BOOK REVIEW – Concealed (Beholder #2) by Christina Bauer

BOOK REVIEW – Concealed (Beholder #2) by Christina BauerConcealed (Beholder #2)
by Christina Bauer
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As a Grand Mistress Necromancer, Elea’s a witch who commands the ultimate power over spirit and bone. It’s magic that she’ll need in order to stop the Vicomte Gaspard from killing her Sisters by draining their magic along with their life force.

To find and free her fellow witches, Elea must venture into some of the most dangerous places in the realm. What starts off as a rescue quest could easily turn into a suicide mission. And with the handsome warlock Rowan along to help, Elea may be risking more than her life. Her growing feelings for Rowan might put her heart on the line, too.


*Spoilers for Cursed #1, reading order at bottom of review*

Concealed was a solid second installment to the Beholder Series and was filled to the brim with magic, friendship, romance and betrayal.  And I loved that it was such an easy book to devour and read.  But you know what wasn’t easy?  The betrayal.  It was a bitter pill to swallow and don’t say I didn’t warn you. But besides that heart damaging fallout, I swear I’m not being overly dramatic lol, Concealed was a ton of fun and I can’t wait to see how this series will continue to go.

“Band of Eight? I only ran across five of them.”
Rowan’s smile broadened. “I might have helped a bit. Someone has to keep an eye on you.”
A warm feeling spread through my chest.
Rowan watches over me. “You didn’t need to do that.”
“I know.”

Three months have passed since the end of Cursed, and Elea still hasn’t found her Sisters.  They were taken by the Victome, and while he didn’t seem much of a threat, with the Tsar gone he has become a man obsessed with power.  Elea is in a race to find her Sisters, before they are next in line to die at the hands of the Victome.  On her mission to find her Sisters, she comes into the path of Lady Amelia Masson, who is one of Victome’s adopted children.  With Amelia quick to join Elea’s aid, they have adventure, heartache and much more than either of them ever could have imagined in their future.

Amelia gripped my hands again. “Do you think we can really do this?”
“Absolutely.” I was pleased that my voice didn’t waver.
Amelia nodded slowly. “I believe you.”

When we first met Amelia, I wasn’t too sure about her.  To put it mildly, the girl was rather quirky.  You’ll see what I mean!  But after spending time with her, I definitely warmed up and came to adore Amelia.  And the same thing happened with her brother, Philippe.  He was a total player, but his love for his sister and his aid to Elea quickly won me over too.  The three of them together made the most interesting team!  I loved that they built their friendship on a mutual goal, and over time their trust and friendship with one another grew.

I can’t afford to feel more for you than I already do.”
Rowan’s eyes took on that intense look I knew so well. A muscle worked in his jaw for a long moment. “I understand. We both have work to do.”
I exhaled. “I’m glad you can accept the truth.”
“I didn’t say that.” He scooped up the ropes and offered them to me. “This isn’t over.”

But what I loved watching grow the most was Elea and Rowan.  Rowan was there for Elea, time and again.  Not only was he there to physically help her out, but emotionally too.  And if that wasn’t enough for me to fall that much harder him, I loved that he let Elea know how much she meant to him.  His actions, words and loyalty to Elea made my heart oh so happy.  Rowan was still fierce and protective to Elea but his charming and seductive side shined through hard.  Especially when they were kissing.  Sigh, their kisses were electrifying.  It was impossible not to absolutely love everything there was about Rowan.

I wound my arms around his neck and pressed my cheek against his firm chest. “Thank you.”
“I’ll always come for you, Elea.” He gently kissed my cheek.

And I was so happy that Elea had Rowan in her life, because the girl never seemed to get a break from all that she was up against.  And that was definitely evident when she was slapped in the face with betrayal.  Again.  Now here’s the thing.  I saw this betrayal coming back in the first book.  The clues were definitely there and they were scattered throughout this book too.  I hoped that I had guessed wrong, but sadly I didn’t. *cries*  Lies, betrayal and deceit stung my heart, just as hard as it did to Elea.  And I’m just standing here hoping that we get all of our whys answered in the next book because that ending was brutal.  I’m not okay with what unfolded and I’m definitely going to need a very solid explanation as to why some things were done.  So I’m keeping my fingers crossed that there’s a lot more hope to be found in the next book.  Elea most definitely deserves it!  Now I’m off to start the next!

PS Again there were typos in this book but I’m emailing them to the author so they can get fixed.

*Book was kindly provided by Christina Bauer in exchange for an honest review*

Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)

Cursed #1


Concealed #2


Cherished #3

Crowned #4

Cradled #4.5

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  1. Kim

    Nice review Jen! This sounds like a fun series.😊

    • Jen

      Such a fun series and the characters she creates are so real. I have definitely fallen for her books. 🙂

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