FRIDAY STARS – Your Weekly Must Knows 09/16/16

Friday Stars.13

Happy Friday!  This past weekend was my sister-in-laws wedding in Temecula, California.  I have never been to that town before, but it was so gorgeous with the wineries nestled in the hills.   The wedding was at one of those wineries on a rolling hill with such pretty views.  I already want to go back there!  And at that winery I discovered a Riesling wine that is now one of my favorite white wines ever, oh it was so good!  I’m regretting that I didn’t buy more bottles of it, but I’m going to search everywhere this week to see if I can find it here!  The day went by smoothly and I’m so grateful I got to stand up there with my sister while she said I Do to her best friend ever.  And the best part, besides our talking while watching cartoons and getting our hair done, ohhhh and the potatoes that were to die for at dinner, was the dancing after dinner.  I love, love, love to dance and while I thought I did a decent job in my wedding dress back in the day, my sister put me to shame.  She was dropping it down to the floor, and doing dance moves that made me question how in the world she did that in her wedding dress, she’s crazy talented.  I’m dying to see the pictures and video, I can’t wait!  I hope you all had a happy weekend too!

So, in case you aren’t familiar with our Friday Star Posts, we like to take a look at what’s happened around here in the last week, what’s coming up that we are excited about and anything else that we may have to share!

♥ Enjoy!

the darkestEnter to win The Artists Trilogy (Sins & Needles, Shooting Scars and Bold Tricks) by Karina Halle (ebook). Enter → HERE.
blogiversary_most torturedEnter to win Anew by Chelsea Fine (ebook). Enter → HERE.
Just Finished and Loved:

Price of a kissPrice of a Kiss (Forbidden Men #1) by Linda Kage Chelsea’s Review

5 Stars! Sexy and fun and light without being too light, I fell under this book’s spell.

I don’t care what my cousin says; I am not the queen of impossible relationships. I mean, just because my last boyfriend tried to kill me and left a bit of a scar on my neck, then forced me to move across the country and legally change my name to Reese Randall to escape him, does not mean-  Oh, who am I kidding? For a freshman in college, I have to have the worst dating track record ever.  It’s no wonder love is the last thing on my mind when Mason Lowe enters my life. But the chemistry between us is like bam! Our connection defies logic. And he’s just so freaking hot. Being around him makes me feel more alive than I’ve ever felt before. I even like bickering with him. He could be my soul mate…except for one teeny tiny glitch.  He’s a gigolo.  Boy, do I know how to pick them.


4.5 Star:
Under the Never Sky (Under the Never Sky #1) by Veronica Rossi→ Jen’s Review



Reading Next:

anna and the french kiss stephanie perkinsBOOK REVIEW – Anna and the French Kiss (Anna and the French Kiss #1) by Stephanie Perkins
Anna can’t wait for her senior year in Atlanta, where she has a good job, a loyal best friend, and a crush on the verge of becoming more. So she’s not too thrilled when her father unexpectedly ships her off to boarding school in Paris – until she meets Etienne St. Clair, the perfect boy. The only problem? He’s taken, and Anna might be, too, if anything comes of her crush back home. Will a year of romantic near-misses end in the French kiss Anna awaits?


through the ever night veronica rossi Through the Ever Night (Under the Never Sky, #2) by Veronica Rossi
The 2nd book in this trilogy!  In the first book, Under the Never Sky, Exiled from her home, the enclosed city of Reverie, Aria knows her chances of surviving in the outer wasteland—known as The Death Shop—are slim. Then Aria meets an Outsider named Perry. He’s wild—a savage—and her only hope of staying alive. A hunter for his tribe in a merciless landscape, Perry views Aria as sheltered and fragile—everything he would expect from a Dweller. But he needs Aria’s help too; she alone holds the key to his redemption.  In alternating chapters told in Aria’s and Perry’s voices, Under the Never Sky subtly and powerfully captures the evolving relationship between these characters and sweeps readers away to a harsh but often beautiful world. Continuing with Through the Ever Night and concluding with Into the Still Blue, the Under the Never Sky trilogy has already been embraced by readers in twenty-six countries and been optioned for film by Warner Bros.



Upcoming Releases:

There aren’t any books releasing in the next week that we are dying to read. But we do have a huge list of books that we are counting down until they are released. You can check them out here → HERE





4.5 Stars!
Jen’s Review

5 Stars!
Jen’s Review
Chelsea’s Review

4 Stars!
Laura’s Review


New Sale   5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review
Anna’s Review

New Sale

New Sale   4 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review

4.5 Stars!
Laura’s Review

Chelsea’s Review

5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review

5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review
Anna’s Review

5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review

5 Stars!
Anna’s Review

5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review
Anna’s Review

4 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review
Anna’s Review

4 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review
Anna’s Review

5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review
Jen’s Review
Laura’s Review
Anna’s Review

5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review
Jen’s Review

5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review
Jen’s Review

4.5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review

4.5 Stars!
Anna’s Review

Chelsea’s Review


5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review

5 Stars!
Anna’s Review
Jen’s Review
Chelsea’s Review

4.5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review

4.5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review

4.5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review


New Sale   4.5 Stars!
Anna’s Review

4 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review

4.5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review

4.5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review

5 Stars!
Jen’s Review
Chelsea’s Review

5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review

4.5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review

5 Stars!
Cheslea’s Review
Jen’s Review

Anna’s Review

5 Stars!
Chelsea’s Review

4 Stars!
Anna’s Review


























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  1. Kim

    Glad to hear you had such fun last weekend Jen!

    • Jen

      Thank you, Kim! Ohhh I never wanted it to end, it was so wonderful! ♥

  2. Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature)

    I’ve never been to California, I’d really like to go and see the wineries and that area. I just fell in love with Karina Halle this week when I read Smut. So I had to enter your giveaway! Thanks so much for stopping by my Sunday Post last week!
    Lisa Mandina (Lisa Loves Literature) recently posted…5 True Ghost Stories – Promo Post and Giveaway: The Women in the Walls by Amy LukavicsMy Profile

    • Jen

      If you ever go to California and tour the wineries I definitely recommend going to another part of the state – Healdsburg, CA. It’s an adorable little town that is surrounded by 80 wineries and there is so much nearby to see on top of wineries, like the redwoods, San Francisco, the ocean etc. 🙂
      Oh yes, you must meet Cam, good luck!

  3. AngelErin

    Wow sounds like a beautiful wedding! I would love to go to California sometime since I’ve never been. I hope you enjoy Anna and the French Kiss. I’m hoping to read that one soon myself.

    • Jen

      It was so pretty Erin! I’m literally dying to see all of the pictures and hate that we have to wait 6-8 weeks *whine whine whine* haha. If you ever go, let me know. I have recs for NorCal to SoCal to central to pretty much everywhere in the state! 🙂

  4. Karen Blue

    Nice to hear you had a great time at your sister’s wedding! I love to dance but I am not too good at dropping it lately. I need more squats in my life, I am working on my fitness so there’s that.
    I can’t believe the sequel to Under the Never Sky is out! I don’t remember seeing it on any blogs. I need to get the first book read. No pressure, of course. Have a great week!
    Karen Blue recently posted…Weekly Wrap Up #104My Profile

    • Jen

      I need more squats in my life too! One of my friends does squats while she blow dries her hair and I need to start doing that. It’s such a simple way to add squats into my day. Although I just blow dried my hair tonight and didn’t do that *fail* ha.
      Actually the whole trilogy has already been released along with two novellas for Under The Never Sky! YAY! It’s so much fun going into a series that’s already completed! 🙂

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