Book Review – Broken Skies (Broken Skies #1) by Theresa Kay

In anticipation for the final book in this trilogy releasing 10/26th, I re-read the first two books. They were just as amazing the second time around and strongly held on to their 5 Star Ratings! So check out my review for Broken Skies below. Ohhhh and make sure to grab it on Amazon, it’s FREE right now! Next week I’ll be posting my reviews for Fractures Suns and Shattered Stars. Enjoy!

Book Review – Broken Skies (Broken Skies #1) by Theresa KayBroken Skies (Broken Skies #1)
by Theresa Kay
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Plagued by nightmares and panic attacks, seventeen-year-old Jax Mitchell wants nothing more than a life of seclusion with only her twin brother for company. So when he's kidnapped by Earth's reclusive alien settlers, the E'rikon, she'll do anything to get him back--even form an alliance with a teenage E'rikon boy left behind by the same ship that took her brother.

Jax agrees to act as a guide, and in return, the alien agrees to sneak her past the human-proof barrier surrounding the E'rikon city. Too bad it's not that simple. Jax soon finds that she's drawn to the alien boy with bright green hair and jewel-like scales on his back--and he's equally affected by her, the courageous redhead with haunted eyes. But she doesn't know the alien's true motives, and he has no idea that she is much more than she seems.

With the aliens and the humans at odds, the connection forming between the two teens has consequences. What started off as a rescue mission sets in motion a chain of events that threatens not only the remaining humans and the growing alien society, but Earth itself.


Broken Skies gripped me to the core and was truly outstanding.  The story continually built and became more intricate, causing me to become obsessed with this book.  It’s all I can think about.  Seriously.  The pages were scattered with hardships and butterfly inducing moments that were breathtaking.  I never wanted this book to end.

“It’s going to be okay,” he says.
But I know it’s not.  I don’t know if anything is ever going to be okay again.

After the war left 10% of the population alive, the aliens, known as the E’rikon, arrived to share Earth.  They kept to themselves, until a group of them kidnapped Jax’s brother, Jace.  In the commotion, a teenage E’rikon was left behind with no way to navigate home.  In a desperate attempt to get her brother back, Jax agrees to help navigate Lir to his city in exchange for getting inside to find her brother.  What started out as a simple journey, escalated into something that kept me on the edge of my seat!

The fingers of one hand curl into claws, perfect for ripping and tearing.  I won’t go quietly.  Icy fear has no place in my body now.  Instead, I’m filled with fire, burning me from the inside out and just waiting to be released.

I already knew I loved Jax the first few pages into Broken Skies.  She was resourceful, savvy and I loved that she was the one responsible for taking care of them for their journey.  Whenever she opened her mouth and fumbled over some words or would start blabbering, she made me laugh, smile and truly care for her.  But at the same point, she is somewhat broken.  She has hardships from her past that she struggles with, and I desperately wanted her to overcome them.

“You are everything I was taught humans were not.”

Lir was charming, sarcastic and I fell head over heals in love with him.  He was gentle, sweet, sincere, sexy and smart.  I honestly could not get enough of him!  And of course I still felt that way about him, even after he kept secrets from Jax.  Although, they were wonderful secrets that added so much depth.  Ohhhhh, Lir was everything I love in a male character.

Lir stands and reaches a hand out to me.  I eye it for a moment before accepting it and allowing him to pull me to my feet.  Trust has to start somewhere, I guess.

Jax and Lir were unforgettable characters.  And when they were together, their relationship was sweet, slow and natural.  Nothing was rushed.  Nothing was forced.  It was so much fun to watch them evolve.  Sigh, I am still on a book high.  This book was so much fun and I’m dying until I can read the second book. But until then, I can’t recommend this book highly enough.  You must discover this world, characters and story!  I look forward to reading the rest of Theresa Kay’s books, because her storytelling has enraptured me!  

***ARC was kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review***

Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers)

Broken Skies #1


Fractured Suns #2


Shattered Stars #3

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  1. Kim

    Fantastic review Jen. I really need to find the time to read these.😊

    • Jen

      Thank you, Kim! Oh YES, I think you’ll really like them!

  2. Marie

    I love this series. I have the third one on my tablet, I just havent had the time to read it yet.

    • Jen

      I’m so happy to hear that you love this series too! Ohhhh that’s exciting you got an ARC too! I just finished it last night and it was amazing, breathtaking and had me on the edge of my seat! Hope you enjoy it too when you pick it up!

  3. Raven

    Amazing review, Jen! I absolutely loved the plot, slow burn romance, and action in this book. I really need to binge read this trilogy soon. My tbr is pretty full for this month so maybe next month.
    Raven recently posted…Devils & Thieves (Devils & Thieves #1) By Jennifer Rush [Review]My Profile

    • Jen

      I’m so glad you loved this book too *happy dance*! Here’s hoping you love how the next two books go…..personally I LOVED how the story-line proceeded! This series is definitely going on my favorites list! 🙂

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