by Elizabeth Hunter
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He would follow her anywhere
A unique and charming read, we enter a world where angels and scribes aren’t at all out of place. After seeing a GR friend read and love this book, I became immediately intrigued and began researching everything I could about it. Enthralled with the overall premise and rave reviews, I decided to suggest this to my GR friends for a buddy read.
Thousands of you, Scribe. One of her. Remember.
While I loved the theme and personality of each character, there came a point where the story dragged and lost my interest a bit. Overly descriptive and trying to teach us the ways of their history, the story suffered from info-dump. Now, let me be clear-that is my opinion-Many others fell in love with this story and couldn’t seem to put it down. While I mentioned that this story suffered from info-dump(If you don’t already know this about me, you’ll learn it quickly enough-I LOATHE info dumping unless done a certain way), I suffered from not having enough time to delve deeper into this story like it deserved. It had all the elements of a stupendous book, I just had to consistently put the book down after 5% intervals of reading time and it sorely effected the journey with which these characters were embarking upon.
The characters were easily likeable-Malachi was a fierce, passionate, and protective hero who would do anything to ensure Ava’s safety. Burdened by a touch that will hurt and possibly kill any woman he makes contact with, Malachi’s infatuation with Ava becomes all the more appealing because of what it could mean if he had the ability to touch her when he hasn’t had any human contact in more than 200 years. More than once I found myself slowing down so I could absorb all the sexy things Mal was saying and doing to win the heart of Ava-he never once doubted the attraction and pull he felt towards her….but there were definitely certain circumstances that had him fighting his feelings towards her, making for a slow build that intensified the heat when they finally did succumb to their desires.
Malachi wanted to grab her. Calm her, but he couldn’t. She was wearing nothing but a tank top. She’d taken off her long-sleeved shirt halfway up the mountain. And his touch would hurt her. No matter how much he wanted, he would never-could never…
Ava was a very interesting character as well. She was perceptive, intuitive-she saw what wasn’t visible to the eye, and it wasn’t just because she could hear people’s inner voices. She was also very independent-tending to stray from large crowds and that human touch that we all crave daily. Any relationship she has tried to participate in has ended quickly and painfully, not able to tolerate the other man’s thoughts and he not able to tolerate her in general because of her ability. I always find that intriguing when a character isn’t easily duped or corruptable-she was strong despite her long life of minimal human interactions and relationships. It didn’t make her weaker, just maybe a little more stubborn towards the idea that she might actually have found someone who makes her feel whole again.
She felt him step closer. Could feel her body react. His lips were sealed, but his voice whispered to her. Taunting, teasing whispers that begged her to come closer. She turned her head, and her heart raced as his eyes dropped to her mouth.
As Sarah, one of my GR friends, said, I did find it hard to completely connect with these characters, and I’m not sure why. They were loveable, interesting, and fun to follow, but I didn’t find myself thinking about them when I put the book down, which bases how I really feel about a book when I’m rating. Maybe as the books progress I will feel that pull towards them that others felt, but as it stands, I’m lukewarm and on the outside looking in.
Overall, a quick, fun read that I ultimately enjoyed. I did miss that connection that I tend to feel towards favorite books of mine, but there is room to grow with the next installments and I could see myself really getting drawn in and falling in love with this journey and all parties involved. Completely individual and intriguing ideas, many more people will fall head over heels in love with this story as soon as they pick it up, but for now, I am sitting on the fence on how the rest of the series will fare.