BOOK REVIEW: Office Date by Rachel Van Dyken

BOOK REVIEW: Office Date by Rachel Van DykenOffice Date by Rachel Van Dyken
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I’ve known Jack my entire life.
We went from being high school enemies to making out one fateful night at college to him being a giant D and making me cry.
Now we’re both interns at the same company.
Mortal enemy interns.

So when the chance pops up to finally beat him at something, to land my dream job plus a bonus? I don’t even blink.

I’m in. All in.
I mean, how hard can it be?
The managers say it’s like the Olympics for interns. All we have to do is play a few silly games, and if we win—our futures are unicorns and free wine for all.
The only problem? Jack’s my partner, and in order to win, we will have to get along.

As the stakes get higher, so does the heat, and damn is he hot when he’s… never mind. I can focus. I can totally focus and not make out with him or end up in his bed—again.
I can do it.
For the sake of my career, I can do it.
I just need a blindfold, sage, and a lot of prayers.

My job is the only thing I have right now. My focus is strong.
But when that stupid guy smiles, all I can think about is that one kiss, followed by the second, and I wonder if my priorities are in order or if I’m falling for the enemy once again.


Are there hidden cameras?
What do I even do right now? I lean forward.
“This can’t be legal.” 

Office Date was binge worthy and a ton of fun!  Rachel Van Dyken has done it again!  She wrote another fabulous enemies to lovers and forced proximity that I loved!  So if you adore sexy, new adult romance that will keep you laughing from start to finish then you definitely need Office Date in your life!

I sucker punch him in the stomach.
It was instinct!
He starts coughing and falls to the floor, yelling, “Whyyyyyyy?” like I just committed murder.
I kick him lightly. “You’re fine; stop being dramatic!”

Ivy and Jack had hated each other forever.  Not only did they have a disaster of a kiss in high school, but remained steadfast in their hatred through college. Now they were at an internship together.  And even though Jack knew how to push Ivy’s buttons like a pro and Ivy got irritated with Jack so easily, they both were attracted to each another.  When they found themselves in an office style non-death hunger game situation lol, they both needed to work together to win the top two spots for their dream jobs!

“You’ll be living across the hall from each other, we couldn’t swing the whole roommate thing again, but you will be spending the next two weeks  together as if you’re…”
Don’t say it. Don’t say it. Don’t say it. 
“Fuck!” I say, then realize I said it out loud.
When a heel drives into the top of my foot seconds later.

Jack was my favorite!  He was the king of screwing with Ivy, and he could be such an ass.  But I was obsessed with him since we got half of the book in his point of view. And his thoughts?! They cracked me up or made me sigh out loud. I loved hearing Ivy’s voice too and how she assessed a situation. But listening to the both of them, you got to see that they each had so many layers. Their pasts, dreams and goals shaped who they were now. And they truly didn’t know the other person. So I was beyond ecstatic that they not only had to live right by each other but that they had to work together to win!

“How are you so cruel?” I cling to her. “Who hurt you?”
She shoves me off her. “Oh, some big giant idiot in college, but I’m over it.”
“I’m not,” I say under my breath, making her own catch.

The games Ivy and Jack found themselves in were over the top! Again! This is the second annual Emory Games, and you can read about the first in Office Hate. You don’t have to read that book first before this one, but oh my gosh I love that story so much and can’t recommend it enough! During these new games, childhood fears reappeared and it didn’t matter how irrational they were. There were moments I knew I shouldn’t be laughing at them, but I couldn’t stop. And the motivation they gave each other to win *dying laughing*, it was sooooooo inappropriate but so perfect too! I knew it was just a matter of time before Jack and Ivy would cross the line, and when they did *fans face* it was so hot!

His eyes flicker to my lips.
“What now?”
“If I kiss you, will you slap me?”
I grin. “This sounds like a fun game.”
“Be serious.”
“I am.”  I lean in. “Care to test it out?”
“How hard do you slap?”
“How good do you kiss?”
He smirks. “Ah, a challenge?”
“I like to win.”
“Maybe we both win…”

Office Date was a fun, lighthearted, laugh out loud hilarious book. If you’re looking for a story to pick up at the beach, this is it!  I can easily see myself reading it again! Plus the ending was so cute and left a smile on my face! Now I’m wondering if there will be the third annual Emory Games someday *fingers crossed*…….

She’s my perfect partner in crime, and I don’t want to let her go.

PS Max is as eccentric as ever and poor Dustin lol.

*I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book, provided by the author. All thoughts and opinions are my own.*

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  1. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    Some of those snippets you shared in your review had me laughing, especially that first one. LOL This sounds like a good time for when you want something a little lighter. Glad it was such a hit for you!
    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books recently posted…The Sunday Post #290 | June 12, 2022My Profile

    • Jen

      SAME! I love how RVD books always make me laugh. Every single time. She is always my go-to when I desperately need laughter in my life ♥.
      Jen recently posted…BOOK REVIEW: Just Like Magic by Sarah HogleMy Profile

  2. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)

    I do like this author, I’ll have to check this one out, your review was great!
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…Blog Tour Review: So Not Meant to Be by Meghan QuinnMy Profile

    • Jen

      Thank you so much, Lisa! It was an absolute blast and a ton of fun!

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