BLOGIVERSARY + GIVEAWAYS – Our Favorite Female Leads

female leads

Since we’ve already had two posts talking about our Fiercest BBFs and Kindest BBFs, today we’re going to talk about some of Our Favorite Female Heroines. These are the women we look up to, respect and absolutely love! So have fun meeting our favorite heroines and we’re wishing you lots of luck on our giveaways below!


Evie from The Darkest Star (Origin #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
*Review * Amazon * Book Depository * Goodreads *

I had no clue how I would feel towards Evie, aka Evelyn Dasher.  Her father played a horrific role in The Lux Series and I hated him with a passion.  But right from that first page, I loved Evie.  She was just so relatable, logical, sweet, kind and had the hugest heart ever.  Plus I loved that she didn’t just fall for Luc either, she made him work for it!

Our stares connected , and the effect was instantaneous. Everything around us faded, and there was just us, and this . . . this sensation of falling. I couldn’t look away as this feeling surfaced, rushing to the top.
I’ve been here before.
My breath caught as a wave of tight shivers rippled over my skin. That thought didn’t make sense. I hadn’t been here with him before.


Sunny from Sunset Rising (Sunset Rising #1) by S.M. McEachern
*Review * Amazon * Goodreads *

I loved Sunny right away!  She was fierce, brave and extremely loyal.  Plus I loved her endurance, strength and how she always worked at making herself better.  She was someone people could look up to and respect, so I instantly connected with her. 

My voice caught on hitch as tears stung my eyes, and I shook my head and silently admonished myself because crying was such a weak thing to do. And there was no room for weakness in the Pit.


Psyche from Soul in Darkness by Wendy Higgins
* Review * Amazon * Goodreads *

Psyche proved herself that she was born to be a queen, when she agreed to marry a monster to help her village.  She was brave, spirited, determined, smart and I absolutely loved her!

All I knew for a fact was that if he was an enemy, he was the most dangerous enemy possible, because when I was with him, my heart, my body, and my soul wanted him.



Franny from The Raging Ones (The Raging Ones #1) by Krista and Becca Ritchie
*Review * Amazon * Book Depository * Goodreads *

I LOVEDDD Franny so much.  She grows so much into herself as the series progresses and I loved watching her grow into her potential.  I loved that she questioned everything and wouldn’t rest until she got answers. Most of all, I loved the closeness she had with Court and Mykal and then her friends at Stardust and eventually Stork, too.



Safi from The Witchlands Series by Susan Dennard
* Review * Amazon * Book Depository * Goodreads *

She is SO badass and has the funniest insults of all times!

“Yes,” Safi breathed, swaying into one of the men holding her up. She flashed a grin at him and said, “I’m Safiya fon Hasstrel, and I can do anything.”


Iseult from The Witchlands Series by Susan Dennard
* Review * Amazon * Book Depository * Goodreads *

Our OTHER resident badass.  I love the friendship between Safi and Iseult.  Might be one of my favorites in a series of all time!

“I hate this. Both the storm and the plan. Why does it have to be ‘we’? Why not just me?”

“Because ‘just me’ isn’t who we are,” Iseult hollered back. “I’ll always follow you, Safi, and you’ll always follow me. Threadsisters to the end.”


Mare from House of Salt and Sorrows by Erin A. Craig
* Review * Amazon * Book Depository * Goodreads *

This book honestly came out of nowhere and absolutely surprised me in the best possibly way. I was lucky enough to receive an ARC and after the first chapter, I was absolutely hooked. One of the main reasons was how much I loved the main character, Annaleigh. Here is a girl who has lived through unspeakable tragedy, with multiple members of her family dying, many under mysterious circumstances. But nonetheless, she still continues to fight for her family and tries to figure out what is happening to her and her family. I loved Annaleigh’s dedication and concern for her sisters and her blossoming relationship with Cassius, but most of all, I loved how strong and brave she was, even under the most dire circumstances.




Evie from The Diviners (The Diviners #1) by Libba Bray
*Review * Amazon * Book Depository * Goodreads *

Some mornings, she’d wake and vow, Today, I will get it right. I won’t be such an awful mess of a girl. I won’t lose my temper or make unkind remarks. I won’t go too far with a joke and feel the room go quiet with disapproval. I’ll be good and kind and sensible and patient. The sort everyone loves.

But by evening, her good intentions would have unraveled.


Celia from The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
*Review * Amazon * Book Depository * Goodreads *

Celia is hard to quote because…everything she and Marco say is so magnificent and bold and beautiful…and the story is shrouded in mystery. So what quote? This one just stuck with me, and I really loved it…Celia has a way of putting simple statements into words that I, myself, could not have expressed so perfectly. 

“You’re in the right place at the right time, and you care enough to do what needs to be done. Sometimes that’s enough.”



Claire from Outlander (Outlander #1) by Diana Gabaldon
*Review * Amazon * Book Depository * Goodreads *

They’re both wonderful quotes of fragility and fierce determination she can’t quite conquer, in these moments.  Otherwise she’s a bossy boots. I love her!

…to step outside the group, let alone to stand against it, was for uncounted thousands of years death to the creature who dared it. To stand against a crowd would take something more than ordinary courage; something that went beyond human instinct. And I feared I did not have it, and fearing, was ashamed.


I felt as fragile and as brilliant as the glass, as though I would shatter with a touch, and fall in glittering fragments to the floor. If I had meant to spare either Jamie’s emotions or my own, it seemed I was very much too late





Three people will each win a book of their choice, up to $20 USD, on Book Depository!

We have one on Twitter, you can see it here.

We have another on Instagram, you can see it here.

And below is our third giveaway. Wishing you all lots of luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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  1. Raven @ Dreamy Addictions

    A huge Yes to Psyche, Safi, and Iseult! Loved these three! I also liked Anna from the house of Salt and Sorrows but she’s not my favorite.
    Raven @ Dreamy Addictions recently posted…The Merciful Crow (The Merciful Crow #1) By Margaret Owen [Review]My Profile

    • Jen

      I hope that Wendy Higgins writes another book that’s a standalone and possibly mythology! I loved Soul in Darkness so much!!

  2. Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    I love Evie! I’m actually reading The Burning Shadow right now and I love being back in the Lux world. Evie + Luc are giving me life. 🙂
    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books recently posted…Short Take Reviews: Heidi’s Guide to Four Letter Words and Top SecretMy Profile

    • Jen

      Yes! I love Evie so much too! I love that I thought going into this book that I wasn’t supposed to like her and it all got turned on it’s head.

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