FRIDAY STARS – Your Weekly Must Knows 08/19/16

Friday Stars.13

I can’t believe we’re already at Friday again!  This week has gone by in a blur, and it may have something to do with surviving my sister-in-laws bachlorette party last weekend.  Ummmm, well maybe kinda surviving?  Last Saturday it was a high of 113 degrees *thank goodness I thought it was only 108, ha-ha*.  We were in Palm Springs (California) and after hanging out in the pool all day, we went to a yummy dinner and then went out dancing till 2am for the second night in a row.  It was so much fun, and I’m so grateful I was able to go!  The day after I flew home, then my oldest son started Kindergarten *sobs*.  I’m always amazed at how fast time flies and I continually wish there was a way to slow it down.  I’m not ready for this huge step, but he loves his teacher and his best friend is in his class, so I am beyond ecstatic for him!  I have another crazy busy weekend planned but I’m keeping my fingers crossed I can sneak in some reading.  Here’s hoping you had a great week too! ♥

So, in case you aren’t familiar with our Friday Star Posts, we like to take a look at what’s happened around here in the last week, what’s coming up that we are excited about and anything else that we may have to share!
♥ Enjoy!

the fiercestEnter to win a book with one of our Fiercest Book Boyfriends – Zeke from The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa (ebook).  Enter → HERE.

the kindestEnter to win a book with one of our Kindest Book Boyfriends – Xander from The Distance Between Us by Kasie West (ebook).  Enter → HERE.


female leadsEnter 3 different giveaways!  Two are featuring our favorite heroines – Meghan from The Iron King by Julie Kagawa (ebook) and Penryn from Angelfall by Susan Ee (ebook).  Also enter to win hardback books of The Unearthly Trilogy by Cynthia Hand & The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton.  Enter → HERE.

Just Finished and Loved:

This last week we barely had any time to read.  And the books we did pick up, well, we weren’t the hugest fans of.  At all.  But we are keeping our fingers crossed that next weeks books are much, much better!


2 Stars:
It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover → Chelsea’s Review

1 Star:
The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky → Anna’s Review



Reading Next:

reboot amy tintera Reboot (Reboot #1) by Amy Tintera
In this fast-paced dystopian thrill ride, perfect for fans of The Hunger Games, Legend, and Divergent, a seventeen-year-old girl returns from death as a Reboot and is trained as an elite crime-fighting soldier . . . until she is given an order she refuses to obey. Wren Connolly died five years ago, only to Reboot after 178 minutes. Now she is one of the deadliest Reboots around . . . unlike her newest trainee, Callum 22, who is practically still human. As Wren tries to teach Callum how to be a soldier, his hopeful smile works its way past her defenses. Unfortunately, Callum’s big heart also makes him a liability, and Wren is ordered to eliminate him. To save Callum, Wren will have to risk it all. Wren’s captivating voice and unlikely romance with Callum will keep readers glued to the page in Amy Tintera’s high-stakes alternate reality.



Upcoming Releases:

There aren’t any books releasing in the next week that we are dying to read.  But we do have a huge list of books that we are counting down until they are released.  You can check them out here → HERE





4.5 Stars!
Jen’s Review

5 Stars!
Jen’s Review
Chelsea’s Review

4 Stars!
Laura’s Review


New Sale   4 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review

5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review

5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review

4.5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review

4.5 Stars!
Anna’s Review

5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review

Chelsea’s Review


New Sale
Jen’s Review

5 Stars!
Anna’s Review
Jen’s Review
Chelsea’s Review

4.5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review

4.5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review

4.5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review


New Sale   5 Stars!
Jen’s Review
Chelsea’s Review

New Sale   5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review

New Sale   4.5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review

4 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review

4.5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review

4.5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review

5 Stars!
Cheslea’s Review
Jen’s Review

Anna’s Review

4 Stars!
Anna’s Review





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  1. Kim

    Yikes! That’s quite the week you’ve had Jen! I’m glad you survived! And I’m so happy your son is off to have a great kindergarten experience!🙋🏻

    • Jen

      I’m glad I survived too lol! The desert in California is no joke! I always thought Las Vegas was hot, but they have nothing on Palm Springs! 🙂 Oh me too, he loves it soooooo much! It makes my heart so happy! ♥

  2. Karen Blue

    I miss my pool in Florida so much! Sounds like you had a great time. Sorry to hear you disliked both books, but it happens to all of us at some point. Have a great week!
    Karen Blue recently posted…Weekly Wrap Up #100My Profile

    • Jen

      I miss my pool too! I grew up with a pool at my childhood home in California, but my parents just sold that house last month to move closer to me and my little family. I wish they had a pool here too, they’re so much fun! Wishing you a great week too!

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