Too many to name, buuuuuuutttttt…..this is a good start: 

I also wanted to let everyone know that some of my earlier links don’t work (I will fix someday, SWEAR, but if a book cover reads ‘error’ and doesn’t take you to my review, you can search the title of the book and it will take you to my review-Sorry for any inconvenience!)


                                        adorkable-cookie-ogorman frost-blood-elly-blake under-rose-tainted-skies-louise-gornall caraval-stephanie-garber punk 57 penelope douglas The Hating Game heartless Crystal Storm carve-the-mark-veronica-roth crooked-kingdom-cover this savage song victoria schwab 187811 Frozen Tides gathering darkness morgan rhodes the last star rick yancey  Illuminae A Gathering of Shadows Final A Darker Shade of magic v.e. schwab six of crows leigh bardugo 17342750 Suffer Love crimson crown cover gray wolf throne cover the demon king cover Oblivion Nevermore kelly creagh fuel the fire ritchie   ForbiddenWish_BOM.indd 20525621 2317427418966806splitcover206444782065851023480844508259923523867178330992056663072601886148028276705222840182faking normal courtney stevens0378 Crouch_Thicker Than Blood_21571584418336965180530602252916218798983i'll meet you there heather demetrios2363658113638020152830431805072884704452315301666248711204377123256188157044591718212612958034ScarletUS.indd1174610217331828214892691737850817926775174539838492825puddle jumping113663971778840118802930183599041786096818802946 (1)219651171606903017406303Angelfall12983100157760351057636516150830971732013068756174061831767546218039177160299942118745604384975400928685612Fire flower13605723125780771304709013362536630433510757833 Follow Us: FacebookTwitterGoogle+RSSBloglovin



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