Tag: Contemporary Romance (Page 52 of 88)

BOOK REVIEW: Between Us and the Moon by Rebecca Maizel

BOOK REVIEW: Between Us and the Moon by Rebecca MaizelBetween Us and the Moon by Rebecca Maizel
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A luminous young adult novel that evokes Judy Blume’s Forever for a new generation.

Ever since Sarah was born, she’s lived in the shadow of her beautiful older sister, Scarlett. But this summer on Cape Cod, she’s determined to finally grow up. Then she meets gorgeous college boy Andrew. He sees her as the girl she wants to be. A girl who’s older than she is. A girl like Scarlett.

Before she knows what’s happened, one little lie has transformed into something real. And by the end of August, she might have to choose between falling in love, and finding herself.

Fans of Jenny Han and Stephanie Perkins are destined to fall for this story about how life and love are impossible to predict.


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WARNING: If you don’t like mean reviews, do not read this. If you don’t like RANTS, do not read this. If you don’t like curse words, demoralization of fictional characters, or just an all around bad attitude….DO NOT MOTHERFUCKING READ THIS.

No one has ever seen me post a mean review. I have NEVER lost my shit before. If anyone-ANYONE-is curious as to what my INITIAL reaction is after a book I am just all around generally disgusted by? THIS WOULD BE THE REVIEW TO READ.





**P.S. It has been two days since I wrote this and while I am cringing as I look at the review, I also still stand by these thoughts and why I was pushed to the edge. My delivery is harsh, but I am choosing to leave this as is. So, again, I warn you: Don’t read this if you want nice normal Chelsea**

I don’t know why this is the book that flipped my bitch switch-I really don’t. But I’ll tell you this: Not in YEARS have I been literally dog ass tired and wanted to go to sleep and finished a book I didn’t like right before bed and IMMEDIATELY catapulted out of bed to dust off my laptop to write emotions I fear I will sleep on and let slip by once I wake up. I don’t do this-EVER. I finish a book. I go to sleep-even if it’s hard-and I think on it. I wait, I deliberate…I write a fair review. But no. I can’t-NO-I WILL NOT, let this one slide. I don’t know why-

Oh, I know, wait, perhaps it’s because I have this irreparable, totally illogical, neurotic, irrational PHOBIA of spiders (oh no, believe me, there’s a motherfucking point to this) and after finishing this lovely gem of a book, I went to take my dog out (yeah, I can still be level-headed whilst in a rage) and was oh-so-nicely (not) waiting on her to come inside when I felt my BARE FOOT STEP PARTIALLY onto a crunchy ‘ol leaf. Oh nonononono, it wasn’t a leaf, my friends, it was a fucking LARGE BLACKISH BROWN (the devil is in the details) spider I had stepped on and it was STILL ALIVE because I have this weird thing where I can tell I’m about to crush something (probably because my dogs are forever under my feet) and what does it even matter???? I stepped on a SPIDER-something I have avoided doing MY WHOLE LIFE-after finishing this book. Coincidence? I THINK NOT. Oh! And even better-it’s little (I kid, it was BIGGER) friend was in the corner one foot from him! So I had TWO spiders surrounding me in my bare feet and my cantankerous dog WOULD NOT COME INSIDE and I am in hysterics trying to kill the bastards and one GETS AWAY. Needless to say? I HAVE LOST MY SHIT.

This review is A MUST. I still feel like they are in my hair or something. I feel just plain GROSS.

Where was I? Oh yeah, I thought I would conduct a scientific experiment-you know, like my FAVORITE main character here. She’s so smart…didn’t you know??

This is the
Loser Experiment.
How to lose a guy in one summer:

✔ Lie.
✔ Lie.
✔ Lie.

✔ Impersonate, oh whoops, emulate your sister’s nonchalant, flippant, bitchy ways to prove to your ex, and everyone, that you aren’t merely an observer in this world, that you have a personality and that you exist.

Oh yeah, because becoming someone completely different is showing you have a personality.

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SPOILER ALERT: SHE HAS NO PERSONALITY. Like..for real. None. Zilch. Nada. I ALWAYS love my main characters, but this girl?? She had no backbone. No zest. No VOICE. I never care in stories but her lies….they hurt someone. You know what? In fact? They hurt literally THE ONLY PERSON IN THIS STORY THAT EARNED A STAR. Actually, he earned two, because I loved him. HAHAHAHA A boy! Shocking right??? I DON’T CARE.

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And when you mess with the ONLY redeemable character in the story? I, again, lose my shit.

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✔ Admit to having a nickname with the word ‘bean’ in it. I’m sorry, that name, in any form, elicits mockery and horribly disturbing thoughts. OH BEAN, ya little turd, come’re will ya?? Grab the forks, BEANIE!!! Come’re BEANIE WEENIE!!!

I’m sorry, are we talking about a dog…or a human being?? And don’t even get me STARTED on THE UGLY TRUTH movie pertaining to that beautifully coined phrase. Sorry if you have this nickname-for real, it’s probably cute on you. But this bitch??? She’s just asking to be smacked.

✔ PUSS THE FUCK OUT at every opportunity you receive to come clean. SERIOUSLY. YOU LITTLE WUSSY POS. YOU ARE RUINING SOMEONE ELSE’S LIFE!!!! Do you NOT understand this????

Oh! Let me get y’all up to speed: Our little astronomer? She’s 16. Literally-she JUST turned 16, And guess how old the lovely-and totally not in the know-Andrew is? He is 19, folks.

Frankly? This doesn’t bother me. It doesn’t make me feel weird. It’s normal, to me. I know a TON of people who date like this. I realize once you have one partner in HS and one not it gets tricky, I really do, but I just don’t care. And don’t clutch your pearls at me!

My point? If shit went south….HE’D get in trouble. HISSSSS life would be over. Think about that, you inconsiderate little twat.
How to lose readers after one chapter:

✔ Think scientifically All. The Damn. Time.

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Like, what is this, the Big Bang theory??? I didn’t realize this was a Sheldon book. But, you know, I’ve seen this done before in other realistic fiction books…but not ONCE has it made me want to suffocate myself with my fluffy socks. In fact, one of my UNFORGETTABLE ABSOLUTE FAVORITE BOOKS has someone who relates a ton of things to physics. But this chick? Shoot me…shoot me now. Everything came back to….I don’t even know what. Constellations blah blah mathematic experimentation and tracking the comet blah blah SHUT THE FUCK UP, BEAN!

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✔ ALWAYS PITY yourself and your lack of voice-that’ll do it, too.

✔ MAKE. MY. BOY. CRY. Because of your lies. YOU SIT ON A THRONE OF LIES, and they are poorly constructed at best. Need I say more? You hurt my guys, you pretty much shoot yourself in the foot-capiche?

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✔ You make me kinda start to like you, like you enough to pity you and tear up for you (even though you were still at a soft 2.5 star-you were never special to me, even when you started to figure shit out). I start to FEEL for you…and then you STILL don’t do your job. And when you do??? You crush someone’s soul. How do you like them apples??

You pretentious little shit-GO TO HELL.

Yes, I still gave this a two. Andrew was wholly quotable…and this story?? It had a ton of potential. I swear it did. I liked it, then I hated, I liked it, then I hated it. And, more often than not, the parts I would start to like would have Andrew in them. And when she was alone, I started to hate it and skim. Hmmm….curiouser and curiouser…

I wish, I truly do, that I had a pensieve like Dumbledore had in Harry Potter so I could pull all my thoughts at the moment out of my head and hold them in the swirling crystal ball of not-so-forgotten memories, because I have so much I want to say right now and so little time. And I know I’ve lost numerous people by now-sorry guyzzz-but I just HAD to get this evil out of my system. I would not recommend this to one person… I never say that, but I just can’t find it in my heart to push this on ANYONE….


If you like twatwaffles who use their own sadness to experiment against innocent and down in spirits college guys for their own gain, girls who are incapable of telling people NO, girls who can’t speak their mind, girls who literally-And I do mean literally-say mean shit about the boy they’re dating to act all nonchalant to girls she barely knows but assumes are cool or popular to gain status quo….then be my guest-Enjoy it. REALLY. Enjoy. It.

And yeah, I feel bad because I truly want to cocoon Andrew and pull him from this book and transport him into a more promising and substantial novel, because she just isn’t worth my breath. But he is: He is the most concerned, thoughtful, patient, friendly, protective guy…and she didn’t deserve an ounce of his time if she couldn’t be braver than she was. She was a coward and she deserves to be left in the dust. But what do I know? I’m just merely a girl whose spirit was crushed as surely as that one dead spider’s spindly, creepy (okay I’ll stop) legs. Eew. Just…eew.

Ohohohohohohhoh! I just thought of some other people who might like this book! If you’ve ever wronged me….YOU’D LOVE THIS…I JUST KNOW IT!

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BOOK REVIEW – First & Then by Emma Mills

BOOK REVIEW – First & Then by Emma MillsFirst & Then by Emma Mills
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Devon Tennyson wouldn't change a thing. She's happy watching Friday night games from the bleachers, silently crushing on best friend Cas, and blissfully ignoring the future after high school. But the universe has other plans. It delivers Devon's cousin Foster, an unrepentant social outlier with a surprising talent for football, and the obnoxiously superior and maddeningly attractive star running back, Ezra, right where she doesn't want them first into her P.E. class and then into every other aspect of her life.

Pride and Prejudice meets Friday Night Lights in this contemporary novel about falling in love with the unexpected boy, with a new brother, and with yourself.

▶ In the end, I got the impression that First & Then was trying to address way too many issues without really giving them the time of a day.

Cut off the Darcy-ish romance slooowly built that I genuinely enjoyed (with the important exception of one of the most anticlimactic ending I’ve ever read – Ugh, just ugh), the reader makes its way in a widespread confusion :

☑ You’ve got truthful “WTF” moment where you realize that you have no idea what the characters are doing – think scenes cut short, weird transitions, a general “WHERE DOES THAT EVEN COMES FROM?” feeling, and characters who pop up from nowhere.

☑ You’ve got important issues that aren’t addressed properly/left unresolved : in a nutshell, a mum in rehab (maybe? I guess?), a teenage pregnancy (what is the point of Marabelle’s character really?), a weird gambler-survivor guy (don’t get me started about that Emir guy : who is this person and why should I care for him? Huh?), a crazy asshole who puts a psycho move when it’s convenient (but we know nothing about him whatsoever, and guess what : it isn’t handled at all either), an attempt at girl friendship (resolved in two pages) and big revelations that felt flat because they came out of nowhere. None of these issues are properly dealt with.

☑ You’ve got flat characters whose names I didn’t bother to remember (except Cas, the so-called best friend, whose name I do remember but whose personality I never saw – not that I was interested in this jerk in the first place, to be honest).

☑ You’ve got an uneven pacing and an uneven writing, if that makes sense : if some parts made me really smile, others made me roll my eyes something fierce (because HELLO, cheesy lines), especially in the first 30% (that got me bored) and the last 40% (WTF and cheese blended together). Yes, I do realize that the only part that remains is the middle-ish 30-60%. Don’t judge.

To be fair, I did appreciate Devon’s growth toward her cousin, Foster, who’s been living with her family since the beginning of the story. If I wanted to slap her at first, she started opening her eyes wider and slowly, slowly, became aware that fitting in wasn’t the only life goal we could pursue. Good for you, girl. Note that I didn’t hate her. I mostly felt indifferent to her, to be honest.

As I did appreciate several of Devon and Ezra’s (non) interactions, because I have a soft spot for guys who have the communicating skills of a turtle. I really do. Don’t ask.

Too bad everything felt flat and cheapened in the whole mess that was this novel. Sorry, I guess I’m just mad. I hate when the last thought that comes to my mind after closing a book is : WHAT WAS THE FUCKING POINT? You don’t add important issues to a story only to let them hanging in the air somewhere.

*arc kindly provided by Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group through Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

BOOK REVIEW – My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick

BOOK REVIEW – My Life Next Door by Huntley FitzpatrickMy Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick
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"One thing my mother never knew, and would disapprove of most of all, was that I watched the Garretts. All the time."

The Garretts are everything the Reeds are not. Loud, messy, affectionate. And every day from her rooftop perch, Samantha Reed wishes she was one of them . . . until one summer evening, Jase Garrett climbs up next to her and changes everything.

As the two fall fiercely for each other, stumbling through the awkwardness and awesomeness of first love, Jase's family embraces Samantha - even as she keeps him a secret from her own. Then something unthinkable happens, and the bottom drops out of Samantha's world. She's suddenly faced with an impossible decision. Which perfect family will save her? Or is it time she saved herself?

A transporting debut about family, friendship, first romance, and how to be true to one person you love without betraying another.

Why, thank you book for all these wonderful platitudes. We need to part ways now though, at 35%, but don’t worry, I’ll compile here every amazing moment we shared together.

Remember when Jase and Sam fell in love over a lemonade at 9%? Because I was there to follow their astounding banter and was deeply moved by the slow burn of their feelings….

“He drains the entire thing in one gulp, then reaches for the other cup.
“That’s mine,” I say.
“Oh, jeez. Of course. Sorry. I
am thirsty.”
I extend my arm with the lemonade. “You can have it. There’s always more.”
He shakes his head. “I would never deprive you.”
I feel my stomach do that weird little flip-flop thing you hear about.

It’s not insta-love guys, because it’s not the first time they talk. Nope. It’s the second time, not to mention that she has stalked him for years. Of course it counts!

Remember when Jase kept telling Sam such profound and life changing sentences? I swear the guy must be an hidden philosopher gem or something.

“No, thank God. I’d die if I got in trouble.”
Jase looks at me intently, as though what I’ve said is profound”
← SEE?

“No, you wouldn’t, Samantha. You wouldn’t die. You’d just be in trouble and then you’d move on.”

MY GOD. Who needs Sartre when Jase is in the house? I might quote him someday.

Remember when we met the most oblivious parents of the world? I know teenagers are tricky, but there must be a medal hiding somewhere for Nan and Tim’s ones.

“I know!” she says. “It’s so much worst since he got kicked out of Ellery. He spends all day like this [STONED & DRUNKED AT HOME], and God knows what he does at night. My parents are completely and totally without a clue. Mommy buys all his lies – ‘Oh, that’s catnip in that bag, Ma. Oh, those pills? Aspirin. That white stuff? Just salt.

… and it’s not finished :

“He’s [the Obvious Dad] even got Tim’s pot plant in with his own plants, giving it Miracle-Gro. What kind of man was young in the eighties and doesn’t recognize marijuana?”

Who indeed? Should we warn someone? Put them on TV or something? Huh? (Not that Nan would tell them, of course. I mean, it’s only her brother’s life for fuck sake. FUCK. FUCK OFF. FUCK. FUCK. ← Tim’s favorite words if any.

Remember when Sam caught her mum’s boyfriend (probably) cheating and didn’t say a thing?

How can I say “Uh – Mom – I think he might be seeing someone else too”?

Hmm… Like this? Oh, no? You don’t want to? Okay.

Remember when Jase thoughtfully listened to Sam’s Earth shattering conversations? I’m pretty sure it’s one of my fave parts. I mean, come on.

“How did you get so good at everything?” I ask Jase as he wipes his greasy hands on a rag from his tool kit.
“At everything,” he repeats thoughtfully.”

I might combust from butterflies each time he opens his thoughtful mouth – and it keeps getting better and better!

Remember when Sam and me agreed on something? Frankly, it just made my day. Truly. Hope to die and all that shit.

“Jase’s green eyes meet mine, then his lashes lower. “I guess I like things that take time and attention. More worthwhile that way.”
I don’t know what it is about this that makes me blush, but something does.”

You and me on this, girl. Wait – NO! I didn’t blush! What I mean is that I have no clue about why this (wonderfully profound as always) sentence is blush worthy. NOT A FREAKING CLUE (explanations in comments are welcome). That SOMETHING though.

Remember when …

OH BOY. Can I just forget it? To me My Life Next Door is silly, filled with platitudes and flat dialogues, bland and stereotypical characters I don’t give a shit about (including a perfect snowflake and an absent mum), an instalovish romance with no chemistry whatsoever and – Well, I guess that’s all.

REVIEW + GIVEAWAY – Irresistibly Yours (Oxford #1) by Lauren Layne

REVIEW + GIVEAWAY - Irresistibly Yours (Oxford #1) by Lauren Layne

I’m so excited to be a part of the blog tour for Exclusively Yours! Check out my 4.5 Star review and enter a giveaway for a fun bundle of Ebooks from Loveswept! Enjoy!

REVIEW + GIVEAWAY – Irresistibly Yours (Oxford #1) by Lauren LayneIrresistibly Yours (Oxford #1)
by Lauren Layne
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Meet the men of Oxford magazine! In the first captivating spin-off of Lauren Layne’s Sex, Love & Stiletto series, a not-so-friendly battle of the sexes turns into a scorching office romance.

Hotshot sports editor Cole Sharpe has been freelancing for Oxford for years, so when he hears about a staff position opening up, he figures he’s got the inside track. Then his boss drops a bombshell: Cole has competition. Female competition, in the form of a fresh-faced tomboy who can hang with the dudes—and write circles around them, too. Cole usually likes his women flirty and curvy, but he takes a special interest in his skinny, sassy rival, if only to keep an eye on her. And soon, he can’t take his eyes off her.

Penelope Pope knows all too well that she comes off as just one of the guys. Since she’s learned that wanting more usually leads to disappointment, Penelope’s resigned to sitting on the sidelines when it comes to love. So why does Cole make her want to get back in the game? The man is as arrogant as he is handsome. He probably sees her as nothing more than a barrier to his dream job. But when an unexpected kiss turns into a night of irresistible passion, Penelope has to figure out whether they’re just fooling around—or starting something real.


Sexy banter, laugh out loud moments, true friendships, and characters that I adored filled the pages of Irresistibly Yours.  Truth be told, I was beyond ecstatic to hear that Cole was getting his own book.  But I never would have guessed his future entailed having to fight for his place at Oxford, a national men’s magazine where he freelanced as a sports writer.  Nor that he would be up against a tomboy who easily hung with the guys. But what started out as Cole and a tomboy vying for the same job, turned into a story that pulled at my heartstrings.  Self worth and a looming responsibility became key ingredients to the feelings that were invoked in me.  But as with all of Lauren Layne’s books, I can also always count on the scenes where I can’t stop smiling or laughing, making Irresistibly Yours a fun book to devour!

In case you don’t know who Cole is, let me kindly introduce you to a man who will make you want to curl up with this book while sighing out loud. Cole is a columnist who appeared in the Sex, Love and Stiletto series.  He was always memorable whether he was siding with the woman, almost kissing Grace at the baseball game, or joking around with his friends, Jake, Cassidy and Lincoln.  He came across as genuine, funny and charming, but that was just the surface.  Because Cole was also this thoughtful, sexy, caring man whose good guy status was the real deal.  In the beginning, he helped Penelope out when others wouldn’t have.  She is vying for the job he wants, so technically he should walk away and let her fail.  But Cole being Cole stepped up and took care of Penelope, putting his desires behind hers.  And this is just the beginning of the sigh worthy moments that you can expect from Cole throughout the story.

Penelope is a tomboy who is fully immersed in the sports world.  She loves watching and writing about sports, but after a glitch in her personal life in Chicago, she is desperate for a new start.  And that new start entails moving to a new state and finding a new job which puts her directly in Cole’s path.  While I struggled in the beginning connecting to Penelope, I am happy to say that she was smart, easy-going, cheerful and confident in her work.  But in regards to her body and sexual experience, she lacked so much self-confidence.  She never saw herself worthy of being moved out of the friend zone.  We all have those areas of our lives where we will second guess or say something negative about ourselves, but Penelope took it a step further.  She would put herself down in front of others and it was torture to me.  It hurt that she could be so harsh and mean to herself. I just wanted to shake her and show her how amazing she was.  But thankfully Cole was there to step in and do what I desperately wanted to.

The friendship that Cole and Penelope developed over time was not only realistic but oh so sweet.  They bonded over their love of sports and found a true friend within each other.  But lines can’t always stay black and white, especially when you have a sexy Cole around you making the sexual tension unavoidable.  So stuff is bound to happen!  And in the midst of them trying to figure out what they truly wanted from the other, so many of the characters that we love from the Sex,Love and Stiletto series stepped in to help!  And while I was so excited to see Julie, Emma, Grace and Riley, the friend that shined brightly to me was Lincoln.  Or maybe that’s because he constantly charmed me?  Well, whatever the reason was, the friendship between Lincoln and Cole was beyond epic and had me laughing hysterically.  I now can’t wait for Lincoln’s book down the road!  So I can’t wait for you to read this book, or any of Lauren Layne’s other stories if you haven’t read them yet.  Enjoy!

*ARC kindly provided by Random House Publishing via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

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Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers) & iBooks (click on titles)
***Each book can be read as a standalone, but best enjoyed in order.***
irresistibly yours lauren layne
Irresistibly Yours #1

i wish you were mine lauren layne
I Wish You Were Mine #2


Someone Like You #3
I Knew You Were Trouble #4

I Think I Love You #5

Don’t miss out on the Sex, Love & Stiletto Series  where the “Oxford” guys first appeared!
Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles)
***Each book can be read as a standalone, but best enjoyed in order.***
after the kiss lauren layne
After the Kiss

love the one you're with lauren layne
Love the One You're With

just one night lauren layne
Just One Night

the trouble with love lauren layne
The Trouble with Love



About Lauren Layne:

Lauren Layne Lauren Layne is a USA Today Bestselling author of contemporary romance.  Prior to becoming an author, Lauren worked in e-commerce and web-marketing. In 2011, she and her husband moved from Seattle to New York City, where Lauren decided to pursue a full-time writing career. It took six months to get her first book deal (despite ardent assurances to her husband that it would only take three). Since then, Lauren’s gone on to publish ten books, including the bestselling Stiletto series, with several more on the way in 2015. Lauren currently lives in Chicago with her husband and spoiled Pomeranian. When not writing, you’ll find her at happy hour, running at a doggedly slow pace, or trying to straighten her naturally curly hair.
Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads




Giveaway (Loveswept Ebook Bundle):
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Follow the rest of the tour here: Click Here

BOOK REVIEW – The Carnelian Legacy (Carnelian #1) by Cheryl Koevoet

BOOK REVIEW – The Carnelian Legacy (Carnelian #1) by Cheryl KoevoetThe Carnelian Legacy (Carnelian #1)
by Cheryl Koevoet
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Marisa MacCallum always believed that the man of her dreams was out there somewhere. The problem is—he’s in another dimension.

After the death of her father, eighteen-year-old Marisa's life is on the verge of imploding. She seeks comfort on her daily ride through the woods of Gold Hill, but when a mysterious lightning storm strikes, she is hurled into the ancient, alternate dimension of Carnelia where she is discovered by the arrogant but attractive nobleman, Ambassador Darian Fiore.

Stranded in a world teeming with monsters, maniacs and medieval knights, Marisa is forced to join Darian on a dangerous mission to negotiate peace with his cousin and archenemy, Savino da Rocha. Along the way, she starts to see Darian's softer side and finds herself falling in love. But once she learns that he is locked into an arranged marriage, her heart shatters.

When Savino falls for her charms and demands her hand in exchange for peace, Marisa is faced with an impossible choice: marry the enemy of the man she loves or betray them both and become the catalyst for a bloody war.


I desperately wanted this book to hook me, but I kept facing too many issues that prevented me from enjoying The Carnelian Legacy.  Which is regrettable because it was such an interesting take on living in a world with multiple dimensions.  I enjoyed the description of the world that Marisa MacCallum found herself in, and I truly adored Darian and Arrie who she first met upon arriving in Carnelian.  But I started to struggle when little mistakes in the story appeared.  While that’s something I can forgive and move on from, the heroine then became someone who I struggled liking.  Throw in the fact that a strong Christian theme became prevalent, which was not stated in the synopsis on Amazon or Goodreads, and I started to realize that this book wasn’t for me. At all.

Marisa is someone who I did enjoy in the beginning of the book.  She has just lost her father, and while needing some breathing space from her uncle and brother she takes her horse for a ride and ends up in another dimension.  Upon her arrival in a modern yet medieval dimension, she meets the friendly Arrie and the brooding, sexy Darian.  They sweep her under their wings and take her on a journey across their land.  The description of the places they visited and the perilous situations they found themselves in had me quickly flying through the pages.

But as the story progressed, Marisa became someone I struggled tolerating.  We were told that in the past she was a leader, but I never once saw a glimpse of that version of her.  Instead she became whiny, needy and was hot and cold more times than I could count.  And while I tried my hardest to be forgiving since she did just lose her father, is in another dimension and is scared, she did something that I loathe.  She became fickle and toyed with others feelings, and I can’t be ok with that.  Skip this next part if you don’t want to be spoiled – View Spoiler »  What?  No, no, no.  Oh, plus she refers to herself, while playing the part of a mute, as a dumb mute.  Just because a mute can’t speak, doesn’t mean that they are dumb.  Sigh, that irked me too.

So from those parts on, clearly I wasn’t the biggest fan of Marisa.  But then the religious tone became more prevalent as the story progressed, and that is not my cup of tea.  I was shocked because not only did I NOT see the Christian aspect mentioned within the synopsis on Goodreads or Amazon, but I also read the first two chapters on Amazon to make sure that this book and I would mesh.  And we did mesh in those first two chapters!  But then talk of God, or Garon as they referred to him in Carnelian, praying, and even a Shepard showing up made me question what was I reading?  I am not one to pickup Christian books, and I definitely would have avoided this tale if I would have known what was inside.

So this book and I did not get along for various reasons.  While I was initially drawn into the story, I found myself struggling to finish The Carnelian Legacy.  While the traveling and friendships were fun, I couldn’t find it in myself to like Marisa again.  Top that off with a religious theme and little mistakes here and there, such as a conversation being written to convey one thing but upon going back it clearly doesn’t make sense now that I understand the correct context, and this book and I were not destined to be.

*ARC kindly provided by Abbott Press via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

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