BOOK REVIEW – Brooke (Under the Never Sky #2.5) by Veronica Rossi

BOOK REVIEW – Brooke (Under the Never Sky #2.5) by Veronica RossiBrooke (Under the Never Sky #2.5)
by Veronica Rossi
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Set just before the events of Into the Still Blue, the conclusion to Veronica Rossi's "masterpiece" Under the Never Sky trilogy (, this breathtaking novella is a satisfying stand-alone for new readers as well as an exciting glimpse at favorite characters from the trilogy. Pulsing with romance and danger, Brooke will leave readers desperate for the conclusion to this epic and unforgettable saga.

The only fight she can't win is the one for Perry's heart. Following the stunning climax in Through the Ever Night, the Tides have been forced to seek shelter from the Aether storms in a dismal, secluded cave. But Brooke's memories of the cave go back much further, to when she and Perry used to come here together. That was before Perry fell in love with Aria and before Vale's dealings with the Dwellers altered the course of the Tides forever.

Now, with her sister back from a haunting year in captivity and Aria lying unconscious in the sick bay, Brooke struggles to put the pieces of her life back together. Without Perry, who is she? And what is her role in this frightening new world? As these questions swirl about her, an old threat to the Tides resurfaces, and Brooke is forced to put the lives of her people before her own. But in taking this step outside of herself, Brooke may finally discover what she truly wants.


*Spoilers for previous books*

I was not a fan of Brooke in the previous books.  They way she treated and spoke about Aria made me want to smack her.  And while I did see redeeming qualities in her, like when she stepped up and helped protect the tribe, it was never enough to push me to want to like her.  Those moments couldn’t erase the ickiness I felt towards her.  So when I saw this book was in Brooke’s POV, I hesitated.  Could I really endure listening to a woman I dislike?  Ultimately my curiosity got the better of me and I dived right into this book.

I can’t look into his worried eyes for another second, so I stare at the links of his chain. I want to wrap my fingers around it and pull his mouth down to mine. I want to feel his lips. His tongue. His body.
It makes no sense. He broke my heart and I still want him so much. How is that possible?

Starting out, I felt annoyed towards Brooke, which wasn’t shocking.  I viewed her as an inconvenience who I just wanted to go away.  Which is harsh, if I’m being logical.  This voice in my head kept reminding me that I’d probably act the same way, if I was in her shoes.  Well, I’d most likely be worse than her.  But I pushed that nagging voice aside and kept my dislike towards Brooke strongly in place.

She is everything I’m not.
And Perry chose her.
Over me.

Until I reached around 50%.  I couldn’t believe that Brooke won me over.  When the realization hit, I actually cussed out loud.  And I’m still upset at myself that I like her.  But here’s the thing, she has a good heart.  And she is loyal and fierce.  She contained qualities I absolutely love about a person.  And even when her good heart went wayward a time or two, when she was thinking horrible thoughts about Aria, she still won me over.  I can’t believe it!

I actually feel like trying to be nice.

One thing I was surprised to find in the pages, was that we got to learn more about the three brothers, Hyde, Hayden and Straggler.  They’re part of the group whom Perry trusts the most.  I read about them in Through the Ever Night, but they didn’t have a clear voice to me.  They were always just part of the Six.  But now they each stand out strong and clearly to me.  These brothers were charming, funny and left me hoping that they’ll have a bigger role in the final book!  But I will say that Brooke’s “interaction” with them *rolls eyes*, see now this is one of the many reasons I struggle with her.  Even if those last few pages left me wanting clap towards her in regards to Straggler.

Her arm was shot, apparently.
It’s becoming infected, apparently.
I should feel bad for her, I suppose.
I don’t.

So since I struggled with Brooke in the first half of the book, and rolled my eyes at her with the brothers, that’s why I’m left having to rate this book 4 Stars.  Even though the character development and the story that took place were a solid 5 Stars.  I know I’m being immature when it comes to Brooke.  Even though she won me over.  But I’m definitely sticking to this rating.   Ohhh before I forget, I want to throw out a guess.  My way out of left field guess is that Brooke will end up with Soren.  I know he’s a dweller, and she loathes dwellers, but there’s this spark between them.  I’m really hoping my guess pans out!

When everyone you know is on the verge of drowning, you don’t stop to tell the person next to you that you don’t like swimming.
You just don’t.

So yes, definitely pick up this book.  Even if you hate Brooke.  You’ll most likely feel stabby towards her in the beginning, but she could eventually win you over too.  And there are HUGE events that you’re going to want to know about!  This book takes place the moment #2 ends, and you’ll miss out if you just jump into #3.  So good luck with Brooke and I hope you enjoy!

Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)
under the never sky veronica rossi
Under the Never Sky #1

Roar and Liv #0.1
through the ever night veronica rossi
Through the Ever Night #2

Brooke #2.5
into the still blue veronica rossi
Into the Still Blue #3


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  1. Christy Luis

    I had almost the exact same reaction to Brooke! That’s so funny. I ended up loving the story anyway, and that’s why Veronica Rossi is one of my favorite YA authors 😀 Great review! Your quotes totally bring her voice back into my head. (And make me want to reread UTNS. All of it. Haha.)

    • Jen

      I love it! She is such an amazing author to make us change our opinion on a character we weren’t a fan of, so fabulous! This is definitely a series I’m going to want to re-read someday when I go on a re-reading kick, I get it. 🙂

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