January


During our Monthly Wrap-Up, we’ll take a look at what has happened around here in the last month. That’ll include what’s happened in my life, what the three of us have read, any other posts we may have had, giveaways still going on, books that I’ve added to my ever-growing TBR and updates on my Reading Challenges.

♥ Enjoy!

Jen’s Life:

Some of my highlights from January were –

This month my oldest turned 7 *sobs*.  I don’t know how time goes by so fast *sobs some more*.  Since it was during Christmas Break, we spent the day doing everything he wanted to do.  We played soccer, baseball, went bowling and had family back at our house for pizza.  For dessert we had chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter cups inside and a chocolate buttercream frosting on top.  YUM (recipes linked)!
We went to the Children’s Museum in Reno and got to see Sue the T-Rex who is the  largest, most extensive and best preserved Tyrannosaurus Rex.  My youngest was a little scared but eventually warmed up and my oldest kept saying her teeth had to be the size of bananas lol!  If you’re ever in the area with little ones, I highly recomend that museum.  It was so much fun and we spent part of our day there.
And I’m so excited I get to be an Auntie again.  My bestie came over to our house a week ago, took a pregnancy test, and then we bawled our eyes out because it was positive!  This will be and her hubby’s second kiddo and I can’t wait to be in the delivery room again and meet him/her this fall!



What Arielle, Chelsea & Jen Read:

5 Stars:
Gathering Darkness (Falling Kingdoms #3) by Morgan Rhodes
Furyborn by Claire Legrand
Runaway Groom by Lauren Layne

4.5 Stars:
To Kill A Kingdom by Alexandra Christo
Say You’ll Remember Me by Katie McGarry

2.5 Stars:
The Vanishing Spark of Dusk by Sara Baysinger



Our Favorite Books of the Month:

Runaway Groom by Lauren Layne (Jen’s Choice)
Runaway Groom was hilarious, sigh worthy, crazy at times and so much fun!  If you’re a fan of the Bachelor, Bachlorette or Lauren Layne, then I have a feeling you’re going to absolutely love this book!



Gathering Darkness (Falling Kingdoms #3) by Morgan Rhodes (Chelsea’s Choice)
This series, while easily dismissed by those who aren’t truly enraptured by one of the characters, has a way of really getting under your skin. It’s not so much the scenarios, though those are of some note as well, but about the characters and the deep-rooted connections you make with them.


Furyborn by Claire Legrand (Arielle’s Choice)
The entire book was so fast paced and intense, I was glad that the ending more or less was a gradual set up for more bat-shit craziness to ensue in the next book. HIGHLY RECOMMEND.



Other Posts:

Our Most Anticipated Releases For January
TOP TEN TUESDAY – New-To-Us Favorite Authors We Read For The First Time In 2017
TOP TEN TUESDAY – Books We Meant To Read In 2017 But Didn’t Get To (and totallyyyy plan to get to in 2018!!)
ANNOUNCEMENT-Welcome to Instagram!
TOP TEN TUESDAY – Our Bookish Resolutions/Goals
A Special Welcome To Our Newest Star-Crossed Lady!
2017 Favorite Singles
2017 Favorites From A Series




Win a digital copy of READY TO RUN (I Do, I Don’t #1) by Lauren Layne
Win a $100 Amazon Gift Card for the release of Say You’ll Remember Me by Katie McGarry



Books Added To Jen’s TBR:

Um.  Yeah.  I may have a HUGE addiction for adding books to my tbr.  But between my co-bloggers, bloggers I follow and my book reading buddies here and in Cali my tbr is officially doomed lol!


Reading Challenges:

This is the first year I’ve EVER joined a Reading Challenge. I went through Nicole’s huge list of reading challenges – check it out here – and found three that sounded absolutely perfect for me.  Here’s where I am so far….

Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge
Status: 2
Goal: 16-20



Beat The Backlist
Status: 0
Goal: 15-20

I’m currently re-reading two books, that are backlist books, so I’ll get to start the 1st of February off with 2 books on my status.


Library Love Challenge
Status: 0
Goal: 12 books

This month I have been working my way through ARCs, but next month I’m going to start diving into authors who are attending RT this May and a few of them have books at my library.


So that was our January.  Did you read any of the same books that we did?  Or share the same favorite book as us?  If not, then what was your favorite book?  Or have you read any of the books I just added to my TBR?

Here’s hoping you all had a wonderful January too. And cheers to February fabulous for all of us!

**We linked this post to January Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up Link-Up at Feed Your Fiction Addiction**

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  1. Raven

    You guys had a great month! I haven’t read Say You’ll remember me yet but I will soon. I’m so excited for Furyborn and To kill A kingdom! You’ve added pretty amazing books to your TBR Jen especially Bear and the nightingale, wendy, Cruel Prince, Blood And Sand, Vicious, and Sky In The Deep. I really hope you enjoy all of these books.
    Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful February and Happy Reading! 🙂
    Raven recently posted…2017 End Of Year Book Survey!My Profile

    • Jen

      See….that’s the struggle. I want to keep my tbr reasonable, but then I run across so many amazing books and how can I not add them?! The struggle is real! And I can’t wait to see what you think of Say You’ll Remember Me!

  2. Annemieke

    Sounds like a great month. Happy belated birthday to your eldest. Seven already! Time flies.
    Annemieke recently posted…Dancing Out of January 2018My Profile

    • Jen

      Thank you so much, and yes it’s amazing how fast time flies!

  3. Evelina @ AvalinahsBooks

    Congrats to your kid!! And wow, that IS a haul 😀
    Evelina @ AvalinahsBooks recently posted…January stats Fever!My Profile

    • Jen

      Thank you so much! And I know right?!?!?! *hides face* lol

  4. Tina

    Happy belated birthday to your oldest! My oldest turns 7 in September. I’m in denial. Also congrats to your best friend! I hope she has a healthy pregnancy. Runaway Groom sounds so good. I already added it to my TBR.

    I hope ya’ll have a wonderful February!
    Tina recently posted…Monthly Wrap Up | January 2018My Profile

    • Jen

      Thank you so much! And I was in denial too. 🙁 Time just goes by TOO fast! Next week I’m signing my youngest up for Kindergarten for this fall and I’m. Not. Ready. Hope you have tons of fun reading Runaway Groom when you pick it up. It has allllll the bachelor/bachelorette feels lol!

  5. Aj @ Read All The Things!

    Happy birthday to your oldest! I need to get a copy of The Forgetting. I actually own the sequel, but I can’t read it until I read the first one! I hope you’re having a great February!
    Aj @ Read All The Things! recently posted…Discussion: A Brief List Of Oddities Discovered Inside Used BooksMy Profile

    • Jen

      Thank you so much!! Here’s hoping we both love The Forgetting…I think I learned about it from Nicole over at Feed Your Fiction Addiction and that’s definitely what piqued my interest. 🙂

  6. Cee Arr

    There’s a purple-vibe to the book covers of your January reads! 🙂

    Cee Arr recently posted…Nerd Church – Rebel Valentine 2: Return of the Candy HeartsMy Profile

    • Jen

      I NEVER even noticed that lol! Thanks for pointing that out! 🙂

  7. Danielle Hammelef

    Great month of books and family! Kids do grow up too fast and I’m so happy you got to spend so much quality fun time together.

    • Jen

      They do, it’s sad how fast time flies. Thank you Danielle!

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