Monthly Wrap-Up – July


During our Monthly Wrap-Up, we’ll take a look at what has happened around here in the last month. That’ll include what’s happened in my life, what the four of us have read, any other posts we may have had, giveaways still going on, our most popular Instagram posts, books that I’ve added to my ever-growing TBR and updates on my Reading Challenges.

*We linked this post to the July Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up Link-Up at Feed Your Fiction Addiction*

♥ Enjoy!

Jen’s Life:

Some of my highlights from July were –

We spent the 4th of July with all of my family at our house and then headed to the beach to watch the fireworks.  I’ve been to 11 different firework shows in 5 different states and Lake Tahoe is still hands down the best I’ve ever seen!  Here are some of our pictures from that night picture 1 and picture 2.
I went back to California for my High School Reunion.  This is a picture of some of us from a few years ago.  And here’s one of the few group shots we got from that night.  And of course it’s from the after party at the local bar lol!  It was such an amazing time!  I’m from a small little town and we all went from Kindergarten up to High School together.  It was like one huge group of friends getting back together and I loved every minute of it!
Our oldest dog turned 12 years old.  She is the sweetest little thing ever and we still call her our first born. ♥
We took our 7 year old go-kart racing, spent countless days at the beach and also at the pool, went to music in the park in our little town, went to a wonderful bbq with live music with my Grandma, I saw Luke Bryan in concert and we had a lot of family dinners with all my family that lives near by.  It was a wonderful but crazy busy month!



What Arielle, Chelsea & Jen Read:

5 Stars:
In Harmony by Emma Scott
The Supervillain and Me (Morriston Superheroes #1) by Danielle Banas
Under Locke by Mariana Zapata
Superhero High by T.H. Hernandez
Addicted After All (Addicted #3) by Krista and Becca Ritchie

4.5 Stars:
Addicted for Now (Addicted #2) by Krista and Becca Ritchie

4 Stars:
Alpha (The Infinity Division #3) by Jus Accardo
Addicted to You (Addicted #1) by Krista and Becca Ritchie
The Last Summer of the Garrett Girls by Jessica Spotswood
Firstlife (Everlife #1) by Gena Showalter
I Think I Love You (Oxford #5) by Lauren Layne
Girls’ Night Out by Liz Fenton & Lisa Steinke
Over Raging Tides (Lady Pirates #1) by Jennifer Ellision
Furyborn (Empirium #1) by Claire Legrand

3.5 Stars:
Nowhere Else But Here by Rachel Cotton

3 Stars:
After Nightfall by A.J. Banner




Our Favorite Books of the Month:

Addicted After All (Addicted #3) by Krista and Becca Ritchie (Arielle’s Choice)
What a ride this series has been. It has been so fun re-reading these books again after having read about their children in the About Us series.  While you could read those separately, and even the Calloway Sisters series separately, it makes more of an impact if you had started at the very beginning with Lily and Lo.



In Harmony by Emma Scott (Cassie’s Choice)
If you’re looking for a slow-burn YA contemp romance, you have come to the right place. Because there is a lot both Isaac and Willow have to deal with in their personal lives, as well as their feelings for each other. I really appreciated nothing being rushed and the small moments and interactions as they got to know one another. It honestly felt so real and natural, which is exactly what I love.



Under Locke by Mariana Zapata (Chelsea’s Choice)
That moment when you know an author has changed your life forever….it’s this one. This moment.






Superhero High by T.H. Hernandez (Jen’s Choice)
I got completely wrapped up in the characters lives and lost in the pages.  Bullying, first love, friendships, finding yourself and mystery was splashed across the pages.  And that made this book emotional, sigh worthy, and I fell in love with so many of the characters.




Other Posts:

Our Most Anticipated Releases For July
TOP TEN TUESDAY: Books Every YA Fantasy Lover Should Read
TOP TEN TUESDAY: Popular Books that Lived Up to the Hype




We thought it would be fun to share Chelsea & Jen’s most popular posts for July. And they are….


Books Added To Jen’s TBR This Month:

I finally went and added some books I’ve been meaning to read and I also went through my Overdrive App and added some books my library recently got. 🙂


Reading Challenges:

This is the first year I’ve EVER joined a Reading Challenge. I went through Nicole’s huge list of reading challenges – check it out here – and found three that sounded absolutely perfect for me. Here’s where I am so far….

Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge
Status: 18
Goal: 16-20


Beat The Backlist
Team Book Bard!
Status: 13
Goal: 15-20


Library Love Challenge
Status: 0
Goal: 12 books

Again, I tried some books this month and ended up stopping, they just weren’t for me.


So that was our July.  Did you read any of the same books that we did? Or share the same favorite book as us? If not, then what was your favorite book? Or have you read any of the books I just added to my TBR?

Here’s hoping you all had a wonderful July too. And cheers to August being fabulous for all of us!

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  1. Aj @ Read All The Things!

    Happy birthday to your pup! Mine turned 10 at the end of June. I’m glad you had a good July 4 and reunion. Have a great August!
    Aj @ Read All The Things! recently posted…Blogiversary Giveaway!My Profile

    • Jen

      Thank you so much and I hope your pup had a wonderful birthday too!

  2. Raven

    You had a great month, Jen! Happy birthday to your sweet pup! Mine’s turning 10 this august.
    Hope you have a wonderful August and Happy reading! 🙂
    Raven recently posted…Monthly Wrap Up | July [2018]My Profile

    • Jen

      Thank you so much Raven and I hope your doggy has a wonderful birthday this month too!

  3. Tina

    Happy Birthday to your sweet pup! Your fourth of July pictures look amazing! My high school reunion is next year but I’m undecided if I want to go.

    I hope you have a wonderful August!
    Tina recently posted…The July 2018 Wrap UpMy Profile

    • Jen

      Thank you so much! It’s such a hard decision to go to your reunion, right?! I was undecided but we had never had one and it had been decades lol. I’m totally dating myself HA! I was shocked how much fun I had and I’ll definitely be going to the next one in 10 years! If you end up going I hope you have a lot of fun!

  4. Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    Sounds like you had a fantastic month! My kids are getting to the age where they don’t care about fireworks much anymore, which makes me a little sad.
    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…July Wrap-Up Round-Up “Make Me Read It” GiveawayMy Profile

    • Jen

      Oh my goodness, I never hit that milestone. I always liked to go see the fireworks and still do lol! The one off of Navy Pier in Chicago is gorgeous but it’s been years since I’ve seen that one. And one of my friends caught the show in St. Charles this summer, she was visiting family and said it was fun. Hope you were able to catch a show somewhere. 🙂

  5. Reese

    Happy Birthday to your puppy! I miss having dogs so much… still, now I have a cat I adore. His birthday is in August (we think. He’s a stray we found a year and a half ago and the vet made a guess for his age).

    hmm, I read the Addicted series a while ago, and the authors certainly manage to attract the readers with their characters. i’ve read a couple more books of theirs, and they’re all quite interesting, a mix between YA and Romance or Erotica even.
    Hahaha, I keep seeing Kleypas’ books recced or added to TBRs, I think it’s a sign I should check them out!

    • Jen

      Thank you so much, Reese! And happy birthday to your cat this month! ♥

      I need to get caught up on their books. Chelsea and Arielle here love them and I tried one, it didn’t work for me, but I need to give another one of their books a try! And Kleypas look like a lot of fun, here’s hoping we both enjoy whenever we pick one up!

  6. Danielle Hammelef

    I loved your Lake Tahoe pics! Mountains and beach all in one place is my dream. We visited Lake Tahoe many years ago, but for a ski trip. We explored the lake and once got “trapped” by a downed tree the had fallen across the road. We had to wait for a crew to cut it and move as it was huge. I enjoyed the book covers and now really can’t wait to read Superhero High.

    • Jen

      Oh my goodness, yeah our winters here can be pretty brutal! Blizzards, down trees, icy roads and snow storms that are normally 2-4 feet are all typical but I love it lol! They do a really good job at plowing the roads here so it’s not a huge issue at all for us. Summer in Tahoe is a completely different world. It’s a dry hot and the lake is so icy hold and together it makes the perfect combination. Plus it’s so pretty and there are so many beaches! I hope you can visit it in the summer some day. 🙂
      YAY! It’s a really fun book!

  7. Karla Strand

    Looks like a productive month! Keep up the good work!
    Karla Strand recently posted…New Reads for the Rest of Us – September 2018 ReleasesMy Profile

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