Tag: Paranormal (Page 41 of 51)

BOOK REVIEW – The Scribe (Irin Chronicles #1) by Elizabeth Hunter

BOOK REVIEW – The Scribe (Irin Chronicles #1) by Elizabeth HunterThe Scribe (Irin Chronicles #1)
by Elizabeth Hunter
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He would follow her anywhere

A unique and charming read, we enter a world where angels and scribes aren’t at all out of place. After seeing a GR friend read and love this book, I became immediately intrigued and began researching everything I could about it. Enthralled with the overall premise and rave reviews, I decided to suggest this to my GR friends for a buddy read.

Thousands of you, Scribe. One of her. Remember.

While I loved the theme and personality of each character, there came a point where the story dragged and lost my interest a bit. Overly descriptive and trying to teach us the ways of their history, the story suffered from info-dump. Now, let me be clear-that is my opinion-Many others fell in love with this story and couldn’t seem to put it down. While I mentioned that this story suffered from info-dump(If you don’t already know this about me, you’ll learn it quickly enough-I LOATHE info dumping unless done a certain way), I suffered from not having enough time to delve deeper into this story like it deserved. It had all the elements of a stupendous book, I just had to consistently put the book down after 5% intervals of reading time and it sorely effected the journey with which these characters were embarking upon.

The characters were easily likeable-Malachi was a fierce, passionate, and protective hero who would do anything to ensure Ava’s safety. Burdened by a touch that will hurt and possibly kill any woman he makes contact with, Malachi’s infatuation with Ava becomes all the more appealing because of what it could mean if he had the ability to touch her when he hasn’t had any human contact in more than 200 years. More than once I found myself slowing down so I could absorb all the sexy things Mal was saying and doing to win the heart of Ava-he never once doubted the attraction and pull he felt towards her….but there were definitely certain circumstances that had him fighting his feelings towards her, making for a slow build that intensified the heat when they finally did succumb to their desires.

Malachi wanted to grab her. Calm her, but he couldn’t. She was wearing nothing but a tank top. She’d taken off her long-sleeved shirt halfway up the mountain. And his touch would hurt her. No matter how much he wanted, he would never-could never…

Ava was a very interesting character as well. She was perceptive, intuitive-she saw what wasn’t visible to the eye, and it wasn’t just because she could hear people’s inner voices. She was also very independent-tending to stray from large crowds and that human touch that we all crave daily. Any relationship she has tried to participate in has ended quickly and painfully, not able to tolerate the other man’s thoughts and he not able to tolerate her in general because of her ability. I always find that intriguing when a character isn’t easily duped or corruptable-she was strong despite her long life of minimal human interactions and relationships. It didn’t make her weaker, just maybe a little more stubborn towards the idea that she might actually have found someone who makes her feel whole again.

She felt him step closer. Could feel her body react. His lips were sealed, but his voice whispered to her. Taunting, teasing whispers that begged her to come closer. She turned her head, and her heart raced as his eyes dropped to her mouth.

As Sarah, one of my GR friends, said, I did find it hard to completely connect with these characters, and I’m not sure why. They were loveable, interesting, and fun to follow, but I didn’t find myself thinking about them when I put the book down, which bases how I really feel about a book when I’m rating. Maybe as the books progress I will feel that pull towards them that others felt, but as it stands, I’m lukewarm and on the outside looking in.

Overall, a quick, fun read that I ultimately enjoyed. I did miss that connection that I tend to feel towards favorite books of mine, but there is room to grow with the next installments and I could see myself really getting drawn in and falling in love with this journey and all parties involved. Completely individual and intriguing ideas, many more people will fall head over heels in love with this story as soon as they pick it up, but for now, I am sitting on the fence on how the rest of the series will fare.

BOOK REVIEW – Girl of Nightmares (Anna #2) by Kendare Blake

BOOK REVIEW – Girl of Nightmares (Anna #2) by Kendare BlakeGirl of Nightmares (Anna #2)
by Kendare Blake
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I am coming back, is what I was going to say. But this isn’t a game, and that isn’t a promise I should make.

Wow. Kendare Blake has earned my respect in the span of a two book series-not an easy thing to do. What started out as a simple Halloween buddy read became an obsessive impulse to read two books in 3 days. It’s not always about how well known a book is-it’s about how the book is written. What appeals to your taste, your style, your mood, and ultimately what makes you happy.

And these books made me so sooo happy.

It would still be years before I’d go up against ghosts of any real strength-ghosts like Anna Korlov, the girl who could have torn out my spine anytime she liked, but wound up saving me instead.

A beautiful fantasy created to both appeal to your imagination and tug on your heartstrings, Blake succeeded by invading my mind and clouding my vision-this series was all I cared about and all I could see. I would be typing invoices at work, but I wasn’t really typing invoices at work. All I could see was Cas-Cas fighting ghosts, Cas pining after Anna, Anna fighting for their love just as strongly as Cas was, Cas’s broken whispers for Anna…it was unbelievable how strongly I fell in love with these characters.

This must be how a caught fish feels, pulled up onto a dock, the wood pressing into its gills and eye when nothing has ever pressed against it before. Their gills throb to no use. My lungs pull no use. Something is moving in and out of them, but it isn’t air. There’s no sensation of nourishment hitting my blood. I grab my chest.

A world where a boy falls in love with the girl he can never have, where the girl is no longer alive, but in a limbo between death and wherever these tortured souls are supposed to go-A world he must save her from….but where will she choose to go? Will she stay with him, or will she choose to move on…?

She crossed over death to find me. I crossed through Hell to find her.

I can’t even begin to tell you how refreshing it is to read a book that isn’t on everyone’s radar at this very moment-to not know the outcome, to not know whether people are upset about an ending or not. GON isn’t in the limelight, and it was like my own personal, secret treasure that made adrenaline course through my veins and my heart thump with the anticipation of just
not knowing
what will happen mixed with giddy nerves. Blake’s writing is amazing to me, still. I could literally taste the blood in my throat, I could feel what each individual character felt, every movement and every feeling-it was both exhilarating and rejuvenating.

This place is the thing behind madness. There is nothing good here. Off the map. If you eat frustration it chokes you. This place exists in the wake of a scream.

Had the ending not been so abrupt, this most likely would have been a 5 star read. The depth with which Blake embedded this story into my brain couldn’t be compromised, but I still wish there would have been more of a closing, an epilogue, a future glimpse-something. The quick ending was my only gripe with the story, and it stayed with me until even this morning, so I decided half a star deduction was adequate-I wasn’t disappointed by any means, just a little deflated with the lack of a glimpse into the future. Just a personal preference on my part, and not everyone will feel the same.

He doesn’t want Anna anymore. He has her. I’m the last loose end.

An absolutely amazing and imaginitive series, I was enthralled from page one as Cas tried to take out the route 12 hiker. I enjoyed being inside his snarky mind and hearing his inner dialogue and I’m going to miss him dearly. I’ve only known him for a short time, but it was a wonderful adventure and I have placed these books oh-so-dearly on my favorites shelf-and they will remain there forever.

BOOK REVIEW – The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton

BOOK REVIEW – The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye WaltonThe Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton
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*2.5 Not so Strange or Beautiful Stars*

I loved you before, Ava. Let me love you still.

Well….two months ago when I heard about this book and saw the stellar reviews, I never would have thought this would be the end result. It was beautifully written (contrary to above^^^) and it had a well thought out story line with no gaps to be seen…but…I can sum up this book in one word and, let me tell ya, it’s not groundbreaking: boring. This book was boring. Boring, boring, boring, boring, boring, boring, BORING. Never has a shorter book been more boring.I HATE saying this about such a popular book, but I just could not and did not connect.

I found it ironic that I should be blessed with wings and yet feel so constrained, so trapped. It was because of my condition, I believe, that I noticed life’s ironies a bit more often than the average person. I collected them: how love arrived when you least expected it, how someone who said he didn’t want to hurt you eventually would.

What’s worse is that I barely even highlighted anything…even if I don’t love a book, I always highlight the parts I do love like crazy. So when I hardly felt the pull to highlight something, it really set the alarms off in my head. My biggest problem with this book was certainly not the characters-they were painted vividly and didn’t leave any fogginess as to their personalities or what their purpose was in the story-nothing was left to the imagination. But that’s where it went south for me-this book’s fatal flaw, for me, was what other people said made it so special. I’m the black sheep. I disliked this book so much because, wait for it, it was almost too overdeveloped. I know, right?? We readers and reviewers always want more depth, more description, more world-building….but in this case, the world building and character back stories suffocated me and made me feel like the sole purpose (or at least what I thought the sole purpose was supposed to be) was convoluted and wasn’t even in the story all that long….and I feel like the main character wasn’t even the main character…

Love, as most know, follows its own timeline, disregarding our intentions or well-rehearsed plans.

That’s right people. The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender was more about her mother and her lost and longing love than about Ava herself-which bugged me…I’m sorry. I just feel like when the story is said to be about Ava Lavender, it should, in fact, be about GD Ava Lavender…Am I wrong in wishing this? I mean…Ava didn’t even become a factor in the story until, what, 30%? Doesn’t that seem a tad over-excessive for building a back story? Well, it was for me. And, hey, I was okay with it even then. But when she finally entered, it still wasn’t wholly about her and I just wasn’t okay with it then. When it was just the late intro (short book, but still), it was acceptable, because the world needs more well thought out books. But when Ava finally became the ‘sole person’ of the story, it wasn’t overwhelming, my senses didn’t overload, I didn’t love her as a person and…and it just was too little too late-it wasn’t enough to make me love this story and it’s characters.

A person with a curved heart line was a person capable of great warmth and kindness, a person willing to give their whole selves to love, no matter the cost.

It’s all so ironic because I am one of those readers who kinda loves the delayed male entrance into a story-sure, I start jonesing for the male like the rest of the red-blooded females on this site and in the reading community, but I’ve always thought it adds more to the story when he enters-it gets so built up and when they finally meet or see each other again, their connection has became THAT much stronger. So, it’s ironic of me to be a little angry that Ava wasn’t in the story for so long, but I feel I’m justified in my reaction-once she entered, there just wasn’t enough stage presence.

Years later the lights of the growing city would erase the stars from the sky, but back then they shone through the branches like jailed fireflies.

Okay, I’m done whining and complaining-despite my nasty star rating and saying to go along with it, the writing was actually very beautiful. I highlighted some parts despite their lack of significance just because I loved the way the author described something-the writing was never the problem. It just wasn’t enough. And then I did adore the boy Ava fell for. He was sweet, kind, and absolutely adorable (when he was in it). And her best friend was fun, too-pushy, but fun and (most of the time) loyal. The only character I did abhor at times was Ava’s mom. I mean…her story (which turned out to essentially 60% of the book for whatever reason) was, here it comes…boring. At first it was cute-her falling for a guy and it being forbidden love and all-but then she won’t let it go-Years…and years….and years later…and we are still hearing about this dude even though there’s a perfect guy right beside her and-Oh gosh, I started complaining again-but to sum up, the mother drove me insane at times. Which, this became a problem because she was a large part of the story.

“Love can make us such fools.”

I am so so sad that I didn’t love this book. I even had bought an extra copy on hardback at Target as it sat on my kindle app for months because A) it was just so pretty and B) I just knew I’d love it. Sadly, I did not. So, if there was one thing I’d say to people, it would be that Ava was an absolutely sweet and lovely character. If you love stories with very intricate detail and world-building, you will probably love this one too. Her guy is nice, she is nice, the world the author built is nice…I just didn’t fit into it.

BOOK REVIEW – The Body Finder (The Body Finder #1) by Kimberly Derting

BOOK REVIEW – The Body Finder (The Body Finder #1) by Kimberly DertingThe Body Finder (The Body Finder #1)
by Kimberly Derting
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A quick, fast-paced read that I almost finished in one day. I literally had to slow down so I didn’t have two reviews to write in the same day because I was just reading THAT fast. TBF was one of those stories that while it wasn’t anything new or groundbreaking, it was fun and took me away from the real world for a bit. It was an escape from reality and it was a change of pace-it came at the perfect time.

He reached out, capturing her hand in his. He laced his fingers casually through hers. Violet leaned against him and the calm finally came, settling over her peacefully. And then he kissed her. Gently. Softly. Not on the lips, as she’d imagined so many times before, but on her forehead. The gesture was sweet and a little possessive. Violet hoped, maybe, it was a start.

I’ve been in two different funks lately-either the books I am reading are SO good that those following don’t stand a chance or I’ve been reading the same old same old and a change of pace is welcoming. Turns out that this time, it was a case of both. I read two or three awesome books in the last week that knocked me off my feet-and while that was refreshing, it also dragged me back into that slump where one of my favorite couples invaded my mind and made it hard to jump into another story (yes, I’m talking Dex and Perry via Ashes to Ashes). I didn’t realize it, but I needed a book to pull me away from my favorite ghost hunting duo and back into that happy medium where more than one couple will do, and this book was perfect for the job.

One of my biggest gripes in books is corny dialogue….and this book was stepping all up in it. BUT, for some reason, and I’m not sure why, I just didn’t care. The best part of it is, I didn’t have to just cringe and deal with it, it just skirted the issue-it would start something that otherwise normally led to full on unrealistic and forced banter, but it would stop before it got to that point. Not only that, the characters in question of being corny (i.e. the best friends and oh-so-present-enemies) were actually likeable. Yes, likeable. I think that plays a big part in my annoyance most of the time.

And even more than that, I hate when the author tells us what is happening or going to happen instead of letting it just show in the scene. It’s hard to explain, but it’s like when the author gives you a play by play of what’s going on instead of letting you decipher what it all means and then adding a quote at the end of the explanation in response to what’s ‘happened’. Probably not the best way to say what I mean, but it’s the best I can do. Luckily, I was so engrossed in the story that it didn’t seem to matter, and that made me very happy.

I loved Jay and Violet-I loved that they grew up best friends and did everything together and still did everything together. It made it so adorable when they finally expressed their attraction to one another and only added to the compatibility they clearly already shared. Although, you guessed it, corny, I loved every minute they were together and every minute leading up to it.

There was suspense, there was jealousy, there was protectiveness, and there were climactic parts that actually had me scanning the pages at lightning speed. I was utterly surprised at the creepy undertone and the idea that young girls were being abdcuted and killed all around our two main characters. It was more than I could have asked for as a filler and I will surprisingly continue this series forward. I can’t wait to see what suspense lays ahead of our girl, Violet.


BOOK REVIEW – Darkfever (Fever #1) by Karen Marie Moning

BOOK REVIEW – Darkfever (Fever #1) by Karen Marie MoningDarkfever (Fever #1)
by Karen Marie Moning
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I think this is one of those reviews where less is more. There was so much going on at all times in this book and we had so much we had to learn and take in. I still don’t quite understand everything I was told, which will come more easily, I’m sure, in the next installments.

I think the basic thing I need to address is the likability of the story and the characters. As a story, I did find myself inexplicably drawn to everything that was happening. I would put the book down and then feel myself reaching for it after only five minutes of it’s absence, despite the fact that I had no clue what was going on.

No, it wasn’t a favorite of mine, but it was on the cusp of being something very….special. The ending not only surprised me, but made me want to forget that I wanted to read something else after it-I ended up going straight through to book two. I think that says something about the story.

Or maybe it’s the magnetism of the characters. Despite what I’ve heard (and read) of Mac’s vapid tendencies and inner monologue, I found I still enjoyed being inside her head. She was funny and determined, not to be so easily deterred by the brooding Jericho Barrons. Speaking of Jericho…frankly, he is the reason I am so drawn to the story. I don’t know what his deal is, but I have to find out. The whole time I just wanted him and her to kiss, to release the sexual tension that subtlety built between them. It drove me crazy-so here I am halfway through book two already-Just because I want more Barrons.

So, there isn’t much to say aside from the fact that I was pulled in and bought the story enough to move forward with the series. There is just something about mysterious characters in a faraway land (or so it seems…Ireland?? Pretty far away!) where you don’t find out enough about each person, but just have to know more. I am both excited and anxious to see where this series will go.

Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)
karen marin moning darkfever
Darkfever #1


bloodfever karen marie moning
Bloodfever #2

faefever karen marie moning
Faefever #3


dreamfever karen marie moning
Dreamfever #4

karen marie moning shadowfever
Shadowfever #5



Iced #6

Burned #7

Feverborn #8
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