Category: Event (Page 32 of 42)

TOP TEN TUESDAY – Books We Enjoyed That Weren’t Our Typical Genre/Type

TOP TEN TUESDAY - Books We Enjoyed That Weren't Our Typical Genre/Type

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week is – Books We Enjoyed That Weren’t Our Typical Genre/Type.

the martian andy weir
(Laura’s Choice)
The Great Gasby F. Scott Fitzgerald
(Laura’s Choice)

1. The Martian by Andy WeirAdult Science FictionI can only repeat myself and say: this audio book was the best fucking thing ever.

2. The Great Gatsby by F. Scott FitzgeraldModern ClassicI did not really expect this, but I absolutely loved The Great Gatsby! What a magical, crazy and tragic story.

Of Beast And Beauty Stacey Jay
(Jen’s Choice – Review)
the knife of never letting go patrick ness
(Jen’s Choice – Review)

3. Of Beast and Beauty by Stacey JayRetelling – I’m pleasantly surprised to say that I did fall for this “Beauty” and “Beast” book. It was a charming story that was filled with true love, deceit, magic, bad guys, and a world that was at times twisted and sinister.

4. The Knife of Never Letting Go (Chaos Walking #1) by Patrick NessMale POV – This was my first book where it was a male POV throughout the whole story.  I loved that Todd had such a sensitive heart and was so determined!  His struggles and the situations that he found himself in again and again made my heart ache for him.

frisk me lauren layne
(Jen’s Choice – Review)
puddle jumping amber l. johnson
(Jen’s Choice – Review)

5. Frisk Me (New York’s Finest #1) by Lauren Layne Police Love Story – I struggled with the idea that a police story could be fun and sexy, even though my sister-in-law is a sheriff and drop dead gorgeous.  BUT the first page alone proved me SO wrong because I was already smiling.  I laughed, cried and fell hopelessly in love with the Luc & Ava!

6. Puddle Jumping by Amber L. Johnson YA Romance – Yeah I’ve read YA romance but it was always within paranormal, science fiction or fantasy books.  I’d never just picked up a YA Romance book. And I’m so glad I did because Puddle Jumping was adorably sweet and heartwarming.  It was the perfect book to make me feel all wonderful and cozy inside!

the iron king julie kagawa
(Chelsea’s Choice – Review)
the raven boys maggie stiefvater
(Chelsea’s Choice – Review)

7. The Iron King (The Iron Fey #1) by Julie KagawaFantasyAll in all I ended up really enjoying this book and loving the rest of the series!

8. The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle #1) by Maggie StiefvaterMagic – I loved the writing. It was intricate and had deeper layers and meaning behind it, all the while keeping you interested and grasping for straws. I loved how all the characters came together and the mystery they worked together to solve.

courtney summers some girls are
(Chelsea’s Choice – Review)
i hunt killers barry lyga
(Chelsea’s Choice – Review)

9. Some Girls Are by Courtney SummersRealistic Fiction – She builds these simple, every day moments and builds and builds and builds and then all of a sudden you can’t breathe and you’re frantically reading the pages trying to see what happens next and then Boom. It’s so fucking simple. But that’s Courtney Summers, I’ve come to find: She’s the silent killer.

10. I Hunt Killers (Jasper Dent #1) by Barry LygaMale POVJazz. What a beautiful, broken character. He was perfection. He is exactly the type of male lead I’ve been looking for, lately.

So these are some of the Books We Enjoyed That Weren’t Our Typical Genre/Type.  And they have thankfully  made us discover so many other books within that category!  What are some books you’ve recently read that weren’t your typical genre/type?

TOP TEN TUESDAY – Theme Songs for Books We Love

TOP TEN TUESDAY -  Theme Songs for Books We Love

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
This week is – Theme Songs for Books We Love.  We were so excited to do this list since we love books and music!  So many times a song will come on and it will take us back to a story we fell in love with or just had fun reading!  Enjoy. ♥

Jen’s Choices:

1. Rebel Wing by Tracy Banghart → Zombie by The Cranberries (Review) This song is for the 2nd & 3rd books in this trilogy.  The Dominion of Atalanta is at war.  It seemed easy for some to ignore that fact, since it didn’t affect them.  But they needed to wake up and see the horrors and suffering that were being inflected upon others around them and fight!  And Aris did just that, well in a round about way.

Another head hangs lowly, Child is slowly taken, And if violence causes the silence, Who are we mistaking, But you see it’s not me, It’s not my family, In your head in your head, They are fighting…

Rebel Wing by Tracy Banghart


2. The Return by Jennifer L. Armentrout → What I’ve Done by Linkin Park (Review) Seth is being given a fresh start, to make amends.  But he is still haunted and tortured by the acts that he has committed in the past.  But with Josie, he is learning that he deserves to have redemption and to try and let go of all of the sins he has committed.

Put to rest what you thought of me, While I clean this slate, With the hands of uncertainty, So let mercy come and wash away, What I’ve done I’ll face myself to cross out what I’ve become, Erase myself, And let go of what I’ve done

the return titan jennifer armentrout


3. The Union by T.H. Hernandez → Patience by Guns N Roses (Review As this series progresses, Evan and Cyrus have a lot of obstacles in their way.  They have to be patient as they are bombarded time and again, especially with the horror of something huge looming in the future.  If they can make it through all of that, then they can make it through anything.

Girl, I think about you every day now, Was a time when I wasn’t sure, But you set my mind at ease, There is no doubt you’re in my heart now Said woman take it slow, and it’ll work itself out fine, All we need is just a little patience

The Union by T.H. Hernandez


4. Best Kind of Broken by Chelsea Fine → Everytime by Britney Spears (Review) They were best friends since childhood.  Until an event that was beyond painful and horrifying made them fall apart. But now they are faced with seeing each other every day.  Levi keeps trying to push her away, Pixie is hurt and confused, and their feelings keep getting shoved behind them.  But feelings don’t disappear, and time is making them a ticking time bomb.

Notice me, Take my hand, Why are we, Strangers when, Our love is strong, Why carry on without me?……. I may have made it rain, Please forgive me, My weakness caused you pain, And this song’s my sorry

Fine Best Kind of Broken


5. Sins & Needles by Karina Halle Closer by Nine Inch Nails (Review) When Camden and Ellie were together, they were intense, raw and gritty, just like this trilogy and this song!  And all I have left to say is from a quote in this book – “Holy shit, did Camden just spank me? – Ellie”

Help me tear down my reason, help me its’ your sex I can smell, Help me you make me perfect, help me become somebody else I want to fuck you like an animal, I want to feel you from the inside, I want to fuck you like an animal, My whole existence is flawed, You get me closer to god

sins & needles karina halle


6. Anew by Chelsea Fine Everlasting Love by U2 (Review) Tristan and Scarlet.  Sigh.  Tristan’s love and interactions with Scarlett were incredibly butterfly inducing.  And as this trilogy progresses, you’ll see why I chose this song.

I went away, Just when you needed me so, You won’t regret, I’ll come back begging you, Don’t you forget, Welcome love we once knew Open up your eyes, Then you’ll realize, Here I said was my, Everlasting love

Anew The Archers of Avalon by Chelsea Fine


Chelsea’s Choices:

7. Scarlet by A.C. Gaughen I Know Places by Taylor Swift (Review) One of my absolute favorite series of all time, it doesn’t take a genius to see how it steals my every waking thought. So when I bought T. Swift’s cd and heard this song, immediately the image of Rob and Scar running for their lives, racing through the forest was playing continuously through my head…Needless to say I now play this song on repeat to see them even after the series has ended.

Just grab my hand and don’t ever drop it, My love, They are the hunters, we are the foxes, And we run, Baby, I know places we won’t be found,  And they’ll be chasing their tails tryin’ to track us down, Cause I, I know places we can hide, I know places

scarlet a.c. gaughen


8. Love Show by Audrey Bell Blue Jeans by Lana Del Rey (Review) This is a gutting type song to go with a gutting type story. Hey, everyone found this so light-hearted and easy-but I thought it was a repeated punch to the gut each time this chick broke Jack’s heart. But he would wait until the end of time for her…and the rest is history. I can’t even. (One of my all time favorite songs)

 I will love you till the end of time, I would wait a million years, Promise you’ll remember that you’re mine, Baby can you see through the tears?, Love you more than those bitches before, Say you’ll remember, oh baby, say you’ll remember, Oh baby, who, I will love you till the end of time

love show audrey bell


9. Unwind by Neal Shusterman Like People, Like Plastic by AWOLNATION (Review) This raw and gritty series cut me to the core. Every scene, every day as they raced for survival, every look, touch, or embrace shared between Connor and Risa was like a punch to the gut….their primal need and desperation to be free-together-reminds me of this song in ways I can’t even describe. But the rawness…it sticks.

I stand alone and curse at the sky, I stand alone beside you, I’ve never felt so alone in my life, Baby I stand alone beside you

unwind neal shusterman


10. No Turning Back by Tiffany Snow Hot N Cold by Katy Perry (Review) It’s simple: The Bitch is a bimbo. PICK A GUY FOR FUCK’S SAKE !

 ‘Cause you’re hot then you’re cold You’re yes then you’re no You’re in then you’re out You’re up then you’re down You’re wrong when it’s right It’s black and it’s white We fight, we break up We kiss, we make up (You) You don’t really want to stay, no (You) But you don’t really want to go-o You’re hot then you’re cold You’re yes then you’re no You’re in then you’re out You’re up then you’re down

no turning back tiffany snow

These are our “Theme Songs for Books We Love”.  What are some of yours?


TOP TEN TUESDAY – Our Favorite Book Boyfriends From Paranormal – Science Fiction – Dystopian & Fantasy Worlds

TOP TEN TUESDAY - Our Favorite Book Boyfriends From Paranormal - Science Fiction - Dystopian & Fantasy Worlds

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
We are so excited, because it’s a Valentines Day Freebie.  We already shared Our Favorite Book Boyfriends From Books Laced With Romance last month.  So this time we are sharing Our Favorite Book Boyfriends From Paranormal – Science Fiction – Dystopian & Fantasy Worlds.  If you can’t tell, we are a little obsessed with our book boyfriends!  So enjoy meeting our favorite ones from those worlds and hopefully you’ll find some new books and characters to fall in love with!

Jen’s Book Boyfriends:
obsidian a lux novel jennifer l. armentrout Review Anew The Archers of Avalon by Chelsea Fine Review The Union by T.H. Hernandez Review the iron king julie kagawa Review Broken Skies theresa kay Review

1. Daemon BlackObsidian (Lux #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout – Daemon will lull you into his web and even though you’ll want to kick him or punch him, you know you’ll never be able to do it. Because Daemon is the embodiment of infuriating sexiness. And heaven help me, but I fell for him hard.

2. Tristan ArcherAnew (The Archers of Avalon #1) by Chelsea Fine – Tristan’s dark, sarcastic humor was intoxicating. His selflessness and bravery was endearing. And his love and interactions with Scarlett were incredibly butterfly inducing.

3. CyrusThe Union (The Union #1) by T.H. Hernandez – Cyrus was one of those characters that captured your attention in a quiet yet bold and confident way.  Whether it was baring his soul to Evan, or taking control of a military like tactic.  There was no way I couldn’t love him.

4. Prince AshThe Iron King (The Iron Fey #1) by Julie Kagawa – Prince Ash came across as such a cold-hearted jerk, yet it was so much fun getting to watch his ice facade melt away!  Because underneath that frozen exterior was loyalty, protectiveness, trust worthiness, and sarcasm that warmed my heart!

5. LirBroken Skies (Broken Skies #1) by Theresa Kay – Lir was someone I could honestly not get enough of!  He was thoughtful and smart.  He was gentle and sweet.  And he was sexy and sarcastic.  Looking above I guess I have a soft spot for sarcastic guys lol!  But my favorite thing about him was how he eventually treated Jax.  It melted my heart.

the return titan jennifer armentrout Review The Immortal Rules Julie Kagawa Review scarlet a.c. gaughen Review True of Blood Witch Fairy Bonnie Lamer  

6. SethThe Return (Titan #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout – I always ached for Seth, because even though he could be a pompous ass or a manipulative little shit at times, there was always that part of him that constantly suffered (he first appeared in the Covenant Series).  He was cocky, playful and we got to see even more of why Seth was someone who was a true friend and deserved our trust and whole heart.

7. ZekeThe Immortal Rules (Blood of Eden #1) by Julie Kagawa – Zeke made me want to sneak into this horrific world, just to see him for myself.  He was a beautiful person inside and out, but his heart was by far my favorite part of him.  His bravery and love for Allie, the vampire, made me fall for him even harder.

8. Rob aka Robin HoodScarlet (Scarlet #1) by A.C. Gaughen – He was a true hero with a heart of gold.   He tried so hard to take care of others who weren’t able to care for themselves.  And he wore their pain and suffering heavily on his shoulders, while keeping it all to himself.  He constantly quickened my heartbeat and made me want to curl into a happy little ball.

9. Kallen True of Blood (Witch Fairy #1) by Bonnie Lamer – 3 years ago I decided to step back into the reading world and picked up this book.  I had no clue I could fall for a character until I met Kallen.  He became my first book boyfriend and got me back into reading!  He was extremely pragmatic and came across as haughty, but I knew there was more going on.  He was intoxicating and addicting and I fell madly in love the more I got to know him.  Thank you Kallen for allowing me to meet all of the other men I love above!

Chelsea’s Book Boyfriends:
angelfall susan ee Review scarlet a.c. gaughen Review i hunt killers barry lyga Review dorothy must die danielle paige Review an ember in the ashes sabaa tahir Review

1. Raffe- Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days #1) by Susan Ee – Raffe is, and probably always will be, my number one book boyfriend. From the moment his snarky ass started taking care of Penryn, I knew I was a goner. He tried his hardest not to fall for the daughter of man…but she was always his to love and protect.

2. Rob (Robin Hood)- Scarlet (Scarlet #1) by A.C. Gaughen – I just…I mean…I can’t even. From the moment I met this jealous and closed off boy, I knew his love for Scar would be my undoing. Hiding his true feelings, but protecting her at the cost of his own life time and again…He could never NOT be on my top BBF list.

3. Jazz (Jasper Dent)- I Hunt Killers (Jasper Dent #1) by Barry Lyga – Tortured, misguided, and determined to not become like his old man, Jazz was an IMMEDIATE BBF. He is literally everything. His loyalty, protectiveness, and beautifully fucked up mind will always, always be with me. Not a week goes by I don’t think of him.

4. Nox- Dorothy Must Die (Dorothy Must Die #1) by Danielle Paige – Attitude and a nasty demeanor towards Amy from the very beginning make it seem as if he’d rather her thrown off a cliff than a part of his team…but wait….did they just make googly eyes at one another??? AGHH it’s hate at first sight. Who said the best relationships don’t start off with a little animosity (ultimately leading to that protectiveness I so adore). 5. Elias- An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes #1) by Sabaa Tahir – TORTURED. LOYAL. SOLDIER. BEST OF HIS CLASS. BADASS. BETRAYER?? This boy stole my heart from his first POV. Nothing compares to a weapon-wielding soldier whose heart is as good as gold. Broken down and tested to the brink of his abilities…his honor will win you over-UNDOUBTEDLY.

red queen victoria aveyard Review unwind neal shusterman Review the hunger games suzanne collins Review half-blood covenant jennifer l. armentrout Review Some Girls Bite A Chicagoland Vampires Novel Chloe Neill Review

6. Cal-  Red Queen (Red Queen #1) by Victoria Aveyard – Ahhh that lovely weakness for princes is showing again…but not just any prince-a soldier prince. Kind-hearted, loyal, would do anything for Mare and his brother, Maven…and yet another soldier whose heart is easily torn to shreds because of his trusting nature and indisputable kindness.

7. Connor- Unwind (Unwind Dystology #1) by Neal Shusterman – Bad boy. Trouble maker. And at the end of his life because his parents have finally had enough. I can’t even begin to explain how he captured my heart from chapter one. He may have made lots of mistakes…but Risa is not a mistake he’s willing to make-He’d do absolutely anything for her. Aww…these kind-hearted bad boys just stole the show, didn’t they??

8. Peeta Mellark- The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games #1) by Suzanne Collins – Always and will forever be an absolute favorite. This series stole my heart in 2012, and it never gave it back. But after re-reading THG series this past year (4th time), I realized just how quick I was to forget the boy with the bread. Tsk tsk on me.

9. Aiden- Half-Blood (Covenant #1) by Jennifer L. Armentrout – Ahhh there’s apparently a theme here, for me. Yet another soldier that would risk it all for his girl. And hey, perhaps my first soldier BBF. I will NEVER forget my dear Aiden. His intense love for Alex is almost as unforgettable as his amazing gray eyes…whoops. I LOVE HIM (ALL OF THE BOYS, ACTUALLY).

10. Ethan- Some Girls Bite (Chicagoland Vampires #1) by Chloe Neill – I’ve always hated insta-love, but from the first moment we met Ethan in book one, his snarky attitude and immediate one eyebrow raise ensnared me and caused me to eat crow. I will love him forever – unconditionally. My only vampire BBF and perhaps it will always be this way.

Anna’s Book Boyfriends
Assassin's apprentice cover Review prince of thorns mark lawrence Review froi of the exiles melina marchetta Review captiveprince1 Review the knife of never letting go patrick ness

1. Fitz – Assassin’s Apprentice (The Farseer Trilogy #1) by Robin Hobb – Because this lonely and rejected boy who’s trying to find his place as an assassin? He is filled with flaws but he is trying so hard and his evolution is both realistic and heart-wrenching, I can’t even express how much I adore him. Damn, since I’ve met him more than 10 years ago, none of the characters I read about could take his place in my heart. None of them.

2. Jorg of Ancrath – Prince of Thorns (The Broken Empire #1) by Mark Lawrence – He’s not a BBF per se – let’s be honest, my favorite little cutter is the biggest asshole I’ve ever read about. So, no, thank you. Yet his sarcasm, his complex, tortured and straight-on evil personality made him unforgettable.

3. Froi – Froi of the Exile (The Lumatere Chronicles #2) by Melina Marchetta – What could be more interesting than a man who’s always seeking his place in the world and who tries to refrain himself without never forgetting who he is? What I adored in his personality is the fact that he’s able to see behind the scenes and never hastily judges someone. No, Froi thinks, analyses – and above all that, loves and hates with such passion, craves for some attention – that tortured boy who’s trying so hard to be worthy captured my heart and broke it while he was at it.

4. Laurent Captive Prince : Volume One (Captive Prince #1) by C.S. Pacat – You can’t even imagine how deep I fell for Laurent. Give me a tortured, complex end borderline psycho heart, I’ll be intrigued. Add a twisted and convoluted mind, I’ll lose my breath. Make him genuinely smile and I’ll love him forever. God, how he made me laugh. I adore him and I MISS HIM ALREADY.

5. Todd Hewitt  The Knife of Never Letting Go (Chaos Walking #1) by Patrick Ness – Oh, you, little boy who can’t kill and can’t think straight with all that noise and feels so lonely, you’ve won me from the first page. Throughout the trilogy, we have the chance to be witnesses while he’s growing up, becoming a man who we can be proud of. All of his feelings seem so real, so understandable, I couldn’t help to feel my heart actually ache for him.

the hunger games suzanne collins the iron king julie kagawa Review rachel caine prince of shadows Review sixofcrowscover Review 03_6 Ship of Magic BPB.indd

6. Peeta Mellark The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games #1) by Suzanne Collins – I know, I know, not my most original move. But tell me, how can I resist this loyal, endearing and adorable male-lead? *stares* I’ll tell you this, I can’t.

7. Prince Ash – The Iron King (The Iron Fey #1) by Julie Kagawa – Because I needed a Prince somewhere. Okay, I lied. Forget all the broody and wounded male-lead you know : none of them can beat him. Seriously : It took him only one apparition to warm my heart and send a flutter of emotions through me like crazy.

8. Benvolio – Prince of Shadows by Rachel Caine – Benvolio is such a complex and captivating character. I shall marry him someday. He is trust-worthy and loyal where Romeo is charming, but restlessly fights against his own inner demons, either impossible feelings or thirst for blood.

9. Kaz Brekker Six of Crows (Six of Crows #1) by Leigh Bardugo Kaz is relentless in his scheming and planning, and just at the moment you think that you finally get his personality, he takes a decision so ruthless that you stand there, wide-eyed. Of course I love him, what do you think, I never could resist snarky criminals who slowly realize that this thing beating wildy, here? That’s their heart.

10. Reyn Khuprus – Ship of Magic (Liveship Traders #1) by Robin Hobb – Aww, my Rain Wilder. Forever a favorite. We hope you had fun looking through our list of Favorite Book Boyfriends From Paranormal – Science Fiction – Dystopian & Fantasy Worlds!  

Do you have any of these men on your list of favorite book boyfriends too?  If not, hopefully you found some new books to read and some new Book Boyfriends to meet.  And we’re curious, what list did you choose to share on your blog today?


REVIEW + EXCERPT + GIVEAWAY – I Wish You Were Mine (Oxford #2) by Lauren Layne

REVIEW + EXCERPT + GIVEAWAY - I Wish You Were Mine (Oxford #2) by Lauren Layne

I Wish You Were Mine was a forbidden love story that made me so giddy and happy. I can’t wait for you to meet Jackson and Molly! So please check out my 5 Star Review below, read an excerpt that pulled at my heartstrings and enter a fabulous giveaway. Enjoy!

REVIEW + EXCERPT + GIVEAWAY – I Wish You Were Mine (Oxford #2) by Lauren LayneI Wish You Were Mine (Oxford #2)
by Lauren Layne
Purchase on: AmazoniBooks
Add to: Goodreads


Perfect for fans of Alice Clayton and Emma Chase, Lauren Layne’s Oxford series heats up in this story of forbidden desire as a brooding jock hoping for a comeback falls for a woman who’s strictly off-limits.

A year ago, Jackson Burke was married to the love of his life and playing quarterback for the Texas Redhawks. Now he’s retired, courtesy of the car accident that ruined his career—and single, after a nasty scandal torpedoed his marriage. Just as he’s starting to get used to his new life as a health and fitness columnist for Oxford magazine, his unpredictable ex shows up on his doorstep in Manhattan. Jackson should be thrilled. But he can’t stop thinking about the one person who’s always been there for him, the one girl he could never have: her younger sister.

Mollie Carrington can’t say no to Madison. After all, her older sister practically raised her. So when Madison begs for help in winning her ex-husband back, Mollie’s just glad she got over her own crush on Jackson ages ago—or so she thought. Because as Mollie reconnects with Jackson, she quickly forgets all her reasons to stay loyal to her sister. Tempted by Jackson’s mellow drawl and cowboy good looks, Mollie is sick and tired of coming in second place. But she can’t win if she doesn’t play the game.


I Wish You Were Mine was fun, sexy, and sweet with its to die for males and females that I would love to have as my friends.  This is part of The Oxford Series, a spin-off from The Stiletto Series, and all of these stories have made me feel something I haven’t felt in years.  You see, my favorite show ever is Friends…of course I have the DVDs, the game, and can quote for hours, but these two series are the first time since Friends has ended that I’ve felt back in a world somewhat similar to theirs.  Because I adore this group!  Their friendships are heartwarming, their love lives are emotional and sigh worthy, and each time I find myself being pulled in by their joy, heartache, and laughter!

This time we got to meet Jackson Burke, Oxford’s newest team member at the country’s leading men’s magazine.  His world was flipped upside down after a horrific car accident.  He went from a married quarterback in Texas, to a single fitness editor in New York.  But before you jump into his life as it is now, the first chapter gives you a glance back at 8 years ago.  Where he had stepped away from his own wedding to talk to Molly, his wife’s younger sister.  Going into this book I was a little squeamish.  Not only because of the synopsis, but also because in that first chapter Molly admitted to herself that she had fallen for her sister’s husband.  Eeks!  I didn’t think I’d be ok with watching them forge into the unknown…..or so I thought, because I became their biggest cheerleader.

Lauren Layne has perfected the tortured male with Jackson.  And I love tortured males!  Jackson was charming and seductive, but also utterly lonely and completely unsure of himself in his new life.  His inner turmoil about what happened to him created little tears in my heart.  He was so hard on himself for something he had no control over.  But then, he also became his own worst enemy at times with Molly.  Molly who was always his friend and confident.  And even though there was a spark between them, he refused to allow himself happiness with her since Molly is his ex’s sister.

Oh, I adored Molly!  And while I felt her inner struggle over not wanting to betray her older sister, since she wanted her ex, I also wanted to shake some sense into her.  I don’t want to say why, because of spoilers.  But just know that while at first I was against Jackson and Molly being together, those feelings went flying out the window.  Like sailing so far away, that they were long forgotten and irrelevant.

I Wish You Were Mine was a forbidden love story that made me so giddy and happy.  Not only because it had the perfect balance of banter and sexual tension, but also since it had so many of the people from Stiletto that I love!  And I have to say that while I can’t wait for Lincoln’s story, I’m so glad his book wasn’t in this books place.  I loved watching the slow reveal of learning who Lincoln truly is, since there are moments in this story where you can see beyond his facade.  It left me even more excited for his book, which is next in line.  So yes, this was another Lauren Layne win in my eyes, and I can’t wait to read her next release!

*ARC kindly provided by Random House Publishing via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review*

Reading Order & Links:
Amazon (click on covers) & iBooks (click on titles)
***Each book can be read as a standalone, but best enjoyed in order.***
irresistibly yours lauren layne
Irresistibly Yours #1

i wish you were mine lauren layne
I Wish You Were Mine #2


Someone Like You #3
I Knew You Were Trouble #4

I Think I Love You #5




[scroll-box]“I thought I might find you out here,” he said quietly as he took a sip of his own champagne.

Mollie snuck a look out of the corner of her eye. He’d come looking for her? She hadn’t thought anyone had noticed she’d slipped away.

“I messed up the toast,” she said quietly.

“Nah,” he said, stretching his long legs out in front of him and slouching down a bit to get comfortable. “Just think how many people you educated on the mating ritual of parasitic worms.  They should be thanking you.”

Mollie groaned. “It was supposed to be romantic. I did a paper about them for my systematics and biotics diversity final. They’re unusual because they’re bonded for life. Most organisms sleep around or, you know, the male dies after mating—”

Jackson winced, and Mollie wished she could wither and die just like a male bee.

Mollie knew she had lots of useless trivia in her head, but she didn’t normally go spouting it out like this. Not that she was a smooth talker or anything, but she was usually pretty quiet and normal, if a bit nerdy.

But tonight she felt . . . off. Starting with the fact that the dress Madison had picked for her was the exact color of Mollie’s complexion, so she looked like a mole rat. And then there was the fact that she’d tripped a bit as she’d been going down the aisle, courtesy of the five-inch stilettos her sister had insisted on.

Add in an awkward maid-of-honor speech where she’d gone on for a good five minutes about Schistosoma mansoni worms and how they mated for life, just like the bride and groom, and . . . oh God. Why had nobody stopped her?

Mollie scrunched down on the bench with a moan as she took a sip of champagne.

“Madison’s going to kill me.”

Madison was in a mood anyway. She’d been a bridezilla from the moment Jackson had put a ring on it, but Mollie had figured when the actual day came around, her sister would relax.


She’d been pissed about the flowers being ivory instead of true white to match her dress.  Had bitched about the fact that Lily, one of her bridesmaids, had styled her hair in a way that was too close to the bride’s style.

Then Madison had vented about how the bracelet Jackson’s mother had shyly presented as Maddie’s “something old” was dumpy.

That one had gotten under Mollie’s skin. Mrs. Burke was the closest thing to a mother that either of them had. Their own mother had died of an overdose years ago, and Mollie would have given a kidney to have a surrogate as lovely and kind as Jackson’s mom.

“Maddie won’t kill you,” Jackson said, putting an arm around the back of the park bench and smiling down at her. “She loves you, even if she doesn’t get your whole triple-major, science-camp vibe.”

Mollie withheld a snort. That was an understatement. She loved her sister, but the closest Madison ever got to science was her monthly chemical peel.

Still, Mollie felt a fierce need to make sure that Jackson Burke knew she was an adult. “I’m twenty. I do not go to science camp.”

He lifted an eyebrow, and Mollie pointed her champagne flute at him. “Okay, I used to go to science camp. But I’m not the one who used the word ‘lactation’ in relation to a mermaid.”

“Hey, you’re not the only one who took bio in college.”

“But you were a communications major. Journalism,” she said.

He gave her a surprised look, and Mollie looked away, mentally kicking herself. That was exactly what Jackson Burke didn’t need—another groupie stalker.

She snuck another glance and saw that he’d slumped even farther, matching her own crappy posture, and Mollie was surprised to see that he looked . . . exhausted.

“Are you okay?” she asked. Because she couldn’t not ask. Not after she’d seen the weariness around his eyes, the slight tension in his shoulders.

Jackson turned his head so their eyes locked and he frowned before returning his attention to the mermaid. “Nobody ever asks me that.”

Her heart squeezed at the lost note in his voice. It was strange to think of someone as big and important as Jackson Burke being lonely, but somehow . . . somehow she knew he was.

Even here, among all these people, he was somehow alone. Apart.

Like her.[/scroll-box]




About Lauren Layne:

Lauren Layne

Lauren Layne is the USA Today Bestselling author of contemporary romance.

Prior to becoming an author, Lauren worked in e-commerce and web-marketing. In 2011, she and her husband moved from Seattle to New York City, where Lauren decided to pursue a full-time writing career. It took six months to get her first book deal (despite ardent assurances to her husband that it would only take three). Since then, Lauren’s gone on to publish thirteen books, including the bestselling Stiletto series, with several more on the way in 2015.

Lauren currently lives in New York City with her husband and spoiled Pomeranian. When not writing, you’ll find her at happy hour, running at a doggedly slow pace, or trying to straighten her naturally curly hair.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads




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TOP TEN TUESDAY – Our Favorite Book Boyfriends From Books Laced With Romance

TOP TEN TUESDAY - Our Favorite Book Boyfriends From Books Laced With Romance

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish.
Today we are so excited, because we get to choose what list we want to share with you!   If you follow along, you know we have a crazy obsession with all of our book boyfriends.  They make us fall head over heels in love with them and we could gush about them for hours!   So today we are sharing Our Favorite Book Boyfriends From Books Laced With Romance! *squeals while jumping for joy that we get to talk about the men we love!!*  Enjoy meeting all of our favorite men from romance below. ♥

We also have a list of Our Favorite Book Boyfriends From Paranormal, Science Fiction, Dystopian & Fantasy Worlds! You can check out that post HERE.

Anna’s Book Boyfriends:

Every one of my favorite male-leads are unforgettable (because I said so) but I have to admit that the first three completely stole my breath and heart. Handle with caution (or else).  From there on, all the following male-leads all own a part of my heart…. I couldn’t rank them for the life of me.

Jellicoe Road melina marchetta
the piper's son melina marchetta Review love show audrey bell Review kiss the sky Review a drink before war dennis lehane Review

1. Jonah Griggs – Jellicoe Road by Melina Marchetta – I’m pretty sure that I’ll never, ever, find a male-lead that manages to break my heart and touches me so deeply. I’ll love him forever.

2. Thomas Mackee – The Piper’s Son by Melina Marchetta – Ha, Tom. Such a heartbreaking yet endearing character. Following him through his struggles was one of the most intense reading experience of my life.

3. Jack Diamond – Love Show by Audrey Bell – If someday you’re in need of an adorable, heart-warming, loyal male-lead, you know where to find him.

4. Connor Cobalt – Kiss the Sky (Calloway Sisters) by Krista & Becca Ritchie – I never loved arrogance more than worn by Connor. Loyal, hilarious and strong-minded, I absolutely adored his relationship with Rose.   Connor can also be found in Fuel the Fire.

5. Patrick Kenzy – A Drink Before the War (Patrick Kenzie and Angela Gennaro #1) by Dennis Lehane – His sarcastic wit and perseverant heart completely won me.

bounce xo noelle august Review i hunt killers barry lyga Review behind the scenes dahlia adler Review tessa dare a week to be wicked Review the distance between us kasie west

6. Grey Blackwood – Bounce by Noelle August – Anyone who decides to draw skulls on his head shouldn’t be that appealing. He is, though.

7. Jasper Dent – I Hunt Killers by Barry Lyga – JAZZ!! WHAT. HAVE. YOU. DONE?? (enough said)

8. Liam HollowayBehind the Scenes by Dahlia Adler – Without doubt one of my favorite fantasy. Cuteness overload.

9. Colin, aka Lord PayneA Week to Be Wicked by Tessa Dare – Never before did Maths words look so exciting and hilarious. I know, weird.

10. XanderThe Distance Between Us by Kasie West – Forever the best beckoner of the world – you know what I mean (and if you don’t *GASP* go read his book!)

Jen’s Book Boyfriends:

Each one of these men have a special place in my heart.  Whether they are the tatted up bad boy with the tortured past or the sincere sweet heart, I fell for each and every one of them.  These men are also within stories that I could read countless times while still falling for them all over again.

wait for you jennifer l. armentrout j. lynn Fine Best Kind of Broken Review Rule by Jay Crownover Review isn't she lovely lauren layne Review sins & needles karina halle Review

1. Cam HamiltonWait for You (Wait for You #1) by J. Lynn (aka Jennifer L. Armentrout) – Cam’s patience with Avery, his ability to effortlessly tease her, and his ego, which definitely knows no limits, makes for such a yummy character.

2. Levi Andrews – Best Kind of Broken (Finding Fate #1) by Chelsea Fine – Levi was broken, raw, sexy and utterly heartbreaking.  In one moment he literally made my heartache for him and in the next I was a melted puddle on the ground.

3. Rule ArcherRule (Marked Men #1) by Jay Crownover – Rule is the epitome of a douche bag, man whore and a charming, sexy bad boy all rolled into one.  He is THAT type of man who everyone shamelessly stares at when he walks into a room. He is THAT type of man that you can’t help but feel magnetically pulled to.

4. Ethan Price – Isn’t She Lovely (Redemption #0.5) by Lauren Layne – Ethan was a beautifully, flawed person whose intentions were breathtaking. His past will drag you in, and the sadness of it all is so unfair.  It’s hard not to get twisted in everything that is Ethan.

5. Cam McQueen Sins and Needles by Karina Halle – Cam is a talented tattoo artist that is sexy as sin, yet he always seems to have something simmering below the surface.  He appears to be dark and twisted, and when you truly get to know him you’ll be shocked.  But by then, you’re too far under his spell to even want to escape!

Come back to me mila gray Review forever with you wait for you jennifer armentrout j lynn Review after the kiss lauren layne Review right kind of wrong chelsea fine Review asa jay crownover Review

6. Kit RyanCome Back to Me by Mila Gray – Kit made me feel as though I was falling in love for the first time all over again!  I felt his uncertainty and excitement.  And I loved  that Kit was adorably sweet and thoughtful with his words and gestures.

7. Nick Blanco – Forever with You (Wait for You #5) by Jennifer L. Armentrout – Nick was charismatic, charming, dark, sultry, sexy, and had a tortured past.  Sigh.  He could also go from being thoughtful and caring to the biggest ass on the face of the planet.  Nick was everything that I always want to lust after in a book boyfriend.

8. Mitchell ForbesAfter the Kiss (Sex, Love, & Stiletto #1) by Lauren Layne – While at first glance, Mitchell screamed boring and practical, his personality was shockingly wild.  You see, he was control, sexy and a heart of gold…….for the most part.  Because Mitchell, how deceiving you were……♥

9. Jack OliverRight Kind of Wrong (Finding Fate #3) by Chelsea Fine – He could be so smooth, sincere, intense and sexy but add in the fact that he’s a good guy, well it’s impossible not to love him.  And whether it was his tatted body, beautiful gray eyes or just the presence he created, he was impossible to ignore.

10. Asa CrossAsa (Marked Men #6) by Jay Crownover – Asa made me constantly grin.  I didn’t care that he was a criminal.  I didn’t care that he automatically wanted to do what was “wrong” and had to fight those daily urges.  He was alluring, dark, charming, hot and I had already fallen right into his trap.  And when the good sides of him peeked out, oh my goodness he was amazing!

Chelsea’s Book Boyfriends:
kiss the sky Review love show audrey bell Review Price Of A Kiss linda kage Review to professor, with love linda kage Review anna and the french kiss stephanie perkins Review

1. Connor Cobalt – Kiss the Sky (Calloway Sisters) by Krista & Becca Ritchie – Sexy, sweet, cocky, set in his ways…and so beyond in love with Rose. How could I NOT fall for this totally sure of himself guy?

2. Jack Diamond- Love Show by Audrey Bell – Probably the most shockingly sweet, kind, LOYAL, DEVOTED guy I’ve ever been blindsided by… I’d drop my own husband in a minute for this perfect man.

3. Mason Lowe – Price of a Kiss (Forbidden Men #1) by Linda Kage – This boy stole my breath from page one. Tortured, broken, and without a doubt one of the sincerest book boys I’ve ever met.

4. Noel GambleTo Professor, with Love (Forbidden Men #2) by Linda Kage – Cocky football extraordinaire with a list of girls waiting in line to be with him…Yet when the one girl he truly wants is forbidden, he certainly doesn’t hold back the tears. Sigh.

5. Etienne St. ClairAnna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins – Agh! He’s cute and sweet and has this adorable tick with his thumb-How am I supposed to resist this British speaking, French-born  American ??

the summer of chasing mermaids sarah ockler Review firsts Review ugly love colleen hoover Review i'll meet you there heather demetrios Review after the kiss lauren layne Review

6. Christian KaneThe Summer of Chasing Mermaids by Sarah Ockler – His love was out of this world-not only for the mute girl who stole his heart…but for the little brother who loves to chase mermaids.

7. Zach HudsonFirsts by Laurie Elizabeth Flynn – Come on now, as if this needs explanation-No matter what Mercy threw his way, he just couldn’t fall out of love with her. His loyalty…it gutted and enraptured me

8. Miles – Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover – BROKEN BEYOND REPAIR and refuses to fall in love….until he does. I will ALWAYS have a soft spot in my heart for him.

9. Josh MitchellI’ll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios – Boy, oh, Boy does he screw up, but he and Sky are each others’ lifelines and soul-mates. This wounded soldier is unforgettable in every way.

10. Mitchell ForbesAfter the Kiss (Sex, Love, & Stiletto #1) by Lauren Layne – Extremely secretive in his fierce masculinity, hiding behind a set of sexy nerd glasses…and one of my absolute favorite, unforgettable LL heroes.  

We hope you had fun looking through our list of Our Favorite Book Boyfriends From Books Laced With Romance!  Do you have any of these men on your list of favorite book boyfriends too?  If not, hopefully you found some new books to read and some new Book Boyfriends to meet.  And we’re curious, what list did you choose to share on your blog today?





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