Monthly Wrap-Up – August


During our Monthly Wrap-Up, we’ll take a look at what has happened around here in the last month. That’ll include what’s happened in my life, what the four of us have read, any other posts we may have had, giveaways still going on, our most popular Instagram posts, and books that I’ve added to my ever-growing TBR.

*We linked this post to the August Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up Link-Up at Feed Your Fiction Addiction*

♥ Enjoy!

Jen’s Life:

Some of my highlights from August were –

The smoke from all of the California fires has been suffocating us.  With the air quality reaching 400 out of 500, and spending weeks on and off being trapped in our home, we decided to escape to Southern California for 9 days.  We spent time with family at the beaches in Orange County and also visited my high school friend in Del Mar….a super cute little town north of San Diego.  Our days were filled with surfing, boogie boarding and playing in the sand at the ocean.  We even went to Lego Land for two days and had so much fun between the park, aquarium and water park.  It was exactly what we needed and we weren’t ready to head back home into the smoke.  You can check out some of my pictures from our vacation here – picture 1, picture 2.
I threw my bestie a baby shower!  She’s the one I have to give weekly shots to so that way she can make it to 35 weeks for her pregnancy, which she did this last Monday.  Now it’s just a matter of days before I get to meet their baby girl.  Here’s two pictures from the shower.
My kiddos started school this month, my oldest is now in 2nd grade and my youngest started Kindergarten.  I loved school as a child, but as an adult I’m definitely not a fan, although they don’t know that lol.  I miss my kiddos, I love our days together in the summer!  We spent our summer days at the beach, pool, park and in our backyard playing together.  I can’t wait until they get out of school and I’m always looking forward to the weekends!



What Arielle, Cassie, Chelsea & Jen Read:

5 Stars:
Wicked (A Wicked Trilogy #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout
The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air #1) by Holly Black
The Prince by Jennifer L. Armentrout
The Darkest Legacy (The Darkest Minds #4) by Alexandra Bracken
Seafire (Seafire #1) by Natalie C. Parker
✮ The Sweetest Oblivion (Made #1) by Danielle Lori

4.5 Stars:
A Reaper at the Gates by Sabaa Tahir (An Ember in the Ashes #3)

4 Stars:
Cradled (Beholder #4.5) by Christina Bauer
The Chase (Briar U #1) by Elle Kennedy
All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill

3 Stars:
War Storm (Red Queen #4) by Victoria Aveyard



Our Favorite Books of the Month:

The Darkest Legacy (The Darkest Minds #4) by Alexandra Bracken  (Arielle’s Choice)
Once I started, I was COMPLETELY hooked. See, that’s the thing about these books and Bracken’s writing. I become so immersed that I have to drag my eyes away from the writing and when I do, it takes me a few seconds to come back to the real world. That’s when you know you’re reading something amazing. This book gave me the butterflies, it made me shake with rage, and it made me buzz with anticipation.



A Reaper at the Gates by Sabaa Tahir (An Ember in the Ashes #3) (Cassie’s Choice)
I love them. I totally get why everyone loves this series. It’s so good. It’s dark, like really dark, but so good nonetheless.



The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air #1) by Holly Black (Chelsea’s Choice)
For me, a little peril, a forbidden romance, some cruelty and smexy I-hate-you-but-let’s-make-out is all I really need-BAHA! I mean, what more could I possibly ask for?



The Prince by Jennifer L. Armentrout  (Jen’s Choice)
It was a page turner, had a sigh worthy male, a heroine I loved, an addicting storyline, and by just that second chapter I found myself bawling my eyes out.  Between the tears, smiles and laughter, my emotions were all over the place.




Other Posts:

Our Most Anticipated Releases For August
COVER REVEAL: Block Shot by Kennedy Ryan








We thought it would be fun to share Chelsea & Jen’s most popular posts for August. And they are….


Books Added To Jen’s TBR This Month:

This month I did so much better for adding books to my TBR but that’s probably because I was gone for 1/3 of the month lol!



Reading Challenges:

With school starting and me volunteering in my kiddos classes multiple days a week and also helping take care of my Grandma, something had to give and one of the many things was Reading Challenges.  I just don’t have time to track it anymore.  But if you want to join one you can check out the huge list Nicole created here.


So that was our August. Did you read any of the same books that we did? Or share the same favorite book as us? If not, then what was your favorite book? Or have you read any of the books I just added to my TBR?

Here’s hoping you all had a wonderful August too. And cheers to September being fabulous for all of us!

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  1. Aj @ Read All The Things!

    Sorry about the smoke. We’re getting smoke from California and BC here in Colorado. It must be awful where you are. Hopefully they get it under control soon.
    Aj @ Read All The Things! recently posted…Mini Reviews: The War That Saved My Life || Wolf HollowMy Profile

    • Jen

      Thankfully it’s cleared out by now, but it was so crazy. You couldn’t see across Lake Tahoe, we couldn’t see the mountains at times and you could see the smoke by just looking into your neighbor’s yard. The poor teachers had to have recesses in their classrooms, when school started, because the kids weren’t allowed outside. Not a great way to start the school year lol. But with snow season right around the corner hopefully we won’t have any more problems *fingers crossed*, and I’m so sorry you guys got it too, ugh.

  2. Raven

    Great wrap up! I’m sorry about your current smoke situation, Jen! I hope it’ll be under control soon. Reading wise you guys had a great month!
    I hope you have a wonderful September! 🙂
    Raven recently posted…Monthly Wrap Up |August [2018]My Profile

    • Jen

      Thank you so much, Raven *hugs*!

  3. Danielle Hammelef

    I can’t even imagine what it would be like with all that smoke, especially in the summer when all you want to do is get outside with the kids. We’ve actually had impacts here too as the jet stream moves the smoke eastward. Shadow of the Fox is one of my most anticipated books as I LOVE Julie Kagawa’s books. My favorite book of August was The Pioneer by Bridget Tyler (ARC, out 3/19). Awesome characters inside as well as edge-of-seat action and spot-on world-building.

    • Jen

      Yes! Kids desperately need to be outside and run and play all summer, it was a struggle but thankfully we were able to escape for 9 days and during the worst of it. It’s amazing how it travels across the US, I’m sorry you guys got some of it yuck. Isn’t Julie Kagawa’s books the best?! Here’s hoping we both love and I’ll have to take a look at The Pioneer, thanks for the rec!

  4. Donna

    My niece is a big fan of Sabaa Tahir. See what I read in August at Girl Who Reads

    • Jen

      I’m glad to hear it! 🙂

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