Monthly Wrap-Up – January


During our Monthly Wrap-Up, we’ll take a look at what has happened around here in the last month. That’ll include what’s happened in my life, what the four of us have read, any other posts we may have had, giveaways still going on, our most popular Instagram posts, and books that I’ve added to my ever-growing TBR.

*We linked this post to the January Monthly Wrap-Up Round-Up Link-Up at Feed Your Fiction Addiction*

♥ Enjoy!

Jen’s Life:

Some of my highlights from January were:

My oldest turned 8 *cries*.  Time is going by so fast!  He wanted to spend his birthday go-karting and then having all of our family over for pizza and cake.  It was such a fun day!
My youngest lost his first tooth and he wondered out loud if every single house has a tooth fairy that lives under it. 😉
The four of us have been obsessed playing different kinds of board games that we got for Christmas.  And it’s been so much fun having game nights together.  My favorite so far is Walls and Warriors, my husband is obsessed with Anti-Virus, the boys love Twister and we all love Otrio which is like a suped-up tic tac toe.



What Arielle, Cassie, Chelsea & Jen Read:

5 Stars:
Queen of Air and Darkness (The Dark Artifices #3) by Cassandra Clare
Even If I Fall by Abigail Johnson
The Wicked King (Folk of the Air #2) by Holly Black
Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson
Tangled Like Us (Like Us #4) by Krista and Becca Ritchie
Only a Breath Apart by Katie McGarry
Outlander (Outlander #1) by Diana Gabaldon
Moonlight Scandals (de Vincent #3) by Jennifer L. Armentrout

4.5 Stars:
The Red Scrolls of Magic (The Eldest Curses #1) by Cassandra Clare and Wesley Chu
The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air #1) by Holly Black

4 Stars:

The Perfect Girlfriend by Karen Hamilton
The Gilded Wolves (The Gilded Wolves #1) by Roshani Chokshi
Echo North by Joanna Ruth Meyer
Playing for Keeps (Heartbreaker Bay #7) by Jill Shalvis
Luna and the Lie by Mariana Zapata



Our Favorite Books of the Month:

 The Wicked King (Folk of the Air #2) by Holly Black (Chelsea’s Choice)
You love the first, you anticipate the second, and then wonder what’s to come with the third-but you can’t ever really know if that author is going to do what you want. Yes, I have MANY favorites. YES, lots of things happen that I like and that placate me. But rarely-VERY RARELY-does an author do every maniacal thing I could possibly imagine-and even take it farther than I could even fathom. And this is what Black did. She came. She wrote. She F****** conquered.



Only a Breath Apart by Katie McGarry (Jen’s Choice)
Only a Breath Apart was a beautifully, emotional story.  It held my heart in the palm of its hand and I kept finding moments here and there that stole my breath away.  This book was filled with heartfelt characters and friendship, love, forgiveness, bravery and finding oneself was a huge part of this story.  



Tangled Like Us (Like Us #4) by Krista and Becca Ritchie (Arielle’s Choice)
Lololol I’m in so deep with this family it’s not even funny at this point. This book was everything I wanted it to be and more, to say the least. I have been wanting Jane and Thatcher’s story since the time Thatcher made sure all of Jane’s cats were safe when they escaped the townhouse. We never truly saw much from him other than a tough and stoic exterior so you better believe I was dying to dive into his POV.


Even If I Fall by Abigail Johnson (Cassie’s Choice)
“Even If I Fall” by Abigail Johnson is a hauntingly beautiful YA novel about love, family and forgiveness.




We thought it would be fun to share Chelsea, Arielle & Jen’s most popular posts for January. And they are….

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Books Added To Jen’s TBR This Month:

I just keep adding books to my tbr lol…..


So that was our January. Did you read any of the same books that we did? Or share the same favorite book as us? If not, then what was your favorite book? Or have you read any of the books I just added to my TBR?

Here’s hoping you all had a wonderful January too. And cheers to February being fabulous for all of us!

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  1. Aj @ Read All The Things!

    Go-karting and cake sounds like a perfect birthday to me. It looks like you guys got a lot of reading done, too. I hope you have a great February!
    Aj @ Read All The Things! recently posted…Tag: New Year’s Books!My Profile

    • Jen

      Thank you so much, it was such a fun day! And I’m hoping you have a fabulous February too!

  2. T.H. Hernandez

    They grow up way too fast. I blinked and had three teenagers.

    When your kids get older, add Machi Koro to your list of board games. It’s like a way funner, faster Monopoly.
    T.H. Hernandez recently posted…Blog Tour – Excerpt – DUCHESS BY DECEPTION (Gilded) by Marie ForceMy Profile

    • Jen

      Right?! It goes by too fast *sobs*!
      Thanks for the recommendation! I have an Amazon Wishlist where I put toys to get when they’re older so I’m adding that one, thanks!

  3. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)

    I like the way you arranged your books read under # of stars. I should try that next month. I really need to start the JLA Moonlight Sins series. I think I am going to read the first book this month. You can check out my January Wrap-Up post in the link below!
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…January 2019 Wrap-Up Post and Looking Ahead to FebruaryMy Profile

    • Jen

      Since there’s 4 of us, it seemed overwhelming just listing them. Since sometimes we can read a lot in a month lol. So the stars method seemed like an easier way to list all of them. Ohhhh have fun reading Moonlight Sins, that first book was a ton of fun!

  4. Raven

    Great wrap up! Looks like You had a great reading month, Jen! I haven’t read Only a Breath Apart by Katie McGarry yet but I will soon. I loved The Cruel Prince and can’t wait to read The Wicked King!
    Hope you all have an amazing February! 🙂
    Raven recently posted…Monthly Wrap-Up | January [2019]My Profile

    • Jen

      Ohhhh I didn’t realize you were going to read Only a Breath Apart, I’m definitely looking forward to your review!

  5. Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    So glad your son had a fun birthday! I’m off to go check out those games you were raving about now. 🙂
    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction recently posted…Bite-Sized Reviews of Firestarter, The Lonely Ones, We Come Apart and The Life-Changing Manga of Tidying UpMy Profile

    • Jen

      Thank you so much!

  6. Danielle Hammelef

    The tooth fairy comment is precious! My daughter used to write notes to the tooth fairy and leave them (with a pen for “easy” response) with her teeth. And these notes were long lists of questions so my quick pick of tooth turned into interviews and long nights for me. The birthday party sounds so much fun! I love go carting. Another excellent book month you had too.

    • Jen

      Oh my goodness, that is the most adorable story ever! I love that she had a list of questions and that she got to hear the answers, oh my heart! I love it, that is so cute!

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