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BOOK REVIEW – Froi of the Exile (Lumatere Chronicles #2) by Melina Marchetta

BOOK REVIEW – Froi of the Exile (Lumatere Chronicles #2) by Melina MarchettaFroi of the Exile (Lumatere Chronicles #2)
by Melina Marchetta
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Blood sings to blood, Froi . . .
Those born last will make the first . . .
For Charyn will be barren no more.

Three years after the curse on Lumatere was lifted, Froi has found his home... Or so he believes...

Fiercely loyal to the Queen and Finnikin, Froi has been trained roughly and lovingly by the Guard sworn to protect the royal family, and has learned to control his quick temper. But when he is sent on a secretive mission to the kingdom of Charyn, nothing could have prepared him for what he finds. Here he encounters a damaged people who are not who they seem, and must unravel both the dark bonds of kinship and the mysteries of a half-mad Princess.

And in this barren and mysterious place, he will discover that there is a song sleeping in his blood, and though Froi would rather not, the time has come to listen.

As you might know, I’m a teacher from 3rd to 5th grade. Of course I love my job but let’s face it : sometimes the gremlins are exhausting.

To survive, I learnt quickly a few tips :
– Everything is better in color
– Sleep full-time nights – or if you don’t, pretend, that is to say, smile.
– Identify the giggles words and defuse the crisis right away : yes, there is sex in sexism, hahaha, now can we talk about it? Now, you’re a teacher but also a person, so try to never forget it and allow you to laugh sometimes. Except at other times. No, we don’t eat acorns. Squirrels eat acorns. Pigs eat acorns. You’re a ten years old boy dammit ← yeah, because you never swear in public.
– Protect your voice : no need to yell. Never.
Tool worksheets are your friends, because surprisingly, you’re not a parrot.

Target : To be able to read this book without crying.

Never underestimate Marchetta’s ability to blow your mind : you need to remember that nothing can be taken for granted, neither the characters’ reactions because they’re dynamic and evolve, nor the curse of the story, because you can’t even talk about twists when that’s the whole story which is unpredictable.

“Most days, he feared that a monster of great baseness lived inside him, fighting to set itself free. Killing the traitors of Lumatere for Isaboe made sense. But killing also fed the monster.”

Be prepared to fall in love with all the characters, even the villains : indeed in Froi of the Exile none of the characters is annoyingly perfect, and that’s fucking great. Moreover, even the word villain seems totally misplaced, because as in life, things are always more complicated than they appeared.

Froi spends his time fighting between his violent instant-jerk reactions and his self-imposed limitations, and became one of my favorite male-lead of all-time for this exact reason. What could be more interesting than a man who’s always seeking his place in the world and who tries to refrain himself without never forgetting who he is? What I adored in his personality is the fact that he’s able to see behind the scenes and never hastily judges someone. No, Froi thinks, analyses – and above all that, loves and hates with such passion, craves for some attention – that tortured boy who’s trying so hard to be worthy captured my heart and broke it while he was at it.

Do you know what’s Marchetta’s magic is? She makes me care. So much. Everybody was dismissing Froi, and oh, how I wanted to tear them apart, these cold-hearted bastards! All of them, even those I liked. Even the brothers. All of them. Anything rather than bear his heart-wrenching loneliness a second longer.

Quintana fascinated me, but let’s face it, the girl is insane. Now, if we scratch the surface, as Froi did did I say how much he’s awesome?, we discover one of the most captivating character I’ve meet for a long time. And if somebody calls her a vessel again I think I’m going to lose it. Fuck off, you jerks.

✘ No need to remember how much Finnikin, Isaboe, Trevanion and Beatriss are multi-layered. No perfection here, just life.

“It’s the same with her. Imagine who she would be if we unleashed her onto the world. I think she would rip the breath from all of us.”

Forget your social life and be prepared to travel, because you’re not really in your living-room, nah, you’re in Charyn. Indeed if you’re like me, you’ll probably end completely drawn in this world, enchanted by Marchetta’s beautiful words and frowning awkwardly when someone, let’s say, your boyfriend, ask you when and what you want to eat.

“He says that the gods have forsaken Charyn”, Froi said.
Arjuro gave a short laugh of disbelief. “The gods have not forsaken Charyn. The gods love Charyn. Where else can they shit, if not Charyn? It’s the purpose of this kingdom. To be the place where the gods shit.”

Crisis management : You answered a phone call. You fool. Okay, fortunately I’m here to help you. So, here’s what to do : you hmm hmm a few time, and then you say (intonation is the most important, you play for your life here) : Oh! There’s *insert random name of BF/cat/dog/son/daughter/friend* I need to go! And then you hang up quickly. Crisis aborted. Come back to Froi. You’re welcome.

“If he was grateful for anything, it was that most times, he did not see their fear. But here in the Citavita, fear made people beg. Fear was piss running down the legs of those who once stood pompus and proud. Fear was a blood-curdling cry that rang through one’s ears for days to come.”

Don’t breath. Don’t hold your breath though. Or you count. Oh, yes, there’s a lot of counting in this book. So let’s try this : if your eyes start to be filled with tears, count. Hmmm. I don’t know. Try to cope with all the emotions you’ll feel, fear, sorrow, hope, sadness, loneliness – love. A love so fierce. Go for a run, share a hug, call your mum. I don’t really know.

Oh. My. I think I lied to you : there’s no such thing as a potion to avoid crying with this book. Sorry about that.

“And suddenly, in all the absurdity, Froi forgot the orders from his queen. Forgot everything he had been told was right or wrong. Forgot any type of reason.”

BOOK REVIEW – Finnikin of the Rock (Lumatere Chronicles #1) by Melina Marchetta

BOOK REVIEW – Finnikin of the Rock (Lumatere Chronicles #1) by Melina MarchettaFinnikin of the Rock (Lumatere Chronicles #1)
by Melina Marchetta
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Finnikin of the Rock and his guardian, Sir Topher, have not been home to their beloved Lumatere for ten years. Not since the dark days when the royal family was murdered and the kingdom put under a terrible curse. But then Finnikin is summoned to meet Evanjalin, a young woman with an incredible claim: the heir to the throne of Lumatere, Prince Balthazar, is alive.

Evanjalin is determined to return home and she is the only one who can lead them to the heir. As they journey together, Finnikin is affected by her arrogance . . . and her hope. He begins to believe he will see his childhood friend, Prince Balthazar, again. And that their cursed people will be able to enter Lumatere and be reunited with those trapped inside. He even believes he will find his imprisoned father.

But Evanjalin is not what she seems. And the truth will test not only Finnikin's faith in her . . . but in himself.

4 stars – 4.5 stars – 5 stars? Oh, well, I don’t know people. Sorry.

Finnikin of the Rock is the story of people who try to step forward, and forward, and forward… Until perhaps, one day, perhaps they’ll share a land called home again.

Speak, Finnikin wanted to shout at her. Lay blame. Shout. Rage. Rage!

Ready to travel with me?

Finnikin of the Rock is a journey. The journey of Lumatere people who struggle to survive after their exile. I’ll be honest, I didn’t expect it to move me so much – and yeah, I realized pretty fast what a fool I’d been to underestimate Melina Marchetta’s ability to take my heart and squeeze it. Hard.

The fact is, I’m always fooled in the same way with this author : I’m travelling through her words, confident, conceited even, until I come across a sentence which breaks my heart. Repeatedly.

“Men who in Lumatere had voices loud and passionate, who provided for their families and were respected in their villages. Now they sat in silence and relied on their children to translate for them as if they were helpless babes. Finnikin wondered what it did to a man who once stood proud. How could he pass on his stories without a language?”

There’s a lot of talking in this book but it never bothered me. Why? Because as Sir Topher expresses it, stories and languages and well, talking are links we don’t want to destroy. They’re bonding, history, family.

People of Lumatere are going through all the trials refugee have to face. Yes that’s fantasy, yet their suffering sounds so real and reminds me so much of what happens near every one of our houses I got chills. Sadly, I don’t think there’s a country in the world which doesn’t have its refugee, somehow, and yeah, sure, we could argue that their country didn’t disappear magically like Lumatere – no, war and poverty and corruption and selfishness did it. I’m not sure it isn’t worst.

“You are evil,” he seeted.
“Oh, the way that word is thrown around!” she said. “Everything is evil that humans can’t control or conquer.”

In addition to the necessity to forget their own language, entire families find themselves scattered throughout the kingdoms closed to Lumatere after the disappearance of their home. Desperate. Abused. Threatened. Hopeless.


There’s so much to say about the plot and yet I’m feeling as I’ve already said too much. The only thing you need to know is this : following Finnikin, Evanjelin, Sir Topher and all the other *cough* Froi! *cough* has been a meaningful experience for me and I can only hope you’ll feel even a glimmer of the emotion I felt.

As per usual with Melina Marchetta, the characterization is flawless. Really, I’m in awe of this author for her ability to create characters so real. Far from perfect. Both loveable and detestable. Each and every one of them found the path to my heart, each in their own way. Although I can be annoyed by their doubts (yes Finnikin, I’m totally staring at you – but yes, I still love you), amused by their repartee, in love with their courage, frightened for them – and sometimes, by them, they can make me feel restless, proud, mad, confused –

If I you ask me to tell you one thing about them, it’d be that they never ever leave me indifferent.

Finally, what can I say about the writing apart from repeating how beautiful it is? I always trusted Melina Marchetta to create complex and so dynamic characters. Now I know she can also deliver full-detailed settings. Indeed her words resonate within us, mesmerizing, alternating between descriptions full of details and short sentences when the action requires it.

Well, I think that’s pretty clear that I loved this book, even if in some parts I felt a bit lost and wavering, especially in the third part which was a bit anticlimatic. But then, in my opinion no book is perfect, and I enjoyed so much this journey I can’t hold a grudge.

I’ll let you with this quote –

“Perhaps they would act as a deterrent. He could not believe anyone who heard such stories of wickedness would allow it to happen again.”

Oh dear Finnikin, if you knew…

BOOK REVIEW – Romancing The Duke (Castles Ever After #1) by Tessa Dare

BOOK REVIEW – Romancing The Duke (Castles Ever After #1) by Tessa DareRomancing The Duke (Castles Ever After #1)
by Tessa Dare
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As the daughter of a famed author, Isolde Ophelia Goodnight grew up on tales of brave knights and fair maidens. She never doubted romance would be in her future, too. The storybooks offered endless possibilities.

And as she grew older, Izzy crossed them off. One by one by one.

Ugly duckling turned swan?
Abducted by handsome highwayman?
Rescued from drudgery by charming prince?

No, no, and… Heh.

Now Izzy’s given up yearning for romance. She’ll settle for a roof over her head. What fairy tales are left over for an impoverished twenty-six year-old woman who’s never even been kissed?

This one.

You know I’m not an historical romance girl. And yet, Color me surprised : That was all kind of adorable and I fell in love with this story.

Sometimes we love characters because they aren’t like us – see Penryn for example : did I need to remind you how much I wouldn’t survive in the world after? Nope, I don’t think so – and other times, we come across some personality traits which remind us so much of ourselves that we can’t help but relate to the character. That’s what happened to me with some sides of Izzie. Not everything, but enough.

– She’s spontaneous, that is to say, happens to say everything she has in mind when she’s stressed. Yeah, I know the feeling.

– She knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to ask for it.

Personal story time! – you can skip it if you don’t care.
When I was a kid, sometimes I was grounded (I know, shocking). The fact is, I used to wait a bit (like, half an hour) and after this I always went to my dad to ask him if I could go out. Sometimes he said yes, other times he said no. Whatever. It depended on the stupidity I’d done, I guess. Well, all of that is this to say that I asked what I wanted, contrary to my sister who waited that my parents told her to go out.

Why am I telling this to you? To point out that I was a spoiled brat? Hmm… No. Maybe. I don’t know. Not the point. Actually I’m telling this because here’s what I learnt and remembered : In life, if you want something, you’re going to have to ask for it, because people aren’t going to guess for you.

And that’s what annoys me the most in heroines and makes me often want to shake them : that’s a rule I apply in my life, and it’s pretty simple : if you ask for the opposite of what you want, you’ll probably obtain… the opposite of what you want. If you don’t know what you want maybe you have to think about it before asking. And finally, if you want something, go for it and ask. Of course that’s not because you ask that you will obtain what you want, OF COURSE. But you’re increasing your chances here. That’s why I loved Izzie.

She knows what she wants and she isn’t afraid to fight to obtain it. In her straightforward way, she’s freaking courageous and her bluntness is incredibly enjoyable. She’s a woman, not a spoiled brat. Romanced since her childhood by her writer of a father, she doesn’t believe in fairies tales and her only and true goal is to be noticed. To be seen entirely. Even if she’s inexperienced as hell, she doesn’t shy away and just asks for what she wants. How exhilarating is that?

And we have Ransom. Ah, Ransom. What a perfect broody hero you are! Let me tell you : his inner monologues full of venom were hilarious – that’s simple, he’s always trying to get rid of someone, in one way or another. And wow, how badly he takes people intrusion! That was precious.

Like here

“How did one get rid of these girls? They were like fanned-away horseflies. They just kept coming back.


Or here

“Certainly you can. It’s bad enough that they pester you with letters and questions. Draw a line, Goodnight. Go out there and tell them you’re a grown woman who can sling about the word ‘cock’ with the ease of a courtesan, and you don’t appreciate unannounced visits. Then invite them to sod off, the bunch of clanking idiots. If you won’t, I’ll do it.”

Moreover he’s protective and so. fucking. hot. And above all that, he’s a broken man who doesn’t believe in love and who’s incredibly afraid to open his mind and his heart to feelings – and yet he craves for them. Literally. Damn, that’s safe to say that he stole my heart completely : I loved everything : his grumpiness, his struggle to love, his hotness, and he earned his batch of Awwwwwwwww from me.

“What was he coming to, when a woman sat in his lap, he gave her a stern what-for… and then ten seconds later, oopsy-daisy and la-di-dah, he went and twirled a finger in her hair?
That was not ducal behavior. It certainly wasn’t normal behavior for him.”

Their banter was wonderful, full of repartee and yet never filled with disrespect. This brings me to the absolutely delicious conversations between Izzie and Ransom : man, that was hilarious. Between their comments and the awkward situations they’re put into (the Army guys. Precious. I’ll let you discover it), I couldn’t help but laugh out loud like a total fool. That was fucking great.

Moreover, the story takes place in a castle (which is awesome) but in a wrecked castle (which is even more awesome). Since his accident, Ransom never had the occasion – and never wanted – to make a home of this castle and guess what? A lot of things will change with Izzie’s arrival, much to Ransom’s despair!

Finally, as a not-so-fond-of-historical-romance girl, what I often despise when I read a book like this is the writing and the pacing. Truth being told, I end bored more often than most and have a hard time enjoying the My Lady and other Your Grace. Good news! Here’s I never felt overwhelmed by an heavy writing, that’s quite the opposite : I was captivated from the beginning to the end. Bravo!

I cheered at the end. I. CHEERED. I don’t know what else I can tell you to convince you.

BOOK REVIEW – Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days #1) by Susan Ee

BOOK REVIEW – Angelfall  (Penryn & the End of Days #1)  by Susan EeAngelfall (Penryn & the End of Days #1)
by Susan Ee
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It's been six weeks since angels of the apocalypse descended to demolish the modern world. Street gangs rule the day while fear and superstition rule the night. When warrior angels fly away with a helpless little girl, her seventeen-year-old sister Penryn will do anything to get her back.

Anything, including making a deal with an enemy angel.

Raffe is a warrior who lies broken and wingless on the street. After eons of fighting his own battles, he finds himself being rescued from a desperate situation by a half-starved teenage girl.

Traveling through a dark and twisted Northern California, they have only each other to rely on for survival. Together, they journey toward the angels' stronghold in San Francisco where she'll risk everything to rescue her sister and he'll put himself at the mercy of his greatest enemies for the chance to be made whole again.

Why an experiment?

Basically, because I’m so stubborn I wanted to try new books with all the creatures that made me cringe in the past. I mean, my only experience with angels was my struggle to read this crappy abomination that is Hush, Hush (I think I deserve a huge chocolate box for that one, don’t I?)

That’s why I’m here. Thank you amazing Kat (click here to read her beautiful review) for reading it with me! I don’t know what I’d have done without you to share our WTF?!!

You don’t want to live there. Good to know! Angels target big cities. Follow my example, my nearest neighbors are sheep. Woot-woot!

Every food is your friend. Sometimes energy bar is the only thing you can grab. Other times that’s cat’s food. Don’t be vegetarian. Don’t be allergic. You don’t know what you’re going to eat.

Instant-jerk reactions are welcome. If you see an handsome wounded angel, go help him. I know what you think, how in the world am I supposed to carry him and all that? But trust me : I just learnt they weight almost nothing. And, icing on the cake, if you manage to do that, you might win a sarcastic and swoon-worthy partner in crime from whom you can collect useful evidences about your enemies, and whose package involves :

✔ Warm hugs when you have a nightmare

✔ Witty comments to decrease the tension

✔ Fighting backup. That’s freaking useful when you walk in the world after (don’t count on it too much though, the help isn’t always coming)

Improve your survival instincts. If someone tells you to run,  you run. No hesitation. Being able to climb a tree is definitely a plus. And you have to run fast, because action never ends in an Apocalyptic world.

A good preparation leads to success. You are way more likely to survive if you took self-defense classes in the past. I guess you have to start right now. One is never too careful.

Don’t be a stupid brat. If your mother starts to talk about daemons, listen carefully and don’t do that children thing that is to say “Hmm hmm” without actually listening. Every information can be important.

Remain focused on your goal. You’re not here to save the world, so just keep this in mind. Ah, you do. Good girl.

↬ Anyway, the most important thing you have to know, you new inhabitant of the world after, is the fact that the Angels are fucking stupid. And that’s that lack of pertinence or explanation for their presence on Earth that prevented me from truly loving this book. I mean, hey, I’m pretty cool with weird stuff but COME ON. In my opinion the world-building wasn’t that original but rather a strange combination of creatures who don’t fucking know why they’re here. ← That killed me. At some point, the whole world seemed just random. So fucking confusing. Not to mention the dystopia vibes with the Resistance. Been there. Done that.

Verdict : Penryn is an awesome heroine who deserves to survive : she has everything mentioned earlier, and above all that, she cares about her family and never loses hope. I loved her.

Verdict (2) : There’s no way I could survive. I can only hope apocalypse isn’t coming.

To sum-up : That’s safe to say that I couldn’t relate to Penryn. FORTUNATELY. This might have save her life – and save the book for me.

And Raffe. I really liked that witty angel.

Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)
angelfall susan ee
Angelfall #1

world after susan ee
World After #2

end of days susan ee
End of Days #3



BOOK REVIEW – Shadowfever (Fever #5) by Karen Marie Moning

BOOK REVIEW – Shadowfever (Fever #5) by Karen Marie MoningShadowfever (Fever #5)
by Karen Marie Moning
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“Evil is a completely different creature, Mac. Evil is bad that believes it’s good.” — MacKayla Lane was just a child when she and her sister, Alina, were given up for adoption and banished from Ireland forever. — Twenty years later, Alina is dead and Mac has returned to the country that expelled them to hunt her sister’s murderer. But after discovering that she descends from a bloodline both gifted and cursed, Mac is plunged into a secret history: an ancient conflict between humans and immortals who have lived concealed among us for thousands of years.

“You can’t save people from themselves. You can only try to wake them up.”

This is the End – The eeeeeeeeend. Oh. My. I’m totally remembering Muse song right now. What? I was a teenager, hey. I’m not even sure they’re famous anymore. What a pity.

Oh, here’s the town crier! Let’s hear what he wants. *whisper* I heard he was a bit crazy you know, so don’t expect he’ll make so much sense okay?

Ah, yes. I forgot to warn you : the guy is a friend of Dani. Because exclamation marks powaaaaa!

So, twists. I didn’t guess anything. And by anything, I mean, nothing at all. I’m such a dumb, seriously. Or it was really well-done and plain brilliant. Yeah, now that I’m thinking about it, that was mesmerizing. Who is Barrons? Who is Mac? Who is everyone? They could be dwarfs which have been morphed for all I know. Ha ha, you wish I could tell you, don’t you?

Yeah, I’m so calling them that in my head. The guys cracked me up with all their testosterones and threatening statements. See? That doesn’t bother me if Mac actually reacts and if they’re not pictured at love interests. I loved them.

“Ryodan thrust my clothes at me. “The Keltar women are out of control. They cook. They chatter. They laugh. Idiots.”

Mac’s mum comments were awesome right? Seriously, her apparition was so refreshing. Comments about V’lane being just-marry-him-already-guy? Maybe my longest laugh of the book. With Barrons’ conversation about dick. Don’t forget that one.

I know. I knooooow.

“Just saying, things ain’t always bad just ’cause you don’t understand ’em or ain’t like ’em. That’s like thinking anybody who’s smarter or faster is dangerous just ’cause they got more brains or quicker feet. Ain’t fair. Peeps can’t help how they’re born.”

I can finally clarify my opinion about Barrons, and what our weird relationship is. Such a mixed dichotomy. A mess, that’s for sure.

I’ll copy Mac and make a list of pros and cons. Or maybe not.

PROS : Why I love Barrons and CONS, because there’s no such thing as me doing a clear-headed list about Barrons, duh.

“You’re roaches, we’re Raid. We’ll get rid of you eventually.”
” We. Are. Not. Insects, ” Velvet said tightly.”

#1 I really like his character, as in, I stayed intrigued and proud of the fact he is taking shit from no one, follows his own rules, doesn’t give a damn about the hypocrisy the world is filled with. He’s fierce, ruthless, strong-minded – and I love that side of him, “the Alpha that doesn’t play well with others and doesn’t take orders from anyone.”

#2 I strongly dislike him as a love interest, that is to say – could I drool over him? Nope. Am I weird to accept my book villains as murderers or selfish bastards but not as almost-rapists? Maybe. Perhaps I’m not being fair or clear or whatever. Oh, well. That’s what I feel. It seems that I can forgive a character for being ruthless and lawless, but not sexually offensive.

#3 Did I enjoy the way he was pushing Mac out of her comfort zone? Yep.

#4 Did I love the fact he was willing to do anything to achieve his goal? Hell yes!

#5 Did I resent the growing sexual tension these two were always bringing? Of course not, this was insanely hot.

#6 Did I want to finally see them together? Yeah, I did, I have to admit, they drove me nuts, these fucking stubborn.

#7 Did he bring an evil grin on my face almost each time he was talking? He did.

#8 to #98 I spare you my rambling. I try anyway, I really try.

#99 Do I accept the explanation that as Mac wanted him anyway the whole time, his behavior when she’s Pri-ya doesn’t matter? I can’t. That reminds me too much of the statement which says that an husband can’t rape his wife. That’s not true. For me domination and even lust never permit to take action without a complete and freely given permission. That Mac couldn’t give at the time. End of story.

Anyway, I feel the urge to write it because I’m not sure my review made the point clearly : that book was awesome and I’m missing this world already.

Sigh. ← It reminds me some character in I-don’t-remember-which-one book who said he didn’t understand why girls kept saying sigh instead of, you know, sighing. Sorry, completely irrelevant. See you in – Well, I’m not sure I’m reading Iced. Guess we’ll see.


Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers), iBooks (click on titles) & Book Depository (click on book #)
karen marin moning darkfever
Darkfever #1


bloodfever karen marie moning
Bloodfever #2

faefever karen marie moning
Faefever #3


dreamfever karen marie moning
Dreamfever #4

karen marie moning shadowfever
Shadowfever #5



Iced #6

Burned #7

Feverborn #8
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