Monthly Wrap-Up – July


This last month, my family and I did something we’ve never done before.  A staycation. 🙂  We live near Tahoe, and while I take the boys to the beach a few times a week, we’ve never truly explored all the hiking trails here.  And there are hundreds!  So we pulled out our huge list of places that we’ve been wanting to visit/hike and we tackled a few of them.  One of them was even a little over 5.5 miles on hard terrain and my 4 & 6 year old were able to do it, I was so shocked!  The scenery was beyond gorgeous.  In case you don’t follow me on Twitter, you can check out two of the pictures from one of our hikes here and here.  We’re doing another staycation this week but it’ll be a mix of hiking, pool and landscaping our backyard…boo on the latter lol.  Here’s hoping you all had a wonderful July too!

During our Monthly Wrap-Up we’ll take a look at what has happened around here in the last month.  That’ll include what we read, any other posts we may have had, and books that we added to our ever-growing TBR.

♥ Enjoy!


What We Read:

5 Stars:
Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett
Midnight at the Electric by Jodi Lynn Anderson

4.5 Stars:
Shag Lake by Susan McEachern
Anomaly (Schrodinger’s Consortium #1) by Tonya Kuper

4 Stars:
Enigma (Schrodinger’s Consortium #2) by Tonya Kuper
Shag Lake Prequel: The Kiss by Susan McEachern
Death, and the Girl He Loves (Darklight #3) by Darynda Jones

3 Stars:
Just Listen by Sarah Dessen

2 Stars:
The Hook Up (Game On #1) by Kristen Callihan



Favorite Books of the Month:

Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett (Chelsea’s Choice)
This book was one of those that you devour, inhale every word….and just, I don’t know, exhale slowly in a contented breath. It’s a book that not only makes you giddy and happy, but makes warmth radiate from the inside out. It fills your heart with something akin to true love-believable true love-and you can’t quite let it go.


Midnight at the Electric by Jodi Lynn Anderson (Anna’s Choice)
Midnight at the Electric relates several stories entwined, stories about loss and courage and hope and choices. You jump straight into new characters’ lives and you just care instantly and isn’t it baffling? When I see that I can read an entire book without giving a damn whatsoever and that Jodi Lynn Anderson manages to create a connection between her characters and I in the span of 2 pages, I feel awed.

Other Posts:

Our Most Anticipated Releases For July
GIVEAWAY + EXCERPT – The Union Series by TH Hernandez


Added To My TBR:

Here are some of the books I added to my TBR in July.  I’ve realized that I always tend to add more books to my TBR than I’m able to read in a month lol.  And just a heads up – I don’t include books that don’t have a cover yet.


Did you read any of the same books we did?  Or did we share the same favorite book?  If not, what was your favorite?  Or have you read any of the books I just added to my TBR?

Here’s hoping you all had a wonderful July and cheers to August being just as fabulous!






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  1. Raven

    It looks you had an amazing month! Hide from Me, Vampire Girl and Trust are already in my tbr. They all sound pretty interesting! The Demon Trappers is one of my favorite series! I really hope you enjoy it as much as I did. I hope you guys have an awesome August! 🙂
    Raven recently posted…Monthly Wrap-Up | July 2017My Profile

    • Anna

      Thank you Raven!!! Same for you 🙂

    • Jen

      Ohhhh I’m so happy to hear that The Demon Trappers is one of your favorite series! I’ve been meaning to read it forever and just bought it last month. Now I need to find time to get to it. 😉 Trust sounds SO good and the reviews for Hide from Me & Vampire Girl are so positive. Here’s hoping we have lots of fun reading those three books!

  2. Kim

    Hearts Are Like Ballons was one of my favorite reads of July!😊❤️

    • Jen

      Thank YOU for the wonderful rec, it sounds right up my alley! And I’m so glad you made me aware of that book, it sounds so adorable! *happy dance*

  3. Kim

    I think you’re going to LOVE this Jen!😊💝

    • Jen

      *Fingers Crossed* 🙂

  4. Rachel @ Chocolate and Chapters

    I’m glad your staycation worked out! How fun!

    Also, I didn’t realize Jodi Lynn Anderson had a new book! I read her book “Tiger Lily” recently and was amazed by it. It’s so darn good. So I’ll be adding this one to my short list TBR for sure!

    • Anna

      Ahhhh I read both, and they’re very different, BUT if you liked her quiet way to break our heart, you’ll love this one as well ♥ She’s just too good with her character development 🙂

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