Category: Recommendation (Page 1 of 4)

Recommendations of our Favorite Books We Read in 2021

Here are the books that consumed our hearts and souls last year! Click our reviews to learn more about each book, or click on the cover to go to Amazon. We organized our favorites by age and genre categories so it would be easier to find exactly what you want. We hope you enjoy!
♥ The Star-Crossed Ladies

YA Romance

Jen’s Review

Jen’s Review

Jen’s Review

Jen’s Review

NA Romance

Arielle’s Review

Arielle’s Choice

Arielle’s Choice

Arielle’s Choice

Jen’s Review

Jen’s Review

Arielle’s Review

Arielle’s Review

Adult Romance

Arielle’s Review

Jen’s Review

Jen’s Review

Arielle’s Choice

Arielle’s Choice

Jen’s Review

Jen’s Review

Jen’s Review
Arielle’s Choice

Chelsea’s Choice

Jen’s Review

Jen’s Review

Arielle’s Review
Chelsea’s Review

Jen’s Review

Arielle’s Review

Arielle’s Review

Arielle’s Review

Arielle’s Review

Arielle’s Review

Arielle’s Review

Arielle’s Review

Historical Romance

Jen’s Review

Jen’s Review

YA Dystopian

Jen’s Review

YA Fantasy

Chelsea’s Review Cheslea’s Review Chelsea’s Review

Chelsea’s Review

Jen’s Review

Jen’s Review

Jen’s Review

Chelsea’s Choice

Cassie’s Choice

Chelsea’s Choice

Arielle’s Choice

Cassie’s Choice
Chelsea’s Choice

Arielle’s Review

Cassie’s Choice

Chelsea’s Choice

Arielle’s Review
Chelsea’s Review

Cassie’s Choice

Chelsea’s Review

Chelsea’s Review

Cassie’s Review

NA Fantasy

Arielle’s Review
Chelsea’s Choice

Arielle’s Choice
Chelsea’s Choice

Jen’s Review
Arielle’s Choice

Jen’s Review
Arielle’s Choice

Chelsea’s Review

Chelsea’s Review

Adult Fantasy

Arielle’s Choice

Chelsea’s Review

Chelsea’s Choice

NA Paranormal

Jen’s Review

YA Sci-Fi

Chelsea’s Choice

Arielle’s Review
Chelsea’s Choice

Arielle’s Review

Arielle’s Review

Arielle’s Choice

Arielle’s Choice

YA Thriller

Cassie’s Choice

Cassie’s Choice

Cassie’s Choice

Cassie’s Choice

Adult Thriller

Cassie’s Choice

Fan Fiction

These are Arielle’s recs and they’re all Draco x Hermione ♥

*Remain Nameless by HeyJude19
*The Right Thing To Do, All the Wrong Things, and The Auction by lovesbitca8
*Manacled by SenLinYu
*Wait and Hope and Beginning and End by mightbewriting
*Bring Him To His Knees by Musyc
*The Gloriana Set by ThebeMoon
*The Disappearances of Draco Malfoy by Speechwriter
*The Fallout by Everythursday

We hope you had fun looking through our 2021 Favorite Books! Are any of these your favorite books too? If not, what was your favorite standalone book last year?

You can see more of our yearly recommendations for Favorites From a Series HERE.

You can also see more of our yearly recommendations for Favorite Standalone Books HERE.

#Blogmas2021 Favorites

Sophie, over at Beware of the Reader is hosting Blogmas: best reads of 2021!  I’m joining in and sharing some of my favorites too!  Enjoy ♥

Day 1: Romance

Amazon I Goodreads I Review
Wallflower was impossible not to devour in one sitting! This story swept me away and the pages were filled with charm, humor and romance.  I loved that the story line was so much fun and that I couldn’t stop laughing and smiling.  I even cried a few tears, happy and sad.  And that ending?!  It made my heart so happy. If you’re a fan of young adult romance, characters that will embed themselves into your heart and kissing that will make you swoon, then this is a must for your tbr!


Day 3: New to Me Author

Amazon I Goodreads I Review
The Things We Leave Unfinished was an emotional powerhouse that quickly enraptured my heart.  The story was hauntingly beautiful and I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to these characters.  This is easily one of my top favorite reads of the year.  If you love romance, epic love stories and characters that will easily steal pieces of your heart, you definitely need this book in your life!


Day 6: Fantasy

Amazon I Goodreads I Review
The Crown of Gilded Bones was an epic continuation of the From Blood and Ash Series! Betrayals, lies, and secrets wove their way through this book. While friendship, love and trust were there too. I loved how it all came together and created a story that was stunningly brilliant and magnificently crafted!


Day 8: Plot Twist

Amazon I Goodreads I Review
The twists were brilliant!  There was so much at play, the story played out ingeniously and my mind was blown.  I gasped out loud multiple times, screamed and kept whispering to myself this isn’t how the story was supposed to go.  I didn’t see multiple things coming. But looking back, ohhhhhh the clues were there, I just put the pieces of the puzzle together wrong. So hold on, because this story will take you on a wild and crazy ride!


Day 9: Funny Yet Thoughtful

Amazon I Goodreads I Review
This book snuck up on me and became my every thought. It was heartwarming yet powerful. Hilarious yet serious. And I loved every single minute of it!  With a grumpy and sunshine vibe, fabulous banter, heartwarming friendships and steamy scenes, this book swept me away. The characters stole my heart, the story line played out like a movie and I loved every single thing about this book!


Day 10: Series

Amazon I Goodreads I Review
Grace and Glory was a stunning conclusion to The Harbinger Series! With tears, laughter, friendship and love splashed across the pages, this book was such a huge win! If you’re a fan of Jennifer L Armentrout or paranormal stories then you definitely need this series in your life!


At the end of this month, I’ll share some more of my favorites for #Blogmas2021.  But till then, do we share any of the same?  If not, then what are some of your favorites?  Here’s the prompt below, in case you want to join in too ♥.

Christmas Romance Books: Recommendations for What to Read This Holiday

Every year I love reading Christmas books!  Snuggling up next to the fire and finding my next favorite Christmas story makes my heart so happy.  Hopefully some of these books will make your holidays merry and bright.  Enjoy♥!

♥Click on covers to go to Amazon.
♥If there is a star after Review * or My Choice *, that means the book is on Kindle Unlimited.
♥Updated 11/22/2024

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year: 5 Stars

Review *

Review *





Review *

Review *


Review *

Review *

Review *


A Holly Jolly Christmas: 4.5 Stars


Review *

Review *






Review *

Walking in a Winter Wonderland: 4 Stars














It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas: 3.5 Stars

Review *



Review *



Review *

All is Calm and Bright: 3 stars


Review *




Review *




Jack Frost Nipping at Your Nose: 2.5 Stars

Review *

Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer: 2 Stars


Think of All the Fun I’ve Missed: 1.5 Stars



Where Are You Christmas?: 1 Star

Nothing yet…

You’re a Mean One, Mr Grinch: DNF

Review *

My Choice *



Books On My TBR:

My Choice *

My Choice *

My Choice *

My Choice *

My Choice *

My Choice *

My Choice *

My Choice *

My Choice *

My Choice *

My Choice *

My Choice *

2020 Favorites From A Series

Sooooo……we’re a little late to the game for sharing our favorites from 2020 *covers face*. Even though it took us till the end of the year, we are so excited to share our favorite books in a series! We read them in 2020, but they could have been released a previous year.

Click our reviews to learn more about each book, or click on the cover to go to Amazon. We organized our favorites by age and genre categories so it would be easier to find exactly what you want. We hope you enjoy!
♥ The Star-Crossed Ladies

YA Dystopian

Arielle’s Choice
Jen’s Review

Jen’s Review

Jen’s Review

YA Fantasy

Arielle’s Choice
Cassie’s Choice
Cassie’s Review

Cassie’s Choice

Chelsea’s Review

Arielle’s Choice

YA Paranormal

Cassie’s Choice

Jen’s Review

Jen’s Review

Jen’s Review

YA Science Fiction

Arielle’s Review

YA Thriller

Cassie’s Choice      

NA Fantasy

Arielle’s Choice
Jen’s Review

Arielle’s Choice
Jen’s Review

Cassie’s Choice

Adult Fantasy

Arielle’s Choice

Arielle’s Choice
Cassie’s Choice Jen’s Review

We hope you had fun looking through our 2020 Favorite Series! Are any of these your favorite books too? If not, what was your favorite standalone book last year?

You can see more of our yearly recommendations for Favorites From a Series HERE.

You can also see more of our yearly recommendations for Favorite Standalones Books HERE.

2020 Favorite Standalones

Sooooo……we’re a little late to the game for sharing our favorites from 2020 *covers face*. Even though it took us till the end of the year, we are so excited to share our favorite books that are standalones! They may be part of a series or have a spinoff, but they read so you are given closure upon completion. We read them in 2020, but they could have been released a previous year.

Click our reviews to learn more about each book, or click on the cover to go to Amazon. We organized our favorites by age and genre categories so it would be easier to find exactly what you want. We hope you enjoy!
♥ The Star-Crossed Ladies

YA Romance

Chelsea’s Choice

Arielle’s Choice

Jen’s Review

Cassie’s Review

Cassie’s Choice

Jen’s Review

Cassie’s Choice

YA Fantasy

Arielle’s Review

Cassie’s Choice

YA Thriller

Cassie’s Choice

NA Romance

Jen’s Review

Arielle’s Review

Arielle’s Review

Arielle’s Review

Arielle’s Choice

Adult Romance

Cassie’s Choice

Jen’s Review

Jen’s Review

Arielle’s Review

Adult Fantasy

Cassie’s Choice

Adult Historical

Arielle’s Review

Adult Thriller

Cassie’s Choice

Holiday Books

Jen’s Review

Arielle’s Choice
Jen’s Review

Jen’s Review

Jen’s Review

Jen’s Review

We hope you had fun looking through our 2020 Favorite Standalones! Are any of these your favorite books too? If not, what was your favorite standalone book last year?

You can see more of our yearly recommendations for Favorite Standalones Books HERE.

You can also see more of our yearly recommendations for Favorites From a Series HERE.

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