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Top Ten Tuesday – New-To-Us Favorite Authors We Read For The First Time In 2015

Top Ten Tuesday - New-To-Us Favorite Authors We Read For The First Time In 2015

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, and this is our first time joining in on the fun!
This week is – Favorite Authors We Read For The First Time In 2015.

(Jen’s Choice – Review)
Broken Skies theresa kay 
(Jen’s Choice – Review)

1.  Lauren Layne – I’ve read 9 of her books so far this year, and they have all been 4.5/5 Stars!  They are sexy yet sweet, the banter is hilarious, the friendships are heartwarming, and all of the characters are so unique and amazing.

2. Theresa Kay – These are the type of Science Fiction books I fall madly in love with!  They contain peril, heartbreak, action, lies, betrayal, love. and are addicting!

(Anna’s Choice – Review)

(Anna’s Choice – Review)

3.  Mark Lawrence – That little devil of Jorg of Ancrath quickly became one of my favorite heroes of all times (don’t judge me) – dark fantasy at its best.

4.  Cat Winters – She shows a real talent to convey an atmosphere and to write in an engrossing and compelling way about such important issues – her books are definitely not to be missed.

(Anna’s Choice – Review)

(Laura’s Choice – Review)

5.   T.L. Haddix – There is something to say about an author who manages to create romance novels without giving into the awful tropes I hate, such as slut-shaming, drama llama, and abusive relationships.

6. Miranda Kenneally – This book touched me like no other YA Book ever did.

(Laura’s Choice – Review)

(Chelsea’s Choice – Review)

7. V. E. Schwab (Victoria Schwab) – I’ve seen someone saying Victoria Schwab’s writing is off the charts, and I can’t emphasize enough how right they were. My new goal is to get my hands on all of her other books as fast as I can.

8. Courtney Summers – They are beautiful and profound and they aren’t your every day drivel and formula we all have memorized and rehearsed-they actually have strong messages that give you feels in ways you never imagined possible. She expands your mind to a point you didn’t even realize existed.

(Chelsea’s Choice – Review)

(Chelsea’s Choice – Review)

9. Linda Kage – These books were sexy and fun, and the inner dialogue and quirky humor were perfection!

10. Barry Lyga – Tortured souls are what really draws me in, and Jazz was was one of the reasons why I loved these books so much!  They were different, intriguing and beyond addicting!

These are our “New-To-Us Favorite Authors We Read For The First Time In 2015”.   What are some of yours?

New To Us Authors



BOOK REVIEW + EXCERPT + GIVEAWAY – Come Back to Me (Come Back to Me #1) by Mila Gray

BOOK REVIEW + EXCERPT + GIVEAWAY - Come Back to Me (Come Back to Me #1) by Mila Gray

I am so ecstatic to be a part of this tour! Come Back to Me became one of my favorite books of the year! So check out my gushing 5 Star review below, read an excerpt, and enter the giveaway where we at Star-Crossed Book Blog get to give away one copy of Come Back to Me, yay! Enjoy!

BOOK REVIEW + EXCERPT + GIVEAWAY – Come Back to Me (Come Back to Me #1) by Mila GrayCome Back to Me (Come Back to Me #1)
by Mila Gray
Purchase on: AmazoniBooks
Add to: Goodreads


In this heart-wrenching tale of love and loss, a young Marine and his best friend’s sister plunge into a forbidden love affair while he’s home on leave.

When a Marine Chaplain knocks on her door, Jessa’s heart breaks—someone she loves is dead. Killed in action, but is it Riley or Kit? Her brother or her boyfriend…

Three months earlier, Marine Kit Ryan finds himself back home on leave and dangerously drawn to his best friend Riley’s sister, Jessa—the one girl he can’t have. Exhausted from fighting his feelings, Kit finally gives in, and Jessa isn’t strong enough to resist diving headfirst into a passionate relationship.

But what was just supposed to be a summer romance develops into something far greater than either of them expected. Jessa’s finally found the man of her dreams and Kit’s finally discovered there’s someone he’d sacrifice everything for.

When it’s time for Kit to redeploy, neither one is ready to say goodbye. Jessa vows to wait for him and Kit promises to come home to her. No matter what.

But as Jessa stands waiting for the Marine Chaplain to break her heart, she can’t help but feel that Kit has broken his promise…

Riley or Kit? Kit or Riley? Her brother or her boyfriend? Who’s coming home to her?


Come Back to Me started off with a burst of emotion, and then slowly started to enrapture my heart.  Before I knew it, I was in the midst of an emotional powerhouse that floored me.  I can happily say that this is one of my favorite books of the year.  And that’s saying a lot, since we are currently in December.  But once you start to see how breathtaking, emotional, butterfly inducing and entirely addicting Come Back to Me is, then it becomes clear why I loved every minute of this story!

Jessa and Kit’s story is one about falling in love for the first time, and it made me squeal while grinning like a love sick girl! I felt their uncertainty of moving from friends into something more.  Excitement rushed into my stomach from their first kiss and the start of little touches here and there.  And I loved the anticipation, while they bantered, about taking their relationship to an even more intimate level.  It easily transported me back to my teenage years and my experiences, which made Come Back to Me even more enticing!

It all started because Jessa and her brother’s best friend, Kit, can’t ignore the electricity between them anymore.  Jessa’s brother, Riley, has been friends with Kit for years.  He even enlisted into the Marines right along with Kit.  But neither Jessa or Kit acted on their emotions or thoughts before this moment.  Now they only have one month together before Kit is deployed back overseas with Jessa’s brother, Riley.  And once deployment happens, either Kit or Riley won’t be coming back home to her.

While Come Back to Me was filled with cliches, honestly that’s a moot point.  Because the direction those cliches were taken made it impossible to knock the grin off of my face or stop the laughter that kept escaping my mouth.  This book was so much fun!  But, can I add a but?  In the midst of all of my giddiness, we catch back up with that first chapter.  The one where Jessa is about to learn which of the men she loves is coming back to her.  And I sobbed.  Yes I cry while reading, but nothing like this.  Gut wrenching, heart crushing, ugly sobbing exploded from me, and there was no stopping it.  I became that emotionally invested.  But have faith, because by that last page my heart somehow pieced itself back together, and I closed the book with a smile.

Each person I met was memorable.  Kit was adorably sweet and thoughtful with his words and gestures.  I seriously wanted to steal him out of this book!  Jessa had this happy, beautiful, free side to her despite having a controlling nightmare of a father who suffers from PTSD and a mother who idly stands by.  To Riley and how his situation and mannerisms wormed their way into my heart.  To even Didi, who was Jessa’s faithful best friend, whose book is next in line and I can’t wait to read!  I felt something for everyone that tumbled throughout the pages.  So if you love a swoon worthy story about falling in love for the first time, then I have a feeling that you’ll become captivated by this sweet, sexy, adorable story just like I was!

*ARC kindly provided by Simon Pulse via Fantastic Flying Book Club Tours in exchange for an honest review*


Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)
***Each book can be read as a standalone.***
Come back to me mila gray
Come Back To Me #1

Stay With Me #2

Order Come Back to Me:
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[scroll-box]Chapter 1
A whorl in the glass distorts the picture, like a thumbprint smear over a lens. I’m halfway down the stairs, gathering my hair into a ponytail, thoughts a million miles away, when a blur outside the window pulls me up short.I take another step, the view clears, and when I realize what I’m seeing, who I’m seeing, my stomach plummets and the air leaves my lungs like a final exhalation. My arms fall slowly to my sides. My body’s instinct is to turn and run back upstairs, to tear into the bathroom and lock the door, but I’m frozen. This is the moment you have nightmares about, play over in your mind, the darkest of daydreams, furnished by movies and by real-life stories you’ve overheard your whole life.You imagine over and over how you’ll cope, what you’ll say, how you’ll act when you open the door and find them standing there. You pray to every god you can dream up that this moment won’t ever happen. You make bargains, promises, desperate barters. And you live each day with the murmur of those prayers playing on a loop in the background of your mind, an endless chant. And then the moment happens and you realize it was all for nothing. The prayers went unheard. There was no bargain to make. Was it your fault? Did you fail to keep your promise?Time seems to have slowed. Kit’s father hasn’t moved. He’s standing at the end of the driveway staring up at the house, squinting against the early morning glare. He’s wearing his Dress Blues. It’s that fact which registered before all else, which told me all I needed to know. That and the fact that he’s here at all. Kit’s father has never once been to the house. There is only one reason why he would ever come.He hasn’t taken a step and I will him not to. I will him to turn around and get back into the dark sedan car sitting at the kerb. A shadowy figure in uniform sits at the wheel. Please. Get back in and drive away. I start making futile bargains with some nameless god. If he gets back in the car and drives away, I’ll do anything. But he doesn’t. He takes a step down the driveway towards the house, and that’s when I know for certain that either Riley or Kit is dead.A scream, or maybe a sob, tries to struggle up my throat, but it’s blocked by a solid wave of nausea. I grab for the banister to stay upright. Who? Which one? My brother or my boyfriend? Oh God. Oh God. My legs are shaking. I watch Kit’s father walk slowly up the drive, head bowed.Memories, images, words, flicker through my mind like scratched fragments of film: Kit’s arms around my waist drawing me closer, our first kiss under the cover of darkness just by the back door, the smile on his face the first time we slept together, the blue of his eyes lit up by the sparks from a Chinese lantern, the fierceness in his voice when he told me he was going to love me forever.Come back to me. That was the very last thing I said to him. Come back to me.
Always. The very last thing he said to me.Then I see Riley as a kid throwing a toy train down the stairs, dive-bombing into the pool, holding my hand at our grandfather’s funeral, grinning and high-fiving Kit after they’d enlisted. The snapshot of him in his uniform on graduation day. The circles under his eyes the last time I saw him.The door buzzes. I jump. But I stay where I am, frozen halfway up the stairs. If I don’t answer the door maybe he’ll go away. Maybe this won’t be happening. But the doorbell sounds again. And then I hear footsteps on the landing above me. My mother’s voice, sleepy and confused. ‘Jessa? Who is it? Why are you just standing there?’Then she sees. She peers through the window and I hear the intake of air, the ragged ‘no’ she utters in response. She too knows that a military car parked outside the house at seven a.m. can signify only one thing.I turn to her. Her hand is pressed to her mouth. Standing in her nightdress, her hair unbrushed, the blood rushing from her face, she looks like she’s seen a ghost. No. That’s wrong. She looks like she is a ghost.

The bell buzzes for a third time.

‘Get the door, Jessa,’ my mother says in a strange voice I don’t recognize. It startles me enough that I start to walk down the stairs. I feel calmer all of a sudden, like I’m floating outside my body. This can’t be happening. It’s not real. It’s just a dream.

I find myself standing somehow in front of the door. I unlock it. I open it. Kit. Riley. Kit. Riley. Their names circle my mind like birds of prey in a cloudless blue sky. Kit. Riley. Which is it? Is Kit’s father here in his Dress Blues with his Chaplain insignia to tell us that my brother has been killed in action or that his son – my boyfriend – has been killed in action? He would come either way. He would want to be the one to tell me. He would want to be the one to tell my mom.

Kit’s father blinks at me. He’s been crying. His eyes are red, his cheeks wet. He’s still crying, in fact. I watch the tears slide down his face and realize that I’ve never seen him cry before. It automatically makes me want to comfort him, but even if I could find the words my throat is so dry I couldn’t speak them.

‘Jessa,’ Kit’s father says in a husky voice.

I hold onto the doorframe, keeping my back straight. I’m aware that my mother has followed me down the stairs and is standing right behind me. Kit’s father glances at her over my shoulder. He takes a deep breath, lifts his chin and removes his hat before his eyes flicker back to me.

‘I’m sorry,’ he says.

‘Who?’ I hear myself ask. ‘Who is it?’[/scroll-box]

About Mila Gray:
Mila Gray is the pen name for Sarah Alderson, author of Hunting Lila, Losing Lila, The Sound, Fated and Out of Control.
 Originally from London she has lived in Bali for the last four years with her husband and daughter.

 As well as writing young adult fiction under the name Sarah Alderson and adult fiction under the name Mila Gray, she also writes screenplays.

Find out more here: 


a Rafflecopter giveaway

 Tour Schedule:
Follow the Come Back To Me by Mila Gray Blog Tour and don’t miss anything! Click here to see the tour schedule.





REVIEW + EXCERPT + GIVEAWAY-Steal Me (New York’s Finest #2) by Lauren Layne

REVIEW + EXCERPT + GIVEAWAY-Steal Me (New York's Finest #2) by Lauren Layne

I am always so happy to spread the Lauren Layne joy, no matter which characters I am focusing on. Below you can take a look at my 5 star review and check out an excerpt, a teaser, and enter to win some goodies in a Rafflecopter Giveaway! I hope you'll enjoy reading Anthony and Maggie's story-it's not one to miss! 🙂

REVIEW + EXCERPT + GIVEAWAY-Steal Me (New York’s Finest #2) by Lauren LayneSteal Me (New York's Finest #2)
by Lauren Layne
Purchase on: AmazoniBooks
Add to: Goodreads



Being a cop might be in Anthony Moretti's blood, but protecting and serving the city of New York has always been more than just the family business. If that means his love life stays locked up, well then that's just another sacrifice made in the line of duty. That is, until he sets eyes on the gorgeous new waitress at The Darby Diner and suddenly Anthony's morning coffee is leaving him a whole lot more hot and bothered than usual.

Though waitressing at The Darby isn't exactly Maggie Walker's dream job, it pays the bills and gives her time to work on her novel. Now if only she could stop fantasizing about gorgeous Anthony Moretti every time he sits down at her table, she'd really be in great shape. But when he needs her help identifying a criminal threatening The Darby—and Maggie recognizes her ex-husband—she fears her fresh start might be a pipe dream. Faster than a New York minute, Maggie and Anthony find themselves in one perilous pursuit that only gets hotter with each and every rule-breaking kiss.


“Maggie,” he whispered, just as her eyes started to close.
He was silent for a long moment. Then, “Nothing. Go to sleep.”
So she did. But in her dreams, he finished that sentence with something else entirely.

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I am so so SO happy to announce that Mizz Lane has outdone herself…AGAIN. I can’t make this stuff up, folks. It’s not possible. Contemporary is hardly worth reading most of the time, in my opinion, so it’s not even like I feel as if I should be forcing a smile and a good rating because I’m trying to stay true to myself. No, I simply read Lauren Layne…and it makes me the happiest person in the world-No matter how terrible I’m feeling. Which, frankly, has been a frequent state of mind lately-Helplessness. So, suffice to say, anything that makes me smile and laugh and swoon is a stellar piece of work-REALLY.

“You did something. I know you did something.”
Anthony gritted his teeth and let out a small grunt as he pushed through another bench press. Eight.
“You either showed her your wang, or didn’t show her your wang. And whichever choice you made was obviously the wrong one.”
He blocked out the voice of his grandmother and pushed through another. Nine.

I always hesitate to pick up my Layne ARCs….because, ya know, like my fellow blog-mate said-It’s as if we keep waiting for that first LL 3 star and we dread the day it comes. Will that day ever come? I’m starting to think it never will…Though, it’s a terrifying thing to think about. But then we always pick them up and have the best time reading them. No matter where we are or, as stated above, what mood we’re in, her works seem to lift us to another place. Or, at least, that’s how I feel. I can be the most depressed person in the world, and then I’ll pick up my favorite author’s latest and greatest hit, and all of a sudden I’m just so happy out of nowhere. It’s such a wonderful feeling. Cut the crap. Drop the gushing. These are just facts: It takes someone truly spectacular to control your mood like that. It’s the purest form of mind manipulation, but you don’t feel that way at all. It’s the best kind of mind control, and after you come out of the trance, you can’t help but feel as if you didn’t get enough. It’s crazy-it’s almost like you feel as if you’ve lost a big group of friends after putting her books down. It’s an ache that can’t be filled. Well, at least until I get my hands on another book of hers.

“Big biceps won’t help you with that girl. Do they have exercises for personality? You should do those.”
“Bench presses aren’t for biceps, Nonna. They’re shoulders. Pecs.” This from Luca, who was sprawled on the couch with a beer.
“Pecs, huh?” Maybe I should give the weights a shot. Then again my push-up bras do the trick just fine.”
Ten. Anth scooted down on the bench, grabbing a towel from the ground as he glared at his grandmother. “We talked about this. No reference to your lingerie. Ever.”
“He’s right,” Luc added, glancing over at them. “We did talk about it.”

In case you’ve felt foreign feelings while reading an LL novel, I’ve compiled a list of symptoms that contribute to the Lauren Layne fever. They are as follows:

-Loss of breath
-Excessive lip biting
-Lack of drive to do literally anything else besides read her current novel
-Grouchiness when bothered
-EXPLOSIVE butterflies
-So many feels they hurt

Have you encountered any of these symptoms? Tsk. *Shakes head and sighs* You’ve got it bad, bro. But believe me-You are not alone!! Don’t feel the need to seek help-we here at Star-Crossed Book Blog are all too familiar with these symptoms (and phantom pains when one of her books isn’t available yet) and we are here to help you!! There, there. It will be okay-come gush with us, we can’t get enough of it. 😛

Captain Moretti transferred his annoyed gaze back to Maggie, but she held up a weary hand. “Save it. Or add it to my list of sins. I don’t really care. I’m going home. If either or both of you want to walk me to the subway station out of some macho display of chivalry, go for it, but under no circumstance do I want to chat. Got it?”
She walked away then, ignoring the rain, ignoring the hurt, and definitely ignoring the men behind her.
But she couldn’t help but glance over her shoulder, just once before heading down the stairs to the train platform, and somehow she wasn’t at all surprised to see that Captain Anthony Moretti had followed her, hands shoved in his coat pockets as he watched her from several feet away.
And despite her bad mood, Maggie might have smiled. Just a little bit.

Now, I won’t lie, I didn’t really care to venture off from Luc and his story-no worries, he was a constant even though he wasn’t a main character-Or so I thought. What a fool I was. What a sad and deranged fool. Because Anthony?? Yeah. Wow. I did NOT see this asshole comin’. He literally-I swear-eeked his way into my heart. I picked this book up and I was all ‘Alright, let’s get this started so I can see me some more Luc’. Yeah-Luc, who? I’m just kidding…but really. I loved and adored Luc, he was absolutely perfect-really-but what Layne does best is make you care about who the story is centered around in spite of the fact that you really were thinking you were going to stick to your guns and only love your first guy. No, no. When she writes a story, she comes to play-You can love your other guy all you want, but at this time, in this story, Anthony is the man, and you will not want for anyone else, because this mofo is all you can handle. Seriously. I think your feels would implode if you tried to squeeze another guy in.

“You’re just going to lay here and let me read silently?” he asked. “You’ll be bored.”
Maggie tilted her head up and met his eyes. “It’s been years since someone’s held me. Trust me, I won’t be bored.”
His gaze softened before turning to the computer screen, where he began to read.

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But here’s the thing! When the other characters intervene? You aren’t annoyed. You don’t sigh because it’s taking time from Anthony and Maggie. In fact, when Luc and Ava are there, it purely adds to the story-fully enhances it. So not only do you have a wonderfully well-rounded romance NOT bathed in sex scenes and cheesy dialogue, but a romance that embraces sexual tension and quirky humor between friends and family that never gets old. And the dialogue?? It makes you bust out laughing at the simplest roll of the eyes or the smallest deflection of Nonna-their outspoken grandmother who loves to push their buttons (and, ironically, push innuendos about sex towards her grandsons lol). There’s such a strong substance to her works, and I always annoy people with my gushing, I’m sure, but I’m sorry-it’s so rare to find an author who not only values a good romance, but the idea that a story doesn’t need to center around sex to make you feel fulfilled by the end of it. Oh, and to be clear? There’s sex. Oh yes. Don’t mistake that-it’s just not shoved down our throats every other chapter. Hmm. *taps chin* So refreshing. I swear she’s my author soul-mate.

She looked at him through hazy eyes.”Hmm.”
“Everything,” he said quietly.

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And a quick word about my dear Anthony-Sweet, gruff, authoritative, quiet but in control, and kind as a person can get, he will surprise you. He has his demons, which, you know, would make him a tortured male lead (*holds hands up* hey, I totally didn’t list that as a quality because I know I’ve SO overplayed it lately so shhh) and even more enticing than I even thought possible. But he has a lot of shit to work through, and it may aggravate you at times (I guess…I didn’t care in the least *shrugs*), but he is nothing but loyal and protective and fierce. He’d do anything to protect this sweet, yet feisty, aspiring author (love that!). Oh, and did I mention he gets totally jelly? Yeah…he totally does. :DDDDD

“Hey,” he said, touching a fingertip to her face. “Don’t do that. Those cops outside are there for your protection.”
“They’re there to catch Eddie as much as they are to protect me,” she pointed out.
“Yeah,” he said, looking troubled as his hand found the doorknob of her front door. “The problem is, I care a hell of a lot more about the second one than I should.”
Maggie opened her mouth, wanting to say…something.
But he was already gone.

Giggles. Hearty laughs. Smiles so large and so frequent they hurt my face. My stomach is STILL churning. Anthony, Luc, and their family are back at it again, bickering and meddling in each other’s lives for the most sincere help they think they can offer. It was all so sweet it gave me a toothache…but no one makes my teeth ache better than Layne. It’s the best kind of annoyance…and now I’ve got the fever AGAIN. I swear that pesky bug won’t go away.

Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)
***Each book can be read as a standalone, but best enjoyed in order.***
frisk me lauren layne
Frisk Me #1

steal me lauren layne
Steal Me #2

cuff me lauren layne
Cuff Me #3



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About Lauren Layne:

Lauren LayneLauren Layne is a USA Today Bestselling author of contemporary romance.  Prior to becoming an author, Lauren worked in e-commerce and web-marketing. In 2011, she and her husband moved from Seattle to New York City, where Lauren decided to pursue a full-time writing career. It took six months to get her first book deal (despite ardent assurances to her husband that it would only take three). Since then, Lauren’s gone on to publish ten books, including the bestselling Stiletto series, with several more on the way in 2015. Lauren currently lives in Chicago with her husband and spoiled Pomeranian. When not writing, you’ll find her at happy hour, running at a doggedly slow pace, or trying to straighten her naturally curly hair.
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads



[scroll-box]Maggie Walker had become their default waitress at the diner back when their old waitress Helen had retired a couple months ago. And while Anthony missed Helen and her too-strong floral perfume, he had to admit that Maggie was the better to look at.

She had a wholesome, girl-next-door look that appealed to him mightily. Brown hair that was always on the verge of slipping out of its ponytail, wide, compelling green eyes that made you want to unload all your darkest secrets.

Curvy. Hips that were exactly right;, breasts that were even better.

And then there was that smile. It managed to be both shy and friendly, which was handy because he was betting it was very hard for even the most impatient customers to get annoyed at her.

But Anth didn’t buy the doing-my-best routine, and seeing as she was dealing with an entire table of observant cops, he was betting the rest of his family wouldn’t buy it either.

Then Luc leaned forward and gave Maggie an easy grin. “Don’t even worry about it, Mags. Didn’t even notice I was running low!”

Luc’s girlfriend, Ava, smoothly reached up one hand and swatted him on the back of the head, the gesture so graceful, so practiced, that she never once sloshed her coffee. Anthony nearly smiled.

To say that Ava Sims was good for his little brother would be an understatement. The big brother in Anthony would be forever grateful that the gorgeous reporter had helped Luc vanquish his demons. But the big brother in Anth was also grateful that Ava helped keep his younger brother in line. Or at least tried to.

He rolled his eyes as Luc shot a guilty smile at his girlfriend, but even as he slid his mug towards the edge of the table so Maggie wouldn’t have to reach as far.

Then Anth watched in utter dismay as Vincent did the same.

Vincent. The guy who’d practically devoted his life to being perverse, was trying to make life easier for their inept waitress.


Anthony was so busy trying to figure out what about the frazzled waitress turned his brothers into a bunch of softies that he didn’t think to move his own mug to be more convenient, and Maggie had to lean all the way in to top off his cup.

It was a feat that their old waitress could have handled readily, but Helen had retired months ago and for reasons that Luc didn’t understand, the rest of the Moretti family had embraced Maggie as Helen’s replacement.

Anthony didn’t realize that his mug had overflowed until scalding coffee dripped onto his thigh.

“Son of a—”

He caught himself before he could finish the expletive, grabbing a large handful of napkins from the silver dispenser and trying to soak up the puddle of coffee on his jeans before it burned his skin.

“Nice, Anth,” Elena said, tossing another bunch of napkins at him. Like this was his fault.

“Oh my God,” Maggie said, her voice horrified. “I’m so sorry, Officer…”

“It’s Captain,” he snapped, his eyes flicking up and meeting hers.

Silence descended over the table until Vincent muttered douchebag around a coughing fit.

But Anthony refused to feel chagrined. The woman had waited on the family every Sunday for weeks; one would think she could get his title right. To say nothing of mastering the art of pouring coffee.[/scroll-box]


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TRAILER REVEAL – Oblivion by Jennifer L. Armentrout

I am ecstatic to bring you all the Trailer Reveal for Jennifer L. Armentrout’s OBLIVION!  I fell madly in love with The Lux Series and Daemon has maintained a top spot in my Book Boyfriend List!  OBLIVION is the Lux Series told from Daemon’s point of view! *fans face*  The ebook will be the first three books (ObsidianOnyx, Opal) in his voice and the print book will be the first book (Obsidian) in his voice.  I can’t wait to read this story!

OBLIVION is a Young Adult Paranormal Romance being published by Entangled Teen, and is a part of Jennifer L. Armentrout’s New York Times and USA Today bestselling LUX Series. It is being released on December 1st, 2015!! Watch the trailer then pre-order your copy today (I already pre-ordered mine *obsessed*)!

Oblivion - Cover


Amazon ** Kobo ** BAM ** Barnes and Noble ** iBooks


OBLIVION Synopsis:

Experience the epic love story of OBSIDIAN as told by its hero, Daemon Black…

I knew the moment Katy Swartz moved in next door, there was going to be trouble. Lots of it.

And trouble’s the last thing I need, since I’m not exactly from around here. My people arrived on Earth from Lux, a planet thirteen billion light years away. Plus, if there’s one thing I know, it’s that humans can’t be trusted. We scare them. We can do things they only dream about, and honestly, we make them look weak as hell. ‘Cuz they are.

But Kat is getting to me in ways no one else has, and I can’t stop myself from wanting her—or wanting to use my powers to protect her. She makes me weak, and I’m the strongest of our kind, tasked with protecting us all. So this one simple girl…she can mean the end for us. Because the Luxen have an even bigger enemy—the Arum, and I need to stay on my game.

Falling for Katy—a human—won’t just place her in danger.It could get us all killed, and that’s one thing I’ll never let happen…

Add it to your Goodreads Now!


And don’t miss the first books in the LUX Series!

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About Jennifer L. Armentrout:

Author Photo# 1 New York Times and # 1 International Bestselling author Jennifer lives in Martinsburg, West Virginia. All the rumors you’ve heard about her state aren’t true. When she’s not hard at work writing, she spends her time reading, watching really bad zombie movies, pretending to write, and hanging out with her husband and her Jack Russell Loki.

Her dreams of becoming an author started in algebra class, where she spent most of her time writing short stories….which explains her dismal grades in math. Jennifer writes young adult paranormal, science fiction, fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is published with Spencer Hill Press, Entangled Teen and Brazen, Disney/Hyperion and Harlequin Teen. Her book Obsidian has been optioned for a major motion picture and her Covenant Series has been optioned for TV. Her young adult romantic suspense novel DON’T LOOK BACK was a 2014 nominated Best in Young Adult Fiction by YALSA.

She also writes Adult and New Adult contemporary and paranormal romance under the name J. Lynn. She is published by Entangled Brazen and HarperCollins.


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REVIEW + GIVEAWAY – Irresistibly Yours (Oxford #1) by Lauren Layne

REVIEW + GIVEAWAY - Irresistibly Yours (Oxford #1) by Lauren Layne

I’m so excited to be a part of the blog tour for Exclusively Yours! Check out my 4.5 Star review and enter a giveaway for a fun bundle of Ebooks from Loveswept! Enjoy!

REVIEW + GIVEAWAY – Irresistibly Yours (Oxford #1) by Lauren LayneIrresistibly Yours (Oxford #1)
by Lauren Layne
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Meet the men of Oxford magazine! In the first captivating spin-off of Lauren Layne’s Sex, Love & Stiletto series, a not-so-friendly battle of the sexes turns into a scorching office romance.

Hotshot sports editor Cole Sharpe has been freelancing for Oxford for years, so when he hears about a staff position opening up, he figures he’s got the inside track. Then his boss drops a bombshell: Cole has competition. Female competition, in the form of a fresh-faced tomboy who can hang with the dudes—and write circles around them, too. Cole usually likes his women flirty and curvy, but he takes a special interest in his skinny, sassy rival, if only to keep an eye on her. And soon, he can’t take his eyes off her.

Penelope Pope knows all too well that she comes off as just one of the guys. Since she’s learned that wanting more usually leads to disappointment, Penelope’s resigned to sitting on the sidelines when it comes to love. So why does Cole make her want to get back in the game? The man is as arrogant as he is handsome. He probably sees her as nothing more than a barrier to his dream job. But when an unexpected kiss turns into a night of irresistible passion, Penelope has to figure out whether they’re just fooling around—or starting something real.


Sexy banter, laugh out loud moments, true friendships, and characters that I adored filled the pages of Irresistibly Yours.  Truth be told, I was beyond ecstatic to hear that Cole was getting his own book.  But I never would have guessed his future entailed having to fight for his place at Oxford, a national men’s magazine where he freelanced as a sports writer.  Nor that he would be up against a tomboy who easily hung with the guys. But what started out as Cole and a tomboy vying for the same job, turned into a story that pulled at my heartstrings.  Self worth and a looming responsibility became key ingredients to the feelings that were invoked in me.  But as with all of Lauren Layne’s books, I can also always count on the scenes where I can’t stop smiling or laughing, making Irresistibly Yours a fun book to devour!

In case you don’t know who Cole is, let me kindly introduce you to a man who will make you want to curl up with this book while sighing out loud. Cole is a columnist who appeared in the Sex, Love and Stiletto series.  He was always memorable whether he was siding with the woman, almost kissing Grace at the baseball game, or joking around with his friends, Jake, Cassidy and Lincoln.  He came across as genuine, funny and charming, but that was just the surface.  Because Cole was also this thoughtful, sexy, caring man whose good guy status was the real deal.  In the beginning, he helped Penelope out when others wouldn’t have.  She is vying for the job he wants, so technically he should walk away and let her fail.  But Cole being Cole stepped up and took care of Penelope, putting his desires behind hers.  And this is just the beginning of the sigh worthy moments that you can expect from Cole throughout the story.

Penelope is a tomboy who is fully immersed in the sports world.  She loves watching and writing about sports, but after a glitch in her personal life in Chicago, she is desperate for a new start.  And that new start entails moving to a new state and finding a new job which puts her directly in Cole’s path.  While I struggled in the beginning connecting to Penelope, I am happy to say that she was smart, easy-going, cheerful and confident in her work.  But in regards to her body and sexual experience, she lacked so much self-confidence.  She never saw herself worthy of being moved out of the friend zone.  We all have those areas of our lives where we will second guess or say something negative about ourselves, but Penelope took it a step further.  She would put herself down in front of others and it was torture to me.  It hurt that she could be so harsh and mean to herself. I just wanted to shake her and show her how amazing she was.  But thankfully Cole was there to step in and do what I desperately wanted to.

The friendship that Cole and Penelope developed over time was not only realistic but oh so sweet.  They bonded over their love of sports and found a true friend within each other.  But lines can’t always stay black and white, especially when you have a sexy Cole around you making the sexual tension unavoidable.  So stuff is bound to happen!  And in the midst of them trying to figure out what they truly wanted from the other, so many of the characters that we love from the Sex,Love and Stiletto series stepped in to help!  And while I was so excited to see Julie, Emma, Grace and Riley, the friend that shined brightly to me was Lincoln.  Or maybe that’s because he constantly charmed me?  Well, whatever the reason was, the friendship between Lincoln and Cole was beyond epic and had me laughing hysterically.  I now can’t wait for Lincoln’s book down the road!  So I can’t wait for you to read this book, or any of Lauren Layne’s other stories if you haven’t read them yet.  Enjoy!

*ARC kindly provided by Random House Publishing via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

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Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers) & iBooks (click on titles)
***Each book can be read as a standalone, but best enjoyed in order.***
irresistibly yours lauren layne
Irresistibly Yours #1

i wish you were mine lauren layne
I Wish You Were Mine #2


Someone Like You #3
I Knew You Were Trouble #4

I Think I Love You #5

Don’t miss out on the Sex, Love & Stiletto Series  where the “Oxford” guys first appeared!
Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles)
***Each book can be read as a standalone, but best enjoyed in order.***
after the kiss lauren layne
After the Kiss

love the one you're with lauren layne
Love the One You're With

just one night lauren layne
Just One Night

the trouble with love lauren layne
The Trouble with Love



About Lauren Layne:

Lauren Layne Lauren Layne is a USA Today Bestselling author of contemporary romance.  Prior to becoming an author, Lauren worked in e-commerce and web-marketing. In 2011, she and her husband moved from Seattle to New York City, where Lauren decided to pursue a full-time writing career. It took six months to get her first book deal (despite ardent assurances to her husband that it would only take three). Since then, Lauren’s gone on to publish ten books, including the bestselling Stiletto series, with several more on the way in 2015. Lauren currently lives in Chicago with her husband and spoiled Pomeranian. When not writing, you’ll find her at happy hour, running at a doggedly slow pace, or trying to straighten her naturally curly hair.
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