Category: Z-Old Users (Page 48 of 50)

BOOK REVIEW – Dreamfever (Fever #4) by Karen Marie Moning

BOOK REVIEW – Dreamfever (Fever #4) by Karen Marie MoningDreamfever (Fever #4)
by Karen Marie Moning
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MacKayla Lane lies naked on the cold stone floor of a church, at the mercy of the erotic Fae master she once swore to kill. Far from home, unable to control her sexual hungers, MacKayla is now fully under the Lord Master’s spell.…In New York Times bestselling author Karen Marie Moning’s stunning new novel, the walls between human and Fae worlds have come crashing down. And as Mac fights for survival on Dublin’s battle-scarred streets, she will embark on the darkest—and most erotically charged—adventure of her life.

He has stolen her past, but MacKayla will never allow her sister’s murderer to take her future. Yet even the uniquely gifted sidhe-seer is no match for the Lord Master, who has unleashed an insatiable sexual craving that consumes Mac’s every thought—and thrusts her into the seductive realm of two very dangerous men, both of whom she desires but dares not trust.

As the enigmatic Jericho Barrons and the sensual Fae prince V’lane vie for her body and soul, as cryptic entries from her sister’s diary mysteriously appear and the power of the Dark Book weaves its annihilating path through the city, Mac’s greatest enemy delivers a final challenge.…

It’s an invitation Mac cannot refuse, one that sends her racing home to Georgia, where an even darker threat awaits. With her parents missing and the lives of her loved ones under siege, Mac is about to come face-to-face with a soul-shattering truth—about herself and her sister, about Jericho Barrons…and about the world she thought she knew.

Wow, hello, awesome book!

Where we stayed
: in a King Size bed (yeah, I know, I know), an abbey ruled by a dumb bitch, a bus full of guns, a Fairy jungle hidden in the road, a hopeless cell, an asshole head (Now,that was pretty great), near dangerous cactus, in a circle of pee (yeah, I know, I know (2))… Mostly in Dublin.

Best part of the book
: Emergence of Mac.4 Finally, the girl realizes that if everybody has an agenda, she has to follow hers. Whatever it takes.

Coolest thing we saw
: Anytime Mac keeps the Alpha-Male in their place/fights like crazy/writes cool stuff in her journal like “Kick their fecking asses off our world!” (What? I was tired of the petunias)

Best food of the day
: I’m not sure. Do they eat in this book? Wait, Unseelie? I miss V’lane’s chocolate that doesn’t make us gain weight.

Worst asshole comment
: (What? These books are full of it, right?)

My Kindle just erased the quotes I had underlined. I might throw it on the wall after reading Shadowfever

(more) details?

Characterization : Brilliant. All the characters are multi-layered, captivating, and make me feel both strong and mixed feelings. Yes I can’t bring myself to make excuses for Barrons’ sexually offensive behavior (no, that’s not okay for me, I don’t care if she’s Pri-ya, grow some restraint, asshole – and SHUT UP about it, what’s with the rape jokes? Seriously? Dude, you made me rage), yet that does not mean I’m not able to enjoy the excellence of his characterization and be captivated by his wicked way of thinking. I. am. In. Awe. of Karen Marie Moning for having created such riveting and complex characters – we’re lost in a blur, where Good and Evil are vain boundaries which don’t make any sense, and hell yeah I loved that.

Plot & world-building : What a gripping story! I feel like I can’t get enough of this world and I adore the way KMM constantly surprises me. Each time I think I know where the story’s going I end completely stunned and that’s a wonderful feeling for sure!

To be continued… In Shadowfever


Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)
karen marin moning darkfever
Darkfever #1


bloodfever karen marie moning
Bloodfever #2

faefever karen marie moning
Faefever #3


dreamfever karen marie moning
Dreamfever #4

karen marie moning shadowfever
Shadowfever #5



Iced #6

Burned #7

Feverborn #8

BOOK REVIEW – Faefever (Fever #3) by Karen Marie Moning

BOOK REVIEW – Faefever (Fever #3) by Karen Marie MoningFaefever (Fever #3)
by Karen Marie Moning
Purchase on: AmazoniBooks
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He calls me his Queen of the Night. I’d die for him. I’d kill for him, too. When MacKayla Lane receives a torn page from her dead sister’s journal, she is stunned by Alina’s desperate words. And now MacKayla knows that her sister’s killer is close. But evil is closer. And suddenly the sidhe-seer is on the hunt: For answers. For revenge. And for an ancient book of dark magic so evil, it corrupts anyone who touches it.

Mac’s quest for the Sinsar Dubh takes her into the mean, shape-shifting streets of Dublin, with a suspicious cop on her tail. Forced into a dangerous triangle of alliance with V’lane, an insatiable Fae prince of lethally erotic tastes, and Jericho Barrons, a man of primal desires and untold secrets, Mac is soon locked in a battle for her body, mind, and soul.

As All Hallows’ Eve approaches and the city descends into chaos, as a shocking truth about the Dark Book is uncovered, not even Mac can prevent a deadly race of immortals from shattering the walls between worlds—with devastating consequences.…

Tell me …

What enraptured me in Faefever was the fact it was waaay darker than the first twos. Excuse me when I’m doing a little dance before travelling to …


Okay, so, what was I saying? Ah, yes, welcome to the dark side! Dublin’s turning into such a dreadful place, I’m telling you! With the expansion of the Dark Zone, the number of Unseelie which has been increasing since the beginning of Darkfever, the multiplication of assholes … It started to really get my goat, and that’s freaking great.

“Fae are monsters. But we humans hold our own. Fae might have incited this […], but we were the ones keeping it alive.”

Indeed while I really liked the first books they remained only entertaining, that is to say, enjoyable but not loveable : I was interested, hooked even, but I wasn’t completely emotionally invested. As I already said several times, a book filled with flaws can be part of my favorite, as long as it makes me feel. As fucking great a book can be, if I have a hard time connecting with the characters and even more, feeling all the trouble they’re being put through, I’m not fully won.

On this matter, Faefever did a lot better than the first twos.

First of all, I loved Mac. Because I loved Buffy, and some sides of Mac remind me of her – Remember Buffy’s personality in the first seasons? She didn’t want to fight for others. She wanted to go to prom, for Pete’s sake! Indeed I always struggle to believe that people can be willing to save the world as soon as they’re asked for it. I mean, of course that’s an awful responsibility to take! Do you really think you would agree right away? If so, congratulations, you’re such a better person than I am!

So, Mac said it clearly : she doesn’t want to be the world’s savior. She wants revenge. And yet, little by little, she takes the job, because something has to do it you know? Now this evolution is believable.

“Lambs to the slaughter. My people.”

Moreover, do you know what I admire about her? She doesn’t trust anyone. She makes deals. She lies. She betrays. Why do I love such bad behavior? Because she fucking needs it! I mean, after all these books where heroines give their trust faster than I spell the word, I can’t help but strongly appreciate the fact she’s not dumb enough to forget herself in the name of lust love. She fights, and her evolution since Darkfever is truly amazing. Plus, the MacHalo thing? Loved that.

Yeah, Barrons hadn’t growing on me a bit and I’m pretty sure I won’t change my mind, because I don’t think he could do something to redeem himself in my mind. This being said, I can’t deny the fact his characterization is amazing : He is a fascinating character – a fascinating bastard, but still captivating and multi-layered to the core. Overall, I loved when he was punched, I don’t want to see him happy, I don’t like him, I’m pretty sure I hate him, but he kept me interested. Go figure.

Furthermore, I must confess that trying to read between the lines to discover who lies beneath the jerk face delighted me more than a police investigation. Don’t get me wrong, no matter what I’ll find it never will be an excuse for his behavior but I’m beginning to consider writing a journal about all my assumptions – even if one of them takes over the others for now.

I won’t talk about the plot, first because I’d spoil you, and secondly because I’d repeat myself, finally because I want to start Dreamfever now : fascinating…. something-something…. well-wrapped… something-something… intriguing…. something-something… I want more!

See you for Dreamfever.


Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)
karen marin moning darkfever
Darkfever #1


bloodfever karen marie moning
Bloodfever #2

faefever karen marie moning
Faefever #3


dreamfever karen marie moning
Dreamfever #4

karen marie moning shadowfever
Shadowfever #5



Iced #6

Burned #7

Feverborn #8

BOOK REVIEW – Six of Hearts by L.H. Cosway

BOOK REVIEW – Six of Hearts by L.H. CoswaySix of Hearts by L.H. Cosway
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Step right up and meet Jay Fields: Illusionist. Mentalist. Trickster.

I think in triangles. You think in straight lines.

I show you a table and make you believe it’s a chair.

Smoke and mirrors, sleight of hand, misdirection. I trick and deceive.

But most of all, I put on a good show.

The world thinks I killed a man, but I didn’t. Bear with me. It’s all a part of the plan.

Revenge is what I want. I want it for me and I want it for her.
I want it for all six of us.

She doesn’t remember me, but she’s the reason for everything. She’ll be my prize at the end of all this – if I can hold onto my willpower, that is. Maybe I’ll slip up a little, have a taste, just a small one.

So go ahead and pick a card. Come inside and see the show. Look at my hands, look so closely that you can’t see what’s happening while you’re so focused on looking. I’ll be destroying your world from right here in the spotlight.

You’ll never see me coming until it’s too late.

I’ve only got one heart, and after I’ve pulled off my grand deception I’ll hand it right to her.

So, sit back, relax, and let my girl tell you our story. You’re in for one hell of a ride.

When I start a New Adult book, I’m always really, really wary. I mean, I got bored or worse, pissed so many times that now I pop into vigilance mode right away. I thought I might not enjoy Six of Hearts. I was so wrong.

Banter everywhere. Now, I’ve never hidden that I’m a sucker for badinage and repartee, and let me tell you : these two make us feel the perfect kind of dizzy feels. That is to say, filled with giggles and irrepressible laughter.

Jay. You know what? My thoughts are all over the place as I’m. so. damn. confused. I tried to gather my thoughts and well, that was a pretty difficult task to do on a Sunday afternoon. Sorry, you’ll have to do with the rambling I wrote during my read.

It starts here
: Jay’s sexy you know AND he’s an illusionist. No joke, the guy can do some crazy stuff. Passionate and angry. Lunatic? Oh, right, and he’s a f*cking tease. But I forgive him. Absolutely straight-forward and yet vulnerable. And must I say? Freaking adorable at times. Frustrating, childish at some point, but who’s never? His inappropriate sexual comments are infuriating but seriously smile-worthy – filled with confidence but never disdain.

” He’s one of those people that you can’t tell if you want to be with him or just you want to be him.”

Okaaay, I’m completely aware I’m being contradictory. The thing is, a lot of things Jay does could be seen as abusive but, in the end, I can’t bring myself to think of him like that. I could overanalyze his behavior and taken one by one, some of his actions are debatable. But I don’t want to. Yes he’s infuriating and yes he pushes – a lot, but does he have bad intentions? Is he disrespectful towards Matilda? I don’t think so.

By the way, he is an absolute, complete, utter tease. I kind of adored that about him.

Matilda‘s awkwardness is seriously likeable – and funny. Oh, yes, funny. And the inner b*tch? You’re so damn right girl! Plus she owes me a couple face palms next to her comments. Moreover, thank you thank you, she’s not a virgin. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have any problem with twenty-something’s virginity, but that twist has been used so many times in New Adult that I have a hard time suffering it anymore. Matilda isn’t experienced, yet she’s not a virgin at 23 and her story is so much believable as it is. Overall, she can be seen as weak sometimes but that makes her more credible in my opinion, and who are we kidding? She deals with Jay for Pete’s sake, the girl does what she can.

An healthy and genuine relationship between Matilda and her best friend. Yay! I must admit that I was a bit wary at first, but as it turned out, Michelle is pictured like an actual friend and not in that bitchy way we often found in New-Adult. Plus, they aren’t any slut-shaming or girl-hate. Even if Matilda is fully aware of the way Jay captures women’s attention, and sometimes she gets jealous (who wouldn’t be?) but she never allows herself to be mean about that, and I found it very refreshing.

Revenge, guys! Jay’s plan is mischievous – Comte de Monte-Cristo’s devilish, and I enjoyed every second of it. I won’t say anything more, but trust me, the guy knows how to handle his reproaches. In a masterful way, no less.

“This is fucked up. This is… amazing. I can’t believe the sneaky, clever, trickster bastard managed to pull this off.”

Sexual tension. Remember when I said Jay was a tease? Yep. Also, I could feel the chemistry between Matilda and Jay from the beginning, and although it should be mandatory, that’s not always the case in NA so the only thing I can say is Bravo.

“It’s not weird. We’re bonding. Lots of animals sleep together in order to bond. Don’t you ever watch the Discovery Channel?”
“We’re not animals.”
He gives me a devilish grin. “Speak for yourself.”

Insta-love. Nope, that’s not right. Insta-lust. But then, the later doesn’t bother me as much as the first, because while I don’t believe in insta-love (sorry sorry romance) I can totally contemplate insta-lust. But still, as that happens to be one of my peeves, I have to count it as a cons.

✘ The mystery. While it makes Jay even more interesting to follow, I still guessed a major proportion of it almost instantly. Then, maybe we’re supposed too.

✘ I’m worse than a little kid with illusionists and magic so as you can guess, I’d have loved to read more about Jay’s capacities. Although I understand the author’s intends in the end – and I can agree with her statement to a certain extend – I can’t help but feel a bit cheated. Yeah, what a pouter kid I am.

✘ As I said earlier, even if I forgive him, some Jay’s actions can be considered as creepy. He does have good intentions, still his behavior is sometimes not far from where I draw the line between in love and stalkerish.

Overall, the pros overtake the cons by far, especially since what I despised can be justified by the plot’s needs. Then, as always when I enjoy a New-Adult book, I end a bit stunned, slightly dizzy, and definitely happy about it.

BOOK REVIEW – The Iron Daughter (The Iron Fey #2) by Julie Kagawa

BOOK REVIEW – The Iron Daughter (The Iron Fey #2) by Julie KagawaThe Iron Daughter (The Iron Fey #2)
by Julie Kagawa
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Half Summer faery princess, half human, Meghan has never fit in anywhere. Deserted by the Winter prince she thought loved her, she is prisoner to the Winter faery queen. As war looms between Summer and Winter, Meghan knows that the real danger comes from the Iron fey—ironbound faeries that only she and her absent prince have seen. But no one believes her.

Worse, Meghan's own fey powers have been cut off. She's stuck in Faery with only her wits for help. Trusting anyone would be foolish. Trusting a seeming traitor could be deadly. But even as she grows a backbone of iron, Meghan can't help but hear the whispers of longing in her all-too-human heart.

Wow. I feel like I. just. can’t. get. enough. of. this. world. As I was travelling through Nevernever, following Ash Meghan’s steps, my wonder never ever faded. My dear friends who took part in Chelsea’s birthday’s buddy read can attest how much I got lost in this outstanding world, my heart aching to come back there. I fell in love with every single character I met, from this yawning, infuriating and hilarious Grimalkin to the giant spiders who… Wait, no. I’ll follow Meghan on this :

“I could handle goblins and bogeymen and evil, flesh-eating horses, but giant freaking spiders? That’s where I drew the line”

I couldn’t agree more. What? Have you seen their legs?

Are you ready to go? Yes? Okay then.

“Now, listen. Whatever you see in there, don’t buy anything, don’t offer anything, and don’t accept anything, no matter how much you want it. The vendors will try to make a deal with you – ignore them. Keep silent, and keep your eyes on me. Got it?”

Julie Kagawa’s writing manages to describe perfectly every single creature we meet, making them fleshed out, so much that I could totally see them jumping out the page and appear in my living-room for real.

“An ancient gnome stared up at me, her face wrinkled and shriveled like a valnut under a frayed clump of white hair. Barely two feet tall, dressed in a once-white robe with tiny gold glasses on the end of her nose, she glared at me like a furious midget bear, black eyes snapping with irritation.”

As the characters, none of the different settings are rushed : from Queen Mab’s palace to the Between, via the High-School, all the places are filled with tiny details which let the world literally appear in front of our wide-eyed eyes.

That says it all. Grimalkin, remember?

“How do you know your way around this place, Grim?”
Grimalkin blinked. “I am a cat,” he said, and vanished down one of the tunnels.”

Remember Ash? Yeah? That icy Prince I decided to not ramble about in my review of The Iron King? If I thought he won me in that first book, that’s nothing in comparison to the way I felt and fell for him in that one. Forget all the broody and wounded male-lead you know : none of them can beat him. Seriously : It took him only one apparition to warm my heart and send a flutter of emotions through me like crazy.

Well, I can ramble and ramble over and over again about him, but it’d be completely useless : just keep in mind that he’s loyal, heart-breaking, courageous, selfless – he’s perfection – but the good kind of perfection, that is to say, the perfect imperfection (and no, the fact he’s hot isn’t even taken into account).

Again, the plot was well-wrapped and the story fast-paced, and we’re reading as in a run, never resting, always captivated, gasping, sometimes frightened, always mesmerized.

Oh, and by the way, I like Meghan. Yes she shares many personality traits with other young-adults heroines and yes I could have been annoyed at some point but you know what? I never was. I understand her, I can relate to her (throwing rocks? I could totally do that), I’m proud of her. That’s all.

“Make your choice.”
Ash looked at me. I saw pain in his eyes, and a little regret, but they shone with such emotion I felt breathless. “I already have.”


Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)
the iron king julie kagawa
The Iron King #1
winter's passage julie kagawa
Winter's Passage #1.5

the iron daughter julie kagawa
The Iron Daughter #2

the iron queen julie kagawa
The Iron Queen


summer's crossing iron fey novella julie kagawa
Summer's Crossing #3.5
the iron knight julie kagawa
The Iron Knight #4

iron's prophecy julie kagawa
Iron's Prophecy #4.5

the lost prince julie kagawa
The Lost Prince: Call of the Forgotten #1

the iron traitor julie kagawa the iron fey
The Iron Traitor:Call of the Forgotten #2
the iron warrior julie kagawa the iron fey
The Iron Warrior:Call of the Forgotten #3

BOOK REVIEW – The Iron King (The Iron Fey #1) by Julie Kagawa

BOOK REVIEW – The Iron King (The Iron Fey #1) by Julie KagawaThe Iron King (The Iron Fey #1)
by Julie Kagawa
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Meghan Chase has a secret destiny; one she could never have imagined.

Something has always felt slightly off in Meghan's life, ever since her father disappeared before her eyes when she was six. She has never quite fit in at school or at home.

When a dark stranger begins watching her from afar, and her prankster best friend becomes strangely protective of her, Meghan senses that everything she's known is about to change.

But she could never have guessed the truth - that she is the daughter of a mythical faery king and is a pawn in a deadly war. Now Meghan will learn just how far she'll go to save someone she cares about, to stop a mysterious evil, no faery creature dare face; and to find love with a young prince who might rather see her dead than let her touch his icy heart.

Warning : I’ll do what I can, but I’m feeling restless – and I’m pretty sure this sensation will end when, and only when, I’ll be able to grasp The Iron daughter. Therefore, before taking the time to write a proper review of each book, I intend to… well, do my best?

This book managed to reach a part of me I had forgotten for years. The part of me who used to watch The Never Ending Story, wide-eyed, to read Alice in Wonderland, eager to meet that odd cat and to visit whatever weird world fantasy on which I could get my hands. All of that is to say that I was constantly mesmerized by the references and eyewinks Julie Kagawa inserted in The Iron King, smiling like a little child full of wonder.

“I don’t even recognize myself.”An image frashed through my head and I giggled with slight hysteria. “I won’t turn into a pumpkin when midnight comes, will I?”
“If you annoy the wrong people, you might.”

Welcome trolls and goblins and squirrels nails! I love you all already.

Color me impressed : the world-building was incredible. Quickly I found myself completely fascinated and captivated by all the details the descriptive and beautiful writing offers us : I am in awe of Julie Kagawa on this one. Cause, you know, contrary to many readers I liked Talon which I’ve read several weeks ago, but there’s nothing in it which can beat the complexity of Nevernever’s world. Nothing.

That’s pretty rare I read a book thinking it’d be awesome as a movie but let me tell you : this thought came into my mind many, many times while I was reading, as I couldn’t help but see what Meghan discovered, with bright and wonderful details, either she described some creature – by the way, I want a cat like this, Grimalkin’s the best, I’m telling you – or the settings, that is to say the never ending forest she travels in.

“It’s an elf,” hissed another, giving me a toothy leer. “An elf what lost its ears, maybe.”
“No, a goat-girl,” cried yet a third. “Good eatin’, them.”
“She ain’t no goat, cretin! Lookit, she ain’t got no ‘ooves!”

I giggled out of amazement. All. The. Time.

A few words about the plot now. As many readers noted it, that’s not the most interesting storyline I had the chance to read about, yet I couldn’t put it down and felt like it just clicked into place nicely. Actually I was on the verge of writing that the pacing was fast, when I remembered that the majority of readers grew bored in the middle of the book. That wasn’t my case. At all. I don’t know if that can be explained by the fact I’m such a sucker for fantasy and always have, I don’t have a damn clue about it. Sorry.

Oh, well. That’s my review after all, so perhaps it should be taken with a grain of salt, but in my opinion this book is compelling and fascinating, as it was such a page-turner for me. *shrug*

And in the end… The surprise. Indeed all the concept of Iron Fey is truly fascinating. I don’t want to spoil potential late readers like I am, so I’m not saying more about that but trust me : that’s quite original and well imagined from Julie Kagawa who took the best of fairies’ world and created an inventive land from it.

That’s what I adored. Of course the forbidden romance made my heart beat faster but you know what? I’d have loved the book without it.

As for the characters, I’m running out of time and it’s the first book of a series therefore I know I’m going to talk about them later so I’ll be short : Meghan isn’t a strong-minded fighter character, that’s for sure, but you know, I’m feeling indulgent with her because she never annoyed me nor maddened me. She isn’t dumb or infuriating, actually she’s pretty average and in my opinion her personality fits perfectly in the plot developments. Furthermore, she knows her moments of pure awesomeness –

“Stop it!” I hissed glaring at both in turn. “Stop it right now! Put your weapons up, both of you! Ash, you’re in no condition to fight, and, Puck, shame on you, agreeing to duel him when he’s obviously hurt. Sit down and shut up.”

Moreover, I really enjoyed Puke and no, that’s not because his character is one of my favorite from A Midnight Summer Dream. Noooo. Despite the fact I can’t bring myself to trust him, I enjoyed his apparitions as he managed to make me laugh with his comments.

“Charming,” Puck commented, gazing around in distaste. “I love the barren, dead feel they’re going for. Who’s the gardener, I wonder? I’d love to get some tips.”

Even if I feel his contentious relationship with Ash might end with a choice to make. I’ll choose Ash. Same for Oberion. Now that I think about it – that idea of bringing them in a young-adult book is wonderfully awesome.

Oh, and maybe you’re waiting for Ash? Nope. I’m not gonna start talking about this cold and infuriating – but exciting and captivating – Winter Prince. Yet. Otherwise I’ll begin to endlessly ramble about his awesomeness and I REALLY want to read The Iron daughter right now. But what an amazing male-lead. Wow. I’m in love. Did you know he was Mab’s son? How interesting is that! Right? RIGHT? Okay, I’m out now. But throwing ice darts? Awesomeballs.

And now, wonderful friends, I’m waiting for your ‘I told you so’. You were SO right.

Sans rancune?

“I am a cat,” Grimalkin replied, as if that explained anything.”

PS : The beautiful arts come from here and here.


Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)
the iron king julie kagawa
The Iron King #1
winter's passage julie kagawa
Winter's Passage #1.5

the iron daughter julie kagawa
The Iron Daughter #2

the iron queen julie kagawa
The Iron Queen


summer's crossing iron fey novella julie kagawa
Summer's Crossing #3.5
the iron knight julie kagawa
The Iron Knight #4

iron's prophecy julie kagawa
Iron's Prophecy #4.5

the lost prince julie kagawa
The Lost Prince: Call of the Forgotten #1

the iron traitor julie kagawa the iron fey
The Iron Traitor:Call of the Forgotten #2
the iron warrior julie kagawa the iron fey
The Iron Warrior:Call of the Forgotten #3
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